Thanks to @speranzom for providing Ogino’s Showroom portion of my translation of the summary from for 3/21 (Sunday).

  • Rena’s tweets
  • Riko’s tweet
  • On Showroom Ogino Yuka expresses her feelings. She objects to suspicions of having had a nose job as well as to 人望民 such as Ryuuta.
    • About the nose job suspicions (25:18)
      • “I too, about this nose… at the beginning this nose had a squashed shape… so I couldn’t help thinking how much I hated it”
      • “However, I’d say that doing nose massage had beneficial effects, quite… In order to make the nose more prominent”
      • “Also, the way I thought of it, maybe if I would lose weight the fat… that is one the nose, would go away too”
      • “I really never had anything done about it, myself, but still on videos on the Internet it is written that I had a nose job done. But, actually, it’s that it got tinier in size by massaging and pinching it, like in this way” (26:08)
      • “But really, to have stuff like this said on me, to write like that things that are unreal. Yet, I still didn’t get anything done about it, I thought to myself”
      • “But I’ll have do be happy about it — I mean, on the fact that it changed to the point that others would be thinking in that manner that I have ‘had it done’…”
    • About the case where she had that support message written for her at Starbucks [note: back in February 2019, thought to have written it herself given the handwriting]
      • “But still, I really do think about that. That there are a bunch of things that are being written that makes me go, ‘That never happened!’.”
      • “Also, well, one more that I saw was… there was one thing that was written that made me go ‘What on the earth!?’. ‘That’s wrong!’, I thought to myself, but it is alright if you don’t go around saying for me that this and that is wrong for each and every thing, it’s perfectly fine anyway…”
      • “Also– how to say it? I also got told that what a shop clerk wrote for me [on a cup] while at Starbucks was actually something I wrote to myself. ‘I did not write it to myself!’, I thought”
      • “There’s a bunch of stuff that has me thinking: ‘What is this? So things are like that?’ ‘It’s not that I have written it to myself! That would be embarrassing’, I thought…”
      • “On top of that, I wouldn’t go around saying it even if I had written that to myself, but still — I can say it since I’ve made it this far, but why would I have to, like, pull out a pen and write it like this, and then post it online?”
      • “There have been people who went around, like, by comparing and matching it with the same characters I wrote in the past, but I say, that’s not it! But now that I’ve made it this far, I guess I can look at it as a story to smile back on”
      • “But well, that’s how the Internet is like, so everyone, please spend your time without minding about that. The Internet is such a thing, so there’s nothing you can do about it anyway”
      • “Maybe that’s the first time I have ever talked about this.”
    • About groups of people such as the 人望民 (31:00)
      • “Therefore, everyone, pay no mind about that please”
      • “Even if there would be something that makes you think ‘…? The heck is that?”, please don’t even try getting into an argument about it”
      • “When you feel that ‘Oh, there’s some people saying also such and such’, don’t even try getting into a confrontation, please”
      • “Even if there’s people saying those thing about me, do what you can not to reply back in any way” (32:15)
      • “Since the person concerned doesn’t mind, please don’t mind about it as well, everyone”
      • “They would be speaking unpleasant thing, or you would happen to catch sight of unpleasant stuff, but I, I mean the person concerned, is still thinking it’s all fine, so you too don’t engage them at all, just think that ‘Oh, so there’s also those sorts of people’.”
      • “So please, remain peaceful”
      • “Maybe everyone of you are more mindful of it than I would be, but really, do not mind about that”
      • “Maybe, the reason is that it pains me for me to see people going teeth and nails against those people on that. So — I can say it nowadays, but just with a feeble voice”
      • “Even if there would be people coming to your own account saying ‘Yuka-chan is ugly’, ‘I can’t stand Ogino’, don’t mind it, please ignore it…”
      • “Seeing these stuff pains me, so I do end up thinking, ‘Sorry about that, this is all my own fault’”
      • “As long as the people who would go meet me, the people who are supporting me, will think of me ‘Aaah, how good she is’, ‘I like here’, Yuka thinks that it’s sufficient enough. That alone is already good enough”
      • “And if you get told, ‘I can’t stand Ogino’, just try sympathizing”
      • “But really, going on to engage in these, like, weird counter-provocations — please stop doing it, honestly.” (34:28)
      • “This is a rule from today. Those people who are supporting me — please do not reply back even if you have seen any such expressions used. Use your ability to ignore things — that’s the rule from today.” (35:07)
      • “If you happen to support me, this is what I am asking for you to do.”
      • “Sometimes you would happen to catch sight of that, and there are some people who would speak their mind against them while thinking of me, but for all I know, this has pretty heavy opposite results. As far as I am concerned…”
      • “So while there are people who would go on and say, ‘What the heck are you saying about Yuka-chan!”, as far as I am concerned, this only causes counterproductive results. From my perspective. I feel that’s something saddening.”
      • “So, instead keep on going without having to necessarily react to any such thing — it would make me feel like saying, ‘thank you’ to you all the more, if you would rather do that instead”
      • “Therefore, I ask this of you! (laugh)””
    • “2021年03月20日20時10分57秒 荻野 由佳(NGT48)”
245: LillyRush :2021/03/21(日) 21:19:34






 2021年03月20日20時10分57秒 荻野 由佳(NGT48)◯

Note: I try to repeat the Japanese thread as closely as possible here. Where I do make some editorial additions I’ll put them in [ ], though I do occasionally soften the posters’ tone.

Why is this here? My original announcement

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