My translation of the summary from for 10/26 (Saturday).

A bit late as its been a busy weekend for me and there are more lines to translate than usual, but it’s nice to get a summary of Takken’s musings.

Note: I try to repeat the Japanese thread as closely as possible here. Where I do make some editorial additions I’ll put them in [ ], though I do occasionally soften the posters’ tone.

552: LillyRush :2019/10/26(土) 20:54:36




553: LillyRush :2019/10/26(土) 21:18:49

・宅建太郎:NGT48 記憶を頼りに準備書面を復元「本当の事を言ったら不法行為か」N0 2


554: LillyRush :2019/10/26(土) 21:42:27

・宅建太郎:NGT48 記憶を頼りに準備書面を復元「相当因果関係(笑」N0 3


555: LillyRush :2019/10/26(土) 22:06:43




  • Maho’s Instastory and tweets
  • Riko’s tweets
  • Rena’s tweet
  • (Revised 3/29/2020 with contribution from @speranzom)
    Takkentaro: “NGT48, Reconstructing the court’s preparatory papers (defendants’ side) with the help of memory, “If what I spoke were the truth, would it be an illegal act?” No. 2”
    • Here they are declaring that since the AKS side isn’t bringing out the recorded audio, they can’t verify the claims.
    • Also, they are telling the plaintiff AKS to make their arguments clearer and attach definitions to it while they’re at it.
    • “The AKS side is keeping their words vague and are going with the tactic of purposefully trying to mislead,
      or to put it better, there’s this baseness about them, for which reason they act as such. So the meaning and definition of their words is incomprehensible” (Takkentaro)
    • “Since AKS is behaving this way while in a court trial, that’s actually a well-adjusted argument on part of the defendant’s side”
    • [referring to the papers’ argument] What is this ‘series of words and actions’ that the plaintiff is talking about? Make it clear, come on!
    • [referring to the papers’ argument] Is the author who is referred to with such ‘series of words and actions’ statement defendant #1 (Kasai) only? Clarify!
    • [referring to the papers’ argument] “If this is limited to defendant #1, isn’t it weird that the requested sum for defendant #2 is the same?”, the talk turns like this. (Takkentaro)
    • [referring to the papers’ argument] “You say ‘involvement in the incident’, but what do you mean by incident? What level of involvement you mean when saying involvement? AKS, specify that already!”
    • (Picture with teal background) “On the detail about the misgivings in which Miss Yamaguchi was suspecting other members were implicated…”
      “That’s something you wouldn’t know unless you are Yamaguchi-san herself. But that’s likely they were throwing down the gauntlet to egg on Yamaguchi-san herself to appear in court, while holding a testimony interrogation” (Takkentaro)
    • “AKS is saying that the defendants declared how ‘other members are implicated’.
      Yet it’s not pointing out whether such a thing tells the truth or it tells lies.
      Though maybe AKS is wanting to take it into the direction of, ‘they were telling lies’, anyway” (Takkentaro)
    • I guess they are wanting to take it into the direction of, “They aren’t involved at all, Yamaguchi-san is to blame, it’s all nothing more than prejudice on Yamaguchi-san’s part!”, but they wouldn’t say such things inside the lawsuit complaint. And so the defendant side is pointing at them to make it clear.
    • [referring to the papers’ argument] “If you are asserting that it would still be an illegal act even if we were saying the truth, does it means that the reasoning behind the request for damages compensation still stands even if we said the truth? Make it clear!”
    • Just by looking at the parts up to this point alone, the arguments of the defendant’s side are extremely reasonable.
      They understand very well just how much the assertions from the AKS side are bull-crap, and what insanity they are speaking
    • Except that, afterward, they end up writing a bunch of nonsense about whether or not they maintained an association with Yamaguchi-san.
  • (Revised 3/29/2020 with contribution from @speranzom)
    Takkentaro: “NGT48, Reconstructing the court’s preparatory papers (defendants’ side) based on memory “Cause-effect correlation (lol)” No. 3”
    • First, what they mean by “the harmful actions in question”, it is not just grasping her face, but includes also how they brought up the other members’ names after the incident took place.
    • And they go on saying, “we declare ignorance”, in other words “I dunno”
    • They basically assert that, apart from the defendants being arrested and receiving a non-prosecution, they know nothing else!
    • (picture in blue background) You can picture it’s about those things that the defendants’ side is replying, ‘We dunno!”.’ (Takkentaro) 
    • “The fact that the relationship of trust between Yamaguchi-san and the plaintiff AKS collapsed, and with it the group was driven into a halt of their activities is real, but if you say that all of that is the fault of the defendants, I don’t think so” (Takkentaro)
    • “If only AKS did stand close to Yamaguchi-san and resolved the matters properly, it wouldn’t likely have ended up with NGT’s entertainment activities having been driven to a halt” (Takkentaro)
    • A normal company would be criticizing the perpetrators and tighten up the security system and go about things properly.
    • In AKS’s case instead, they join in with the perpetrators, and go saying [to Maho], “Are you sure this isn’t just delusions of yours?”, “Let’s dispel your misgivings, then” — their standing is the same as that as the perpetrators. 
    • “It’s that inadmissible response on AKS’s part which, as its root cause, caused your entertainment activities to be pushed to a halt.
    • The perpetrators were what set things off, yet everything else afterwards was just AKS making its own bed. So the argument by the defendants side, that there’s no cause-effect correlation, is absolutely sensible” (Takkentaro)
    • “Besides that, while they are denying the aggression act, as in grabbing her by the face, they are still acknowledging it devolved into a scuffle and they committed something in that way.
    • If they really didn’t clutch her face, then what did they do? It’s necessary that the defendants’ side explain that more accurately.” (Takkentaro)
    • “So, after they committed the aggression act, they eventually brought up those other members’ names.
    • Due to that, Yamaguchi-san then came to hold distrust towards those other members, and the other members too harbored distrust toward AKS,
      and so the three-way relationship of trust between Yamaguchi-san, the other members, and AKS collapsed, and NGT’s entertainment activities fell onto hard times — They are talking as if those guys committed the assault incident while having predicted that in advance
    • They aren’t some sort of psychics, so would they have been able to see that far into the future?
    • What’s more, for them to predict all the way to Yamaguchi-san’s graduation, it would be unimaginable unless you have supernatural powers, so yeah, it’s only obvious they would deny that.” (Takkentaro)
    • Also, is the defendant side really liable for the fact that security costs and economic damages are resulting from all this?
    • About that, [the defendants] are basically saying: “We know nothing of accounting stuff!”
    • “Closing words” = That means, in the original lawsuit complaint, that something of an argument’s conclusion is being written.
    • “And with that, the part about claims verification relative to the preparatory papers ends. From the next episode on, we’ll move on to the assertions by the defendants’ side” (Takkentaro)
  • Rena’s tweet
  • (Rumor) There is talk coming up of using NGT for local events in Niigata
  • (Rumor) In September of last year Kasai and Hagiri [Runa] were together, and three months later she withdrew herself from activities.

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