
I’m not very familiar with ラストアイドル (Last Idol), other than apparently it’s a group formed via a reality TV show. Over the last couple years it seems the concept has evolved from a small Produce-sized lineup into a larger group with dedicated sub units.
青春トレイン (seishun TOREIN / Youth Train), the title song on their latest single, isn’t the first Last Idol song I’ve come across, but this one is right up my alley. It also seems to have been a bit of a breakout song for them.
I love everything about it — the outfits, the melody, the choreography, and the tonal shift towards the end. Its also got a good hook that’s easy to remember (though some of the lyrics really go by in a blur).
It feels very Keyaki-like, though since Aki-P has a hand in both maybe that’s not surprising. If I didn’t muddle the translations up too much (more than usual), I’m kinda feeling its, “why are you rushing to grow up?” philosophy.
The members have said this was the most difficult choreo they’ve had to do, and it’s impressive to see the live versions. I recommend watching their first live performance and the dance practice videos up on their YouTube channel. I’m also working my way through the last year of their TV show to get a feel for the group and start learning their names. The members highlighted in the MV are really striking.
I’m enjoying this single overall, though the other song I particularly like is 桜が咲いたら (sakura ga saitara / When the Cherry Blossoms Bloom) from the subunit Good Tears. It’s fun to watch the group suddenly gaining national attention and appearing of the bigger music shows one after another. I’m definitely excited to see what they do next.
ラストアイドル (Last Idol) 青春トレイン (seishun TOREIN / Youth Train) Translation by SaitoWinterStar トレイン トレイン 走り出すよ TOREIN TOREIN hashiridasu yo Train Train Start running トレイン トレイン トレイン TOREIN TOREIN TOREIN Train Train Train 人の波 黙って流されてしまおうか? hito no nami damatte nagasarete shimaou ka? A wave of humanity Will you be swept away in silence? みんなの意志に逆らえば邪険にされて min'na no ishi ni sakaraeba jaken ni sarete If you oppose the common purpose, people become cruel 足を踏まれ小突かれる ashi wo fumare kodzukareru Your feet stepped on, pushed around どこへ向かっているのかなんて doko e mukatte iru no ka nante Where are we heading? 聞いちゃいけないんだろう kiicha ikenai ndarou Seems it's no use asking 列を乱さず 不満飲み込み retsu wo midasazu fuman nomikomi Swallow your frustration And don't disturb the line 行進してりゃ満足か? koushin shiterya manzoku ka? Are you satisfied marching along? 夢など見なけりゃいいんだ 傷つくこともないのに yume nado minakerya ii nda kizutsuku koto mo nai no ni You don't have to follow your dreams And that way you won't get hurt 自分の行きたい場所ができたから他の道 進む jibun no ikitai basho ga dekita kara hoka no michi susumu After you get to the place you want to go Start down another road 誰かに反対されたって 僕は行くしかないんだ dare ka ni hantai sareta tte boku wa iku shika nai nda You say someone's against you And so you have no choice but to go 見えない列車の発車ベルが鳴り 未来を急かす mienai ressha no hassha BERU ga nari mirai wo sekasu The ring of the departure bell for an invisible train Hurries on the future 青春 トレイン トレイン どうするんだ? seishun TOREIN TOREIN dou suru nda? Youth Train Train So what are you gonna do? さあ トレイン トレイン そろそろ楽して大人になるか? saa TOREIN TOREIN sorosoro raku shite otona ni naru ka? Ah The train Train Are you so comfortable becoming an adult? こっちから回れば 近道になるって kotchi kara mawareba chikamichi ni naru tte They say if you turn around here It'll be a shortcut ずる賢い誰かに耳打ちされても zurugashikoi dare ka ni mimiuchi sarete mo Though some sly person whispers in my ear 先を急ぐ理由がない saki wo isogu riyuu ga nai I have no reason to rush ここに留まりやるべきことは