My translation of the summary from for 8/15 (Saturday).
- Maho’s tweet
- Rena’s tweet
- A wota sent a letter with insufficient postage to the first graduate of NGT, Mizusawa Ayaka.
- An account summarizing the 人望民 that have been annoying the Cinnamon attorney says, “This account is being vilified, so attorney Fukai will you lend me some support”, “I’m not trying to ridicule you”. But regarding the long drawn-out thread of arguments with 人望民 the Cinnamon attorney said: “But aren’t you continuously ridiculing me? What are you even saying.”
- An AKB-related article on myjitsu
- “In part due to the NGT incident, female fans have been completely losing interest in this recently”
- “It will be difficult to resume as a nationwide idol group without first dispelling the negative image created by NGT”
- From myjitsu: “Is the future of the “AKB” bright!? The “Next-gen Senbatsu” is full of beautiful girls!”
Note: I try to repeat the Japanese thread as closely as possible here. Where I do make some editorial additions I’ll put them in [ ], though I do occasionally soften the posters’ tone.
Why is this here? My original announcement