Thanks to @speranzom for providing the translation of the radio story in my translation of the summary from for 6/25 (Friday).

  • Rena’s tweets, Instagram, and video
  • Riko’s tweet
  • NGT gets trashed on Sendai’s FM program “Radio 3 MyTown RADIO”
    • “This week, well, things turned out quite interesting…”
    • “Speaking of the first song. Actually, someone I had promised I would never be playing ever again — NGT48, has released a new single…”
    • “And then, at totally the same time, you know… The movie with Yamaguchi Maho-san, who was forced out of NGT48, and is serving as the lead actor, ‘Chocolat no Mahou’ — this movie, is also released.”
    • “By the way, the public screening events with Yamaguchi Maho-san — it was in Niigata that it was first held, sooner than everywhere else. While there, there was an on-stage greeting — she also had an on-stage greeting on the first day, you know. Well, I’d say there is quite a connection.
    • “Naturally, us at this program are giving our support not to NGT, but to Yamaguchi Maho-san.”
    • “Therefore, for our first song today, it’s going to be the theme song of the movie Chocolat no Mahou, where Yamaguchi Maho-san is the main star.”
    • “The group is mzsrz [mizushirazu]. That’s quite an amazing group, now.”
    • “For my part I’ve also just listened to it for the first time, and I think that it sounds really great.”
    • “So listen please to the first song for today. ‘Unbalance’ by mzsrz.”
342: LillyRush :2021/06/25(金) 20:59:31





Note: I try to repeat the Japanese thread as closely as possible here. Where I do make some editorial additions I’ll put them in [ ], though I do occasionally soften the posters’ tone.

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