koko ni todomari yarubeki koto wa They say I should stay here 何もないって知ってる nani mo nai tte shitte ru That I know nothing 希望持たずに 自分捨てれば kibou motazu ni jibun sutereba Without hope If you abandon yourself ここもそんなに悪くない koko mo son'na ni warukunai Then this place isn't so bad 夢など見なけりゃいいんだ 傷つくこともないのに yume nado minakerya ii nda kizutsuku koto mo nai no ni You don't have to follow your dreams And that way you won't get hurt 自分の行きたい場所ができたから他の道 進む jibun no ikitai basho ga dekita kara hoka no michi susumu After you get to the place you want to go Start down another road 誰かに反対されたって 僕は行くしかないんだ dare ka ni hantai sareta tte boku wa iku shika nai nda You say someone's against you And so you have no choice but to go 見えない列車の発車ベルが鳴り 未来を急かす mienai ressha no hassha BERU ga nari mirai wo sekasu The ring of the departure bell for an invisible train Hurries on the future 青春 トレイン トレイン どうするんだ? seishun TOREIN TOREIN dou suru nda? Youth Train Train So what are you gonna do? さあ トレイン トレイン そろそろ楽して大人になるか? saa TOREIN TOREIN sorosoro raku shite otona ni naru ka? Ah The train Train Are you so comfortable becoming an adult? 人生はトンネルだらけ jinsei wa TON'NERU darake Life is full of tunnels 青空を期待するなよ aozora wo kitai suruna yo Don't expect there to be blue skies 闇の中で振り返るな yami no naka de furikaeruna In the midst of the darkness you can't look back 次で降りて 自分で歩け! tsugi de orite jibun de aruke! Get off at the next stop And walk by yourself! 何度も挫折をしながら それでも人は立ち上がる nando mo zasetsu wo shinagara soredemo hito wa tachiagaru Despite the many setbacks they suffer Still people will recover 理想と現実の狭間で 何を求めてるのだろう risou to genjitsu no hazama de nani wo motomete ru no darou In the gap between dreams and reality I wonder what they're looking for 自分で経験しなくても 行ったふりすればいい jibun de keiken shinakute mo itta furi sureba ii You don't have to experience it yourself It's ok to pretend you went there 列車に乗ってる大人が窓から叫んでいたよ ressha ni notte ru otona ga mado kara sakende ita yo An adult on the train was shouting out the window 青春 トレイン トレイン 乗らないのか? seishun TOREIN TOREIN noranai no ka? Youth Train Train Are you not gonna ride it? トレイン トレイン トレイン TOREIN TOREIN TOREIN Train Train Train 死ぬまで夢を見てなきゃ 生きてる意味がないじゃないか? shinu made yume wo mite nakya ikiteru imi ga nai janai ka? If you're dreaming until you die Isn't there no reason to be alive? 叶うか叶わないかより 目指すものがあればいいさ kanau ka kanawanai ka yori mezasu mono ga areba ii sa Instead of whether or not they come true Well, you need to have something to aim for 行き先もわからないまま 荷物を運ばれるように ikisaki mo wakaranai mama nimotsu wo hakobareru you ni Not even knowing where to go It's so you'll be able to carry your baggage 僕らはガタゴト レールの上で歳を取って行く bukura wa GATAGOTO REIRU no ue de toshi wo totte iku We're all clattering along Getting older on these rails 青春 トレイン トレイン 走り出すよ seishun TOREIN TOREIN hashiridasu yo Youth Train Train Start running さあ トレイン トレイン どうするんだ? saa TOREIN TOREIN dou suru nda? Ah Train Train So what are you gonna do? 今 トレイン トレイン 乗らないのか? ima TOREIN TOREIN noranai no ka? Now The train Train Are you not gonna ride it? ああ トレイン トレイン 死んでも絶対大人にならない aa TOREIN TOREIN shinde mo zettai otona ni naranai Ah The train Train Even as I die I'll never become an adult
My Top Songs of 2019, Part 1 – SaitoWinterStar · December 16, 2019 at 12:50 am
[…] Youth Train) was 100% awesome. I guess I could even have seen this being a Keyaki A-side since the lyrics are very in-line with their […]
Last Idol — 期待値0 – SaitoWinterStar · June 17, 2020 at 12:05 am
[…] a five-member senbatsu, and though after Seishun Train I tried watching their TV show and learning some of the members, I didn’t recognize any of […]