Thanks to @speranzom for contribution of the translations of the YouTube and article descriptions to my translation of the summary from for 3/28 (Saturday).
850: LillyRush :2020/03/28(土) 21:02:42 ★3月28日(土) ・山口真帆ストーリー ・長谷川玲奈ツイート&ストーリー ・美容師相田のストーリーに山口真帆&長谷川玲奈 ・YouTubeチャンネル「アシタノワダイ」でNGT事件を扱う ▽(実話)国民的アイドルグループ新潟48のとんでもない闇を漫画にしてみた(マンガで分かる)○ ・新潟日報でNGT裁判記事 【争点の一つとなった山口さんへの暴行の有無について、AKS側代理人は「難しい部分で、まだ交渉の途中。暴行はあったとみているが、和解案で一概に『あった』と表現することがいいとは思っていない」とし、明記しない可能性も示唆した】 ▽NGT損賠訴訟、AKS側が和解案提出へ ・東スポでNGT裁判記事 ▽『芸能プロ関係者は「事件直後、被告の一人が山口に『メンバーに相談し、メンバーに提案されて、やったこと』などと話した録音データは残っている』 851: LillyRush :2020/03/29(日) 02:00:24 ★3月28日(土)【追加】 動画が消えていたようなので ・YouTubeチャンネル「アシタノワダイ」でNGT事件を扱う ▽(実話)国民的アイドルグループ新潟48のとんでもない闇を漫画にしてみた(マンガで分かる)
- Maho’s Instastory
- Rena’s tweet and Instastory
- Maho and Rena are in beautician Aida’s Instastory
- On the YouTube channel “Ashita no Wadai”, they are dealing with the NGT incident
- “(True stories) We tried putting into manga the outrageously shady side of national idol group Niigata48 (Mangas to understand)”
- Since it seems like the video was deleted
- “(True stories) We tried putting into manga the outrageously shady side of national idol group Niigata48 (Mangas to understand)”
- An article on the NGT court trial in the Niigata Nippo
- “Regarding whether there was or not an aggression against Yamaguchi-san, which was one of the points of contention [in the trial], the AKS representative [attorney] said, “That’s the difficult part. We are still in the middle of the negotiations. It looks like there was an aggression. But we don’t find it good to express categorically that ‘there was’, in the settlement proposal”, thus hinting at the possibility they will not reporting it in explicit terms.”
- From Niigata Nippo: “In NGT damages compensation lawsuit, AKS side working toward submitting a settlement proposal”
- An article on the NGT court trial in Tokyo Sports
- “A certain entertainment production insider says that, “there’s also audio recording data preserved in which, right following the incident, one of the defendants is turning to Yamaguchi and speaking about how, ‘I had consulted with other members too, and received suggestions from them, so I did’, among other things””
- From Tokyo Sports: “(NGT48 Trial) Prosecutors’ office not complying with request for disclosure of defendants’s statements, etc.”
Note: I try to repeat the Japanese thread as closely as possible here. Where I do make some editorial additions I’ll put them in [ ], though I do occasionally soften the posters’ tone.
Why is this here? My original announcement