Big thanks to @speranzom again for translating all the summaries from for 9/7–12.
September 7th (Tuesday)
- Hasegawa Rena’s Instagram posts & videos
- 【Human Star Academy Stage play】 Bringing you a look into the auditions that will decide the performing actor cast (Bloc A)
- 【Daiei】【VTuber Mokkun】 3rd Anniversary Celebrations! First ever crossover collaboration!
- NGT solo concert and Ogino’s graduation concert are officially set to be held on October 30. The venue is Toki Messe.
September 8th (Wednesday)
- Instagram post from the brand selection shop which handled the dress Yamaguchi Maho has worn on Kemin SHOW
- Sugahara Riko’s Tweets
- Hasegawa Rena’s Instagram posts & videos
- 【Human Star Academy】 A tense audition! Bringing to you the second half! (Bloc B)【Stage play】
- Today was the court session of the trial between the Tsukuba University professor [Hirayama Asaji] and AKS.
- Some of the photos from Nishigata’s photobook have been revealed. With one photo in there mimicking the cover of
- Yamaguchi Maho’s photobook “Present”.
- This time’s imitation attempt
- Imitation attempt from the previous instance
- Present’s cover
September 9th (Thursday)
- Sugahara Riko’s Tweets &SR
- 2021/09/08 Sugahara Riko’s Official room SHOWROOM
- Hasegawa Rena’s Instagram posts & videos
- Tainai City’s Tourism PR Ambassador – 3rd term appointment video comment
- Takkentaro going to watch the court trial of Professor Hirayama v. Tsukuba University + Vernalossom
- 「NGT48 Issue」 Lawsuit litigation’s after action report: First Oral Proceedings. A chance encounter with Professor Hirayama Asaji
- “So, I took the opportunity to go attend the first oral proceedings…”
- “About reporters from the mass media showing up there in large numbers, there actually wasn’t any of that….”
- “For the plaintiff’s side, that is Hirayama’s side, his attorney and Professor Hirayama himself both came over there, the two of them together. However, there was nobody coming as for the representatives of Vernalossom and Tsukuba University, who are on the defendant’s side.”
- “So, this ended up counting as a “constructive [= functional] statement”, which you are free to skip the first session just by sending a written response.”
- “The volume of professor Hirayama’s lawsuit complaint and his dissertation paper was something exceptionally massive”
- “When I think that the attorney of Professor Hirayama’s side spend so much time on it, and yet the other side just wrote a mere two lines of text to say that they’ll give their counterarguments and assertions at the next session, that’s when I couldn’t help saying «With things like that, the opposing side [the defendants] too must be of the opinion that this will be a losing battle for them, right?».”
- “I met with Professor Hirayama, his wife, and his son”
- ”The next session of oral proceedings will be on October 27, 2021”
- “About the written response papers that came in by that day to Professor Hirayama’s side, something from Tsukuba University was at least delivered to him, even though that may be no more than two lines of text, but there’s nothing that was delivered to him as far as Vernalossom is concerned — That was quite a mishap.”
- “All that was handed over to him at the venue by a courtroom secretary”
- “Perhaps Vernalossom actually sent theirs to the courthouse but, because of some kind of setback of circumstances, that didn’t make it over to him, one may guess.”
- “Like, they may have presented it to the courthouse on September 4, or something as that. If that would really be how things are, then I imagine they might have been informed to present it one week ahead of the set date.”
- “I have got the feeling that they presented it way too late, and that also makes me imagine they went at it lacking all of the necessary preparations.”
- “Also, the attorney from Vernalossom is once again attorney Endo. Attorney Endo, along with some other people.”
- “Regarding attorney Endo, the attorney from Professor Hirayama side said something along the lines of: «Ah, shoot… Before we started off the court trial, I tried sending over a message to attorney Endo asking him to have a discussion together about this question first, but no reply at all came back from him. Always running away from others, that man…».”
