My translation of the summary from for 2/22 (Monday).
- Maho’s Instastory
- Rena’s tweets and Instagram
- An article on Chocolat no Mahō in the Tokyo Shimbun.
- Nishigata will be making an appearance in a video on the Niigata prime-time program ナマトク.
- A 人望民 once again mixes it up with the Cinnamon attorney.
- Today’s bit from リュウタ: They uploaded magnified images of what appear to be normal photos of Maho’s eyes, then makes some cryptic statements.
- (*She says she doesn’t use colored contacts, but it seems they want to say that the photos show her with color contacts)
Note: I try to repeat the Japanese thread as closely as possible here. Where I do make some editorial additions I’ll put them in [ ], though I do occasionally soften the posters’ tone.
Why is this here? My original announcement