Thanks to @speranzom for translating the summaries from December 26th to January 17th from for 12/26–1/17.

December 26th (Sunday)

December 27th (Monday)

December 28th (Tuesday)

December 29th (Wednesday)

December 30th (Thursday)

December 31st (Friday)

January 1st (Saturday)

January 2nd (Monday) to 4th (Wednesday)

  • Sugahara Riko’s Tweets
  • Hasegawa Rena’s Tweets & related videos
  • Nakai Rika has her discontent burst open about some certain Nishigata otaku fans who had been lying in wait for certain members as they exit from work, or hidden along their way to their destination. It seems like that the NGT management is still lax even after the incident and even instances of reckless behavior from fans are let go with hardly a slap on the wrist.
    • “If there is one thing I’ve been hating the most, it’s when they …’wait for you at the exit’. There have been fans who were standing in wait for us right at the station, you know…”
    • “Sooo, yeah of course, members for their part try responding back at them a little bit while at it, but they do feel frightened anyway. So they would be saying «Thank you», when in front of these people.”
    • “That happens like clockwork. Also, they are there every time on the train platform directly opposite to ours, constantly staring at the members. And then, while at it, there would be those messing around with those cameras they brought along, some other people right next to them… So the feeling at it was, like, «What the…!?’.”
    • “That’s really creepy, and the members themselves hate that, so you’d better stop with it — I had said that back then, before. «Cut it out with this thing, already», I said. And when I did so, they answered right back at me «That’s not really what it’s supposed to be». Isn’t it so, actually?”
    • “Even though I had been telling them to seriously quit with that, they kept being there all the time at the train platform on the other side as ours, watching us from there continuously. That was extremely unpleasant.”
    • “Maybe they wouldn’t be there waiting for me specifically, but the fact is that there are also all the members there. Even if it means that they are waiting there for some other member or another, it’s still a disturbance to me and them.”
    • “The members too get like «What are they even there for…?», they feel frightened. So, please stop with this, simple as that.”
    • (A comment comes in from a fan, saying “They should issue an official notice about that”) “About that, actually, fact is that NGT is still lax on those things”
    • “Personally I have been constantly been calling it out as being creepy, but the response to it had always been, like… wishy-washy.”
    • “When I told that this was some really creepy behavior and so I wished for them to cut it out… well, at least I had others acting as a cover so that we couldn’t get photos taken by these people”
    • “I mean… (Nishigata) Marina is accommodating, she would end up responding back to them, so they in turn let themselves go wild at it.”
    • “And then, well… I just hate that, myself, to have them waiting for us at the exit. I’d hate it to have them following us around, and if they begin writing around who and who they saw at what time and at what place or another, then we’ll get the location of our whereabouts identified as well, I mean…”
    • “I hate that. Therefore, someone should better give them a warning admonition to them when they spot them, but still — If there’s some place where they must not be overstepping into, then they just shouldn’t. But even then, there we found them at a place where they absolutely shouldn’t have, after all. That was, I mean, inside the area past the ticket validation gates.”
    • “Ugh, there he has come. There’s one of these creepers who had been waiting for us at the exit. Lemme block that guy.”
    • “…«but I haven’t done that», he says… Then why is it that you were there? It was truly a nuisance. You could have better gotten away, or stuff like that, in that case.”
    • “Also, is there any reason, for the fact that you were standing at that place, with us being at the train platform exactly in front of there? None, yeah?”
    • “You may not have been waiting for me specifically perhaps, but even if you were waiting for Marina, there are other members there anyway, and that’s annoyingly intrusive. Cut it out, please.”
    • “I had already asked you to please stop it, you know. Is there any necessity, for you to have to be always there over at that place? Is there any necessity for you to have to keep staring all the time right at our side?”
    • “They feel frightened, the members. The other members — Marina is accommodating and all so she would respond back, but there are also other members there apart from her. That makes it a nuisance.”
    • “The juniors would get the wrong impression about Marina doing like that. They would think that this is what the perfect fan reception must be like, and they would end up doing the same as well — and when that happens there are are many members, too, who feel unpleasant, in fact. To be seen like so, when in the private…”
    • “It’s creepy! Quit it, I have already told you, myself. When you were into the ticket gate area…”
    • “That even though it was a place you shouldn’t be absolutely overstepping that far into. For what reason, then, were you over there?”
    • “It’s frightening. I’d hate it even if so much as I got people tweeting around that, say, they’ll be going to the same place as us.”
    • “Maybe they won’t be doing it in the future, but I’d hate it if by any chance it turns out there’ll be any such people standing there waiting for us once again.”
    • “I’d hate it if, due to that, anyone else would begin imitating the people doing this stuff.”
    • “Just spend what money it takes and come to meet us, then, y’all. Doing that stuff — engaging in actions like that, which has people outside thinking of it in that certain way, for that matter, is another thing that we, on our side, got extremely unpleasant at.
    • “Also because you’ll get yourselves blacklisted for that, as ordinary procedure. So please stop it.”

January 5th (Thursday)

January 6th (Wednesday)

January 7th (Friday)

January 8th (Saturday)

January 9th (Sunday) to 10th (Monday)

January 11th (Tuesday)

January 12th (Wednesday) to 13th (Thursday)

January 14th (Friday)

January 15th (Saturday)

January 16th (Sunday) to 17th (Monday)

Note: I try to repeat the Japanese thread as closely as possible here. Where I do make some editorial additions I’ll put them in [ ], though I do occasionally soften the posters’ tone.

Why is this here? My original announcement

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