On July 18th, in a special video message, Murakumo Fuka announced her graduation from NGT48 (translated here). At the time they said her graduation performance would occur by the end of August (her final handshake event and send-off was August 11th). On August 18th, at the first NGT theater show since Maho’s graduation, the schedule was finally announced.

Here is the official NGT statement and my translation:

Notice Regarding NGT48 Murakumo Fuka’s Final Days of Activities

Truly, thank you very much for always giving your support to NGT48.
At the NGT48 theater performance that was recently concluded, we announced the graduation performance schedule for Murakumo Fuka, who had already announced her graduation.
To add to that, we will provide information regarding the last day for Murakumo Fuka’s respective services.

Graduation Performance
August 31, 2019 (Saturday)
NGT theater — Performance starts at 17:30

Acceptance of Fan Letter and Presents
Arrivals until September 30th, 2019 (Monday)

We will close the room by September 1, 2019 (Sunday) at 24:00:00

September 1, 2019 (Sunday) at 24:00:00

September 1, 2019 (Sunday) at 24:00:00

NGT48 Mail
August 31, 2019 (Saturday)
*Concerning the final day of her NGT48 Mail, since on September 1st (Sunday) the monthly subscription fee will be charged, we will be terminating it by August 31st (Saturday).

NGT48 Mail App
August 31, 2019 (Saturday)
*Regarding the NGT48 Mail app, as with the above NGT48 Mail, we will be terminating it by August 31st (Saturday).

NGT48 Mobile Photolog
September 1, 2019 (Sunday) at 23:30:00
*Available online until October 1, 2019 (Tuesday) at 23:30:00

Also, Murakumo Fuka’s downloadable content will be distributed until August 31, 2019 (Saturday) at 23:59:59.
Please note that as of September 1, 2019 (Sunday), you will not be able to re-download content that is within the re-download period (within 7 days of the download).
With the termination of this content we will not be able to accept refunds or restore Points. Please make note of this in advance.

There is not much time remaining, so thank you for your continued support of Murakumo Fuka.

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