My translation of the summary from for 8/17 (Saturday).
Note: I try to repeat the Japanese thread as closely as possible here. Where I do make some editorial additions I’ll put them in [ ], though I do occasionally soften the posters’ tone.
377: LillyRush :2019/08/17(土) 22:13:46
▽NGT 訴訟資料の閲覧に新潟に来ました!
(といった内容。それはどうなのという感じはする by 動画主)
▽後でスタッフたちと話をしたときも、「いま繋がってるメンバーたちは よその所にいて、他の子と一緒にいるから今連絡をとってるんだ」と、そういった事が書かれている
▽それに対してAKS側は、一生懸命 調べて、メンバーにも色々な事情聴取をしたけれども、結局 事件について指示したという明確な証拠とか、そこまでは分からなかった
▽もし繋がりがあったとしても それは個人的なことであって、事件の指示を出したのか分からない以上、処分することは出来ない。プライベートなことだ
▽さらに呆れてしまうのが、その結果 防犯ベルを持たせることになったと。1個2千円くらいで全部で40人くらいメンバーがいるから計8万円かかってる。それも犯人に請求してる
378: LillyRush :2019/08/17(土) 22:16:45
・長谷川玲奈が出演した夏サバト お写真&ミニレポート
379: LillyRush :2019/08/17(土) 23:52:25
- Story from a person in Niigata that reviewed the NGT lawsuit materials
- “I came to Niigata to inspect the NGT lawsuit documents!”
- Their are two defendants. Their names and addresses were erased from the available records and he couldn’t determine their current status.
- He’d say the attorneys are in luck. Their written responses are professionally-done.
- Since the amount claimed is ¥30M, the lawyers are probably being paid 10%, or ¥3M, as a retainer fee.
- AKS’s Claims
- When the defendants assaulted Yamaguchi, a member rushed to be there, after that three staff members rushed there as well, and then they all got together with the defendants and had a discussion on a bus.
- At that time, the defendants brought up the names of members that they had relationships with. As these members names were brought up, Yamaguchi came to suspect whether these members had given instructions.
- Because of that suspicion, the relationship of trust between AKS and the members was lost resulting in Yamaguchi graduating, [NGT] being unable to conduct various performances, and losing both fans and sponsors.
- So, this is all because the defendants said the names of those members they had relationships with without any proof.
(This is what the documents said. At least this is the impression of the man posting the video.) - At the time, the defendants said: “There are girls we’re always playing around with, eating and such with, and so we went to Yamaguchi’s place to have a talk in the vein of those sorts of things.”
- It was written that later when there were discussions with the staff, things like, “Right now the members connected with this are in other places, and since they’re with other kids, presently we’re getting in contact with them.” were said.
- Also regarding the AKS side, though they conducted a thorough investigation, and had various interviews with the members, in the end they didn’t find any clear evidence that there had been instructions given with regard to the incident.
- If it is assumed those relationships were just personal encounters, since they were unable to find that instructions about the incident were given, they are not able to carry out any punishments. They are private matters.
- Points that the video poster still can’t understand
- How they arrived at the cost of the security guards, contracted at ¥2.5M for February and some ¥3M for March. That this is the fault of the defendants is how the restitution is being claimed.
- It’s the guards not being reliable in the first place that allowed strange people to come in and carry out the assault, so it’s reasonable that AKS bears the cost of the security, but a bit absurd to be charging the offenders.
- From the start AKS has paid for the protection of its important members.
- Something even more shocking, regarding the crime prevention alarms given out as a result of this. Each one is about ¥2000, so as there are about 40 members in all, it requires ¥80k total. This is also claimed against the defendants.
- They are also claiming part of the ¥45M cost of the completely useless 3rd party committee.
- Each and all of the damages received are being pinned on the defendants, but the main source of the damages was that AKS’s response afterwards was so bad; they couldn’t hold performances because they didn’t deal with the incident by properly standing by Yamaguchi and the others, and fans and sponsors left.
- Though most of the responsibility lies with AKS, with regards to sponsors making up their own alibis because of the ongoing litigation, are they really ok saying NGT is finally operating normally?
- The NGT theater changes their photo wall (previously there were photos of Maho and Rena in the front)
- Post that AKS is tied to the yakkai, and has no intention of changing that
- Rena will be hosting a Showroom on the 23rd
- From Jashin-chan’s website: “Official reporter Hasegawa Rena’s voice training program! Broadcast and event!”
- From Jashin-chan’s website on Rena’s performance: “Summer Saturday — Photos & Mini Report”
- Rena’s tweets and conversation with Riko
- (Rumors)
- Kato has been complaining “the reason NGT’s stock has fallen is because of Maho”
- Tano and Kitagawa are still dating
- Tano resumes Instagram
- Murakumo’s Photolog. Nishigata, Ogino, and Tano are in the front row of her photo
- Riko’s tweet