My translation of the summary from for 10/27 (Sunday).
Note: I try to repeat the Japanese thread as closely as possible here. Where I do make some editorial additions I’ll put them in [ ], though I do occasionally soften the posters’ tone.
556: LillyRush :2019/10/27(日) 19:58:22
557: LillyRush :2019/10/27(日) 21:16:52
558: LillyRush :2019/10/28(月) 00:59:27
▽甲:逮捕日時(12月9日 午前9時17分)
乙:逮捕日時(12月9日 午前9時20分)
一見 黒塗り部分の短さから「メゾン・ド・リッシュ」ではないだろうと思うかも知れないが、警察の報道発表の住居欄は「◯◯丁目」までしか表記しないことが多い。
したがって ここに書かれている住居のどちらかはリッシュの住所である「新潟市中央区笹口2丁目」という表記の可能性がある
- Riko’s tweet
- Rena’s tweets
- Riko’s tweet
- シークレットナイト – Secret Night -: “(NGT48) Prefectural police documents released”
- The first official document is the Niigata Prefectural Police press release from December 9th, 2018.
- ◯◯ and the Criminal Mobile Task Force today (12/9) arrested normally the following two named as assault suspects.
- [◯◯ = blacked-out]
- “A”: Date and time of arrest (December 9th, 9:17am)
“B”: Date and time of arrest (December 9th, 9:20am) - Almost all the details of the arrest are blacked out
- The first blacked-out (◯◯) spot is (Niigata Station), which has Maison de Richelieu under its jurisdiction
The jurisdiction of the site of the incident was Niigata Station, so “Niigata Station” should be entered here. - The “Criminal Mobile Task Force” is an organization in the police headquarters, so there was an arrangement to use this police headquarters unit
- In other words, this is saying that both the Niigata Station and police headquarters worked to affect the arrests.
- Note it is written, “arrested normally”.
There are 3 types of arrest: “red-handed arrest”, “arrest without warrant”, and “normal arrest”; only a “normal arrest” is an arrest with a warrant from the court. - That is to say it was decided there was good reason, sufficient for getting an arrest warrant from the court.
- 2: The two named suspects are arrested almost simultaneously, and the report is published about an hour later.
- Some reports had the detail that the two named suspects “are living together”.
However, if you look at the blacked-out parts for the two named suspects’ addresses, it’s evident they are of different lengths. So it is possible the two suspects may have different addresses. - Furthermore, as to whether either of them lived in Maison de Richelieu,
At first glance, since the blacked-out part is short you might think it’s probably not “Maison de Richelieu”, but police press releases often just give addresses as “◯◯-chome”.
Therefore it is possible the address written there for either of them residing at Richelieu is “Niigata City, Chuo Ward, Sasaguchi 2-chome”.
- Some reports had the detail that the two named suspects “are living together”.
- 3: Details: The description being, “The two named suspects inflicted an assault”.
- Just the subject and predicate are written. The rest is blacked-out.
- In order to avoid misunderstandings with this notation, the subject and predicate must always be connected.
- What can be read from here on says, “(Not just 1 but) the 2 named […] inflicted the assault”.
- The Niigata Nippo More article from January 10, 2019 seems to have been made based on what was written in the Details section.
1 Comment
NGT48 Assault Case Summary for March 17, 2020 – SaitoWinterStar · March 17, 2020 at 5:43 pm
[…] 8%” of assault suspects are subject to “normal arrest” with a warrant. [See for types of […]