My translation of the summary from for 4/20 (Monday).
- Riko’s tweet
- Rena’s tweet
- The story that Yoshinari threatened to sue the Tsukuba University professor if he didn’t stop publication of his essay was true
- The professor: “(These tweets) are generally true”
- Dropbox: Corona Diary A
- (3rd part) Transcript of Kasai’s and Kitagawa’s TwitCast Q&A
- Takken Taro videos
- “(A Heads-up) An impostor has appeared masquerading as シークレットナイト!”
- “NGT — 10 reasons why the “rotten settlement” is a farce by AKS and the defendants!”
Note: I try to repeat the Japanese thread as closely as possible here. Where I do make some editorial additions I’ll put them in [ ], though I do occasionally soften the posters’ tone.
Why is this here? My original announcement