- “So there I promptly thought to myself I needed to chip in with some insight. «Back at the time of the AKS court trial [over the NGT48 assault case], attorney Endo was really someone who would always run away from the back door to escape from the mass media reporters that were preparing to have a press scrum in front of the Niigata local courthouse. He would always be stopped short by the media reporters and then brought over to right in front of the building’s front gates, and there he would get pushed into having an on-the-spot interview.» «He had always been running away like that, that man…», I told, at which point…”
- “The attorney of Professor Hirayama also commented «Ah, that means he had always been a man who tried escaping from others, that…». So, there I tipped him off: «So, that’s not an exception from the norm (that he is running away now).»”
- “Right now, I am considering whether to also go attend the next session too.””
September 10th (Friday)
- TVer link of ”Monitoring” episode featuring Yamaguchi Maho.
- Hasegawa Rena’s Instagram posts
- Sugahara Riko’s Tweets
- Turns out that inside Vernalossom’s written response paper [to professor Hirayama], only attorney Endo, who serves as their leading attorney, didn’t affix his signature seal stamp on it.
- Hirayama Asaji‘s blog
- ”Endo Kazuhiro, best known for the lawsuit litigation that had for defendants the [NGT48] idol assault offenders, seems to be the chief representative of Vernalossom here, yet I can’t quite understand why there isn’t his signature seal stamp in there.”
September 11th (Saturday)
- Yamaguchi Maho’s featured on Aidaman’s Instagram posts
- The thumbnail for the [Official] YouTube’s video of Kenmin SHOW Kiwami features Yamaguchi Maho
- Freshness like no other! Secrets of the “sea squirt”, the pride of Miyagi prefecture! 【Himitu no Kenmin SHOW Kiwami’s
- Official channel | Aired on September 2nd, 2021】
- Hasegawa Rena’s Instagram posts & videos
- 【#1】 Assembling together our first Mini 4WD together with Hasegawa Rena!!!
- Inaoka has started striking up communications with NGT members once again.
September 12th (Sunday)
- Hasegawa Rena’s tweets
- [NGT48 fan/Maho anti] Ryuuta grumbling after he had his secondary [Twitter] account suspended.
419: LillyRush :2021/09/07(火) 21:07:43
▽【ダイエー】【VTuber モッくん】3周年記念!初コラボ!○
・10月30日にNGT単独コンサートと荻野卒業コンサートが開催決定 場所は朱鷺メッセ
420: LillyRush :2021/09/08(水) 20:56:56
・本日 筑波大教授とAKSの裁判
421: LillyRush :2021/09/09(木) 21:17:38
▽2021/09/08 菅原りこ 公式ルーム SHOWROOM○
▽胎内市観光PR大使 第三期就任コメント動画○
▽原告側 平山教授側は弁護士の先生と平山教授2人で来られていたが、被告側のヴァーナロッサムと筑波大学の代表は来なかった
▽次回が口頭弁論 2021年10月27日
「遠藤弁護士というのはAKSの裁判のときも、新潟地方裁判所の前でマスコミが囲み取材をしようと待ち構えているのを いつも裏から出て逃げ回っていて、いつもマスコミに捕まって正面玄関のところに連れてこられて、囲み取材させられていましたよ」「逃げるんですよ、あの人いつも」と言ったら
422: LillyRush :2021/09/10(金) 20:55:54
・ヴァーナロッサムの答弁書に 筆頭弁護士である遠藤弁護士だけ捺印を押していない
423: LillyRush :2021/09/11(土) 20:54:20
▽鮮度バツグン!宮城のプライド「ホヤ」の秘密!【秘密のケンミンSHOW極公式|2021年9月2日 放送】○
424: LillyRush :2021/09/12(日) 20:59:14
Note: I try to repeat the Japanese thread as closely as possible here. Where I do make some editorial additions I’ll put them in [ ], though I do occasionally soften the posters’ tone.
Why is this here? My original announcement