SKE48’s new single FRUSTRATION came out this week and… I wasn’t actually that excited for it.

The A-side pop-rap didn’t really catch me, and the music video definitely didn’t help. Though actually the subsequent dance practice movie brought me back on board. Which was comforting, because I was initially super excited for my SKE oshimen, Furuhata Nao, to get to rock her first center. Well, as part of the Jurina-Suda front line she does just that in the dance — I’m sure live performances are going to be great.
Going in I thought the B-sides were all just fine, though the four with associated MVs (released before the single hit shelves) hadn’t blown me away. So imagine my surprise firing up the Type-D exclusive, Nojima Kano’s solo song 夢の在処へ (yume no arika e / To Where Dreams Hide) and discovering it was awesome.

Nojima recently won the AKB Group’s first #1 Singing Competition, and I suppose this was part of her reward. I didn’t know her before — despite friends’ efforts, my knowledge of SKE doesn’t yet run too deep.
夢の在処へ has a (ballad-like?) structure I like: a soft, slow opening, surging into a fast, almost chanted chorus, then back down to let you catch your breath for a few seconds. I’ve been listening to it on repeat all day, walking around town, probably with a goofy smile on my face.
I’m not sure if Nojima’s voice is really allowed to shine as much as it could here; I feel like there’s some overly-artificial layering going on, especially on sustains. But that’s a minor complaint, and something I can easily forget about and get sucked into the song.
So why not translate it, too? Kind of a last-minute decision so I’ll probably come back and tweak it here and there, but that’s easier without having to worry about re-encoding subtitles. There are audio samples available; hopefully the one below will work for you, taken from the CDJapan page, where conveniently you can also order it from overseas….
Edit 2/4/2020
Finally got around to making a lyric sub. I hadn’t listened to this song in a bit, and I forgot how much I like the music and the lyrics. Enjoy, and make sure to buy a copy to support Nojima!
SKE48 (野島樺乃 / Nojima Kano) 夢の在処へ (yume no arika e / To Where Dreams Hide) Translation by SaitoWinterStar とても大切な夢があることを totemo taisetsu na yume ga aru koto wo The precious dream I have 誰にも一言も話していない dare ni mo hitokoto mo hanashite inai I won't speak a word of it to anyone もしも 簡単に口にしてしまえば moshimo kantan ni kuchi ni shite shimaeba If I simply said it all 心にため込んだ思いが漏れる kokoro ni tamekonda omoi ga moreru The feelings stored up in my heart would escape この手を伸ばしても kono te wo nobashite mo If I reach out this hand 絶対に届かない zettai ni todokanai It won't ever reach you 希望とは kibou to wa Hope 遠くにあれば遠いほど光り輝くものだ touku ni areba toui hodo hikarikagayaku mono da When it's far away, there's a distant glint 諦めるな 後ろ向くな 自分から逃げ出すな akirameru na ushiro muku na jibun kara nigedasu na I won't give up I won't turn back I won't run from myself 暗い道をどこまでも歩いて行くしかないんだ kurai michi wo doko made mo aruite iku shika nai nda I must walk this dark road wherever it goes 絶望の先にかすかな光が見えるだろう zetsubou no saki ni kasuka na hikari ga mieru darou I think I see the faint light ahead of despair 疲れ果て 道に倒れても tsukarehate michi ni taorete mo Even if I'm exhausted and collapse on the way またもう一度立ち上がる mata mou ichido tachiagaru Still once more I'll get up いつの日か 辿り着きたい itsu no hi ka tadori tsukitai Someday I want to finally arrive ずっと目指した山の頂 zutto mezashita yama no itadaki That mountaintop I've always aimed for 夢の在処へ yume no arika e To where dreams hide 何度 膝をつき ここで諦めようと nando hiza wo tsuki koko de akirameyou to How many times have I fallen to my knees, and looking to the sky 呟き あの空を見上げただろう tsubuyaki ano sora wo miageta darou Muttered, "I'll give up here"? それでも 太陽が soredemo taiyou ga Nevertheless, the sun 微笑んで見えたんだ hohoende mieta nda Looked on, smiling 願いとは negai to wa A wish 漠然と頭の中に 浮かべるものじゃなくて bakuzen to atama no naka ni ukaberu mono janakute Isn't it something vague floating in my head? どうやったら叶えられる その道を探すこと dou yattara kanaerareru sono michi wo sagasu koto How can it be granted? The search for that way どんな険しいルートでも前人未踏だって don'na kewashii RUUTO de mo zenhitomitou datte However precipitous the route, however untrodden 勇気が背中を押して 自分の地図を作るんだ yuki ga senaka wo oshite jibun no chizu wo tsukuru nda Compelled on by courage I make my own map もし行く手 何かの困難に moshi yukute nani ka no kon'nan ni If it's said the way is blocked 阻まれたとしたって habamareta toshita tte By some difficulty 結局は乗り越えるだろう kekkyouku wa norikoeru darou I think in the end I'll be able to get over it 自分の後ろにゴールはないよ jibun no ushiro ni GOURU wa nai yo There's no goal behind me 夢の在処よ yume no arika yo That's where dreams hide こんなに熱くなる konna ni atsuku naru It gets so intense 夢中って素晴らしい muchuu tte subarashii Within the dream, it's wonderful 希望とは kibou to wa Hope 遠くにあれば遠いほど光り輝くものだ touku ni areba toui hodo hikarikagayaku mono da When it's far away, there's a distant glint 諦めるな 後ろ向くな 自分から逃げ出すな akirameru na ushiro muku na jibun kara nigedasu na I won't give up I won't turn back I won't run from myself 暗い道をどこまでも歩いて行くしかないんだ kurai michi wo doko made mo aruite iku shika nai nda I must walk this dark road wherever it goes 絶望の先にかすかな光が見えるだろう zetsubou no saki ni kasuka na hikari ga mieru darou I think I see the faint light ahead of despair 疲れ果て 道に倒れても tsukarehate michi ni taorete mo Even if I'm exhausted and collapse on the way またもう一度立ち上がる mata mou ichido tachiagaru Still once more I'll get up いつの日か 辿り着きたい itsu no hi ka tadori tsukitai Someday I want to finally arrive ずっと目指した山の頂 zutto mezashita yama no itadaki That mountaintop I've always aimed for 夢の在処へ yume no arika e To where dreams hide
1 Comment
My Top Songs of 2019, Part 1 – SaitoWinterStar · December 16, 2019 at 1:00 am
[…] listen. I really like the build and the structure of the song; it’s just fun to listen to. I translated it, but it’s definitely on my list for a lyric sub now that I think I’ve got that process […]