Thanks to @speranzom for contribution of the translations of the attorneys Cinnamon, Shishikado, and Takkentaro to my translation of the summary from for 3/27 (Friday).

Source 848: LillyRush :2020/03/27(金) 21:10:44 ★3月27日(金) ・本日 NGT馴れ合い裁判が行われ、AKSは犯人側と和解する方針  AKS弁護士が「他のメンバーが関与していないという身の潔白が証明できた」と意味不明な発言。次回は4月8日    ▽デイリー:NGT裁判、次回4月8日にも和解成立へ…双方が「積極的に検討」  ▽産経:NGT48裁判、近く和解の可能性 AKSが素案提案へ  ▽Weezy:NGT48裁判“和解”で幕引きへ 解明されなかった疑惑  【AKS弁護士の囲み取材動画】  ▽新潟地裁前/AKS様が原告の損害賠償請求事件/現実味を帯びてきた和解①○  ▽新潟地裁前/AKS様が原告の損害賠償請求事件/現実味を帯びてきた和解②○  ▽新潟地裁は厳戒態勢。村田京子名義で中傷記事を書いていたことがバレた三枝は外出自粛要請を口実に新潟に行かなかったらしい ・長谷川玲奈ツイート&インスタ&ストーリー  https://twi○ ・菅原りこツイート  https://twi○ 849: LillyRush :2020/03/28(土) 01:03:59 ★3月27日(金)【追加】 ・菅原りこツイート ・長谷川玲奈ツイート ・さわたんツイート ・AKSは和解書類に「暴行があった」と書かないつもりらしい ・シナモン弁護士  「真実を知りたくて裁判をした依頼者は何人もいましたが、彼らは少なくとも本人尋問を強く望んでいました」  「尋問の手続きもせず和解をして、“当初の目的は達成できた”と言うのは非常に違和感がある」 ・師子角弁護士のブログ:裁判の経過が教えてくれること(NGT裁判)  ▽AKS側の主張は敗戦の弁に近い印象を受けます  ▽そもそも山口氏の協力を取り付けられないまま訴訟提起した時点で、AKS側には被告らの主張の信用性を吟味・検討する方法はなかったはず  ▽裁判が被告らの言いっ放しになることは想定の範囲内の出来事でしかない  ▽単純に原告も被告もメンバーが関与したと主張をしなかっただけで、何かの事実を勝ち取ったというのとは少し意味合いが違っている  ▽原告も被告も他のメンバーが関与したとは主張していないのだから、尋問を実施した方がより成果が明確になるはず  ▽元々、訴訟の目的は「このような事態に陥った原因を究明し、再発防止につなげたい」ということ  ▽他のメンバーの潔白の証明に焦点があるとは言っていなかったように思う  ▽以上の理由から、原告が掲げる和解を決意した理由は、あまり実質的であるようには見えません  ▽おそらくは原告にそれほど好ましくない心証が裁判所から開示され、このまま公開法廷での人証調べや判決を言い渡されるよりは、現時点で和解をしてしまった方が、まだダメージが少ないと判断したのではないか ・宅建動画:NGT AKS訴訟 茶番裁判が「腐れ和解」で終了の見通し○
  • Today [another session of] the conspiratorial NGT trial will be held, and AKS will plan to settle with the suspects.
    • The AKS attorney said ambiguously, “As other members were not involved, we were able to prove their innocence”. The next hearing is April 8th.
    • From Daily Sports: “Working towards a settlement at the NGT trial’s next hearing on April 8th… Both parties are “positively considering it”
    • From Sankei News: “NGT48 trial likely to be settled soon — AKS working towards draft proposal”
    • From Wezzy: “NGT48 trial moves towards its conclusion with “settlement” — Suspicions have not been resolved”
    • (Video of AKS attorney answering reporters)
      • “March 27th, 2020 (Friday) around 11:30, in front of Niigata District Court / AKS representative on the plaintiff’s claim for damages from the incident / A settlement has come to seem realistic ①”
      • “March 27th, 2020 (Friday) around 11:30, in front of Niigata District Court / AKS representative on the plaintiff’s claim for damages from the incident / A settlement has come to seem realistic ②”
    • The Niigata District Court is in a state of alert. It seems that Saegusa, exposed for writing slanderous articles in under the name Murata Kyoko, used the order to not go out on trips as an excuse not to go to Niigata.
  • Rena’s tweets, Instastory, and Instagram
  • Riko’s tweets
  • Rena’s tweet
  • さわたん’s tweets
  • It seems AKS does not intend to write in the settlement documents that “an assault occurred”.
  • Cinnamon attorney
    • “There are not a few clients of mine who initiated a court trial because they wanted to know the truth, but at the very least they requested earnestly for an interrogation of the other litigating party”
    • “There’s an extraordinary sense oddness about someone having a peaceful settlement without even first going through the interrogation proceedings, and going, ‘We managed to accomplish the purpose we had set at the beginning’”
  • Attorney Shishikado’s blog: “What the course of the court trial has taught us (NGT trial)”
    • The impression I get from the arguments from the AKS side is something close to an excuse after losing the fight
    • For one thing, the moment they initiated the lawsuit without getting Yamaguchi’s cooperation on their side, the AKS side would have found themselves with no way to scrutinize/review the trustworthiness of the claims of the defendants
    • That the court trial would have turned into the defendants being free to speak as they pleased was simply an event well within anyone’s expectations
    • The fact is only that neither the plaintiff nor the defendants ever asserted that the members were implicated, simple as that; the connotations are a little bit different than them telling aloud that they managed to pry off some kind of detail out of it
    • Since neither the plaintiff nor the defendants are asserting that other members are implicated in this, performing an interrogation would supposedly result in a more definite conclusion about that
    • Also, back at the start, the purpose of the lawsuit was declared as, “We want to inquire into the root cause that caused matters to fall into this state, and use that toward preventing a recurrence of it.”
    • Yet it seems to me they’ve never said that a focus of the debate was on attesting the cleanness of the other members
    • From the reasons cited above, the reason brought up by the plaintiff for which they decided upon a peaceful settlement don’t quite look to have substance
    • If anything, quite possibly, isn’t it rather that the court displayed an outlook on the question that wasn’t too favorable for the plaintiff, and [the plaintiff] determined that by having a peaceful settlement at the present point the damage they’d suffer would still be less than if they keep on with an examination of the testimonies in an open courtroom and have a verdict passed on them?
  • Takkentaro’s video: “NGT — AKS lawsuit, The trial farce, expected to end in a “rotten settlement””

Note: I try to repeat the Japanese thread as closely as possible here. Where I do make some editorial additions I’ll put them in [ ], though I do occasionally soften the posters’ tone.

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