Following after the Team M song, Team B’s ジュゴンはジュゴン (JUGON wa JUGON / Dugong is a Sea Pig) is my second favorite on NMB48’s latest single. Not being sure exactly what ジュゴン was supposed to mean, I found the song a bit mysterious — until I sat down and looked at the lyrics.
To start with, let me introduce our titular character:

Well, not really, but that’s the metaphor anyway. So a song about betrayal; I wonder why they gave this one to the youth team? It also seems to me the center, rising star Yamamoto Ayaka, is the only one who was told to follow the meaning of the lyrics in her MV performance. And she performs very, very well. She caught my eye before as the center of the wonderful Good Timing from NMB’s 18th single, and I foresee even bigger things in her future.
It’s a fun song with a catchy tune, and even if it’s mostly unrelated to the song itself, I like the fake freeze-frame/bullet-time scenes. I think they’re used more effectively here than the similar recent Nogizaka46 2nd gen song スカウトマン (though that is still one of my favorite Nogi songs and MVs).
I decided, since it’s a silly tune with a little bit of suspense to it, I would have some fun with dramatic timing of the subtitles. There was probably an easier way to do it than the alpha-channel shenanigans I came up with, but I think it works well enough.
Again, the full versions of all five MVs from this single are available on NMB’s YouTube channel, so check them out!
NMB48 Team B ジュゴンはジュゴン (JUGON wa JUGON / Dugong is a Sea Pig) Translation by SaitoWinterStar ジュゴン ジュゴン ジュゴン ジュゴン JUGON JUGON JUGON JUGON Dugong Dugong Dugong Dugong 似ていないよね? 人魚 nite inai yo ne? ningyo You know she doesn't look like you? That mermaid ジュゴン ジュゴン ジュゴン ジュゴン JUGON JUGON JUGON JUGON Dugong Dugong Dugong Dugong ジュゴンはやっぱり ジュゴン JUGON wa yappari JUGON Dugong is A sea pig after all なぜ? なぜ? なぜ? なぜ? naze? naze? naze? naze? Why? Why? Why? Why? ほら ほら ほら ほら hora hora hora hora Look here Look here Look here Look here なぜ? なぜ? なぜ? なぜ? naze? naze? naze? naze? Why? Why? Why? Why? 嘘 嘘 嘘 嘘 uso uso uso uso Lies Lies Lies Lies あなたから 言われたから anata kara iwareta kara Because you said it 信じようとしたけれど shinjiyou to shita keredo I tried to believe it 贔屓目に考えても hiikime ni kangaete mo But thinking positively 真実は変えられない shinjitsu wa kaerarenai Can't change the truth できるなら 現実より dekiru nara genjitsu yori If it's possible It's unrealistic ファンタジー 期待してたのよ FANTAJII kitai shite ta no yo A fantasy That's what I was hoping for 目を閉じて 思い浮かべて me wo tojite omoiuokabete Closing my eyes And thinking back 伝説は間違いなの? densetsu wa machigai na no? Weren't your tales just wrong? アーア あなたの妹じゃなく aaa anata no imouto janaku Aah It's not your little sister アーア 浮気相手だなんて aaa uwaki aite da nante Aah It's your secret lover ジュゴン ジュゴン ジュゴン ジュゴン JUGON JUGON JUGON JUGON Dugong Dugong Dugong Dugong さっき 見かけた人魚 sakki mikaketa ningyo Just now I caught sight of the mermaid ジュゴン ジュゴン ジュゴン ジュゴン JUGON JUGON JUGON JUGON Dugong Dugong Dugong Dugong どこから見たって ジュゴン doko kara mita tte JUGON Where did I see from? Asks the Dugong ねえ ねえ ねえ ねえ nee nee nee nee Hey Hey Hey Hey 黒 黒 黒 黒 kuro kuro kuro kuro Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty ねえ ねえ ねえ ねえ nee nee nee nee Hey Hey Hey Hey アウト アウト アウト アウト AUTO AUTO AUTO AUTO Get out Get out Get out Get out 一瞬しか見えなかったし isshun shika mienakattashi I could see for just a moment 見間違いかもしれないし mimachigai ka mo shirenaishi Maybe I misjudged 美しい女性だった utsukushii josei datta Embracing a beautiful woman それだけははっきり言える sore dake wa hakkiri ieru That much I can say for sure そういえば 一人っ子だと sou ieba hitorikko da to Come to think of it You're an only child あなたから聞いてた気がする anata kara kiite ta ki ga suru I have a hunch I heard that from you 妹だってまだ言い張る imouto datte mada iiharu But you're still insisting it's your little sister 表情が焦ってるね hyoujou ga asette ru ne Hmm, your expression's so impatient アーア 偶然 写真 撮ったの aaa guuzen shashin totta no Aah By chance A photo I took アーア 誰かに見てもらいましょう aaa dare ka mite moraimashou Aah Shall I let someone see it? ジュゴン ジュゴン ジュゴン ジュゴン JUGON JUGON JUGON JUGON Dugong Dugong Dugong Dugong 本当にあなたの妹? hontou ni anata no imouto? It's really your little sister? ジュゴン ジュゴン ジュゴン ジュゴン JUGON JUGON JUGON JUGON Dugong Dugong Dugong Dugong ちっとも似てないジュゴン chittomo nitenai JUGON That doesn't at all resemble Dugong さあ さあ さあ さあ saa saa saa saa Well now Well now Well now Well now どっち? どっち? どっち? どっち? dotchi? dotchi? dotchi? dotchi? Which is it? Which is it? Which is it? Which is it? さあ さあ さあ さあ saa saa saa saa Well now Well now Well now Well now 誰? 誰? 誰? 誰? dare? dare? dare? dare? Who is she? Who is she? Who is she? Who is she? アーア あそこにいた女性は? aaa asoko ni ita josei wa? Aah The woman that was over there? アーア 人魚じゃないでしょ? aaa ningyo jyanai desho? Aah Wasn't that the mermaid? ジュゴン ジュゴン ジュゴン ジュゴン JUGON JUGON JUGON JUGON Dugong Dugong Dugong Dugong さっき 見かけた人魚 sakki mikaketa ningyo Just now I caught sight of the mermaid ジュゴン ジュゴン ジュゴン ジュゴン JUGON JUGON JUGON JUGON Dugong Dugong Dugong Dugong どこから見たって ジュゴン doko kara mita tte JUGON Where did I see from? Asks the Dugong ねえ ねえ ねえ ねえ nee nee nee nee Hey Hey Hey Hey 黒 黒 黒 黒 kuro kuro kuro kuro Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty ねえ ねえ ねえ ねえ nee nee nee nee Hey Hey Hey Hey アウト アウト アウト アウト AUTO AUTO AUTO AUTO Get out Get out Get out Get out
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NMB48 Team N — がっつきガールズ – SaitoWinterStar · August 25, 2019 at 11:00 pm
[…] third team song from NMB48’s latest single (check here for Team M and Team B translations) is Team N’s がっつきガールズ (gattsuki GAARUZU / Greedy Girls). […]