Thanks to @speranzom for help with the translation of the Showroom summary from for 12/31 (Thursday).
- Riko’s tweet
- Yoshikawa Yasuo, Maho’s co-star, retweets MAQUIA
- The AKB Cafe, which had said it was relocating when it withdrew from Akihabara last year, has a grand opening in Fujian, China.
- Ogino talks on Showroom about how at the beginning of this year she was feeling disheartened.
- “At the beginning of this year I just had no idea anymore about matters — Aaah, so yes, that was in January… There was the TDC concert, and Request Hour, it was supposed to be extremely fun and joyful, but instead I ended up feeling like «It’s all hopeless already!». No matter what I try doing, it was all to no use, myself — that’s how I ended up feeling. (at 53:00)
- “Even when I would perform theater shows, the penlights looked like batons to me — «Get out! Get out!», it felt to me as if I were being told. «After all I am a good for nothing», I thought, and had no self-confidence.”
- “For this reason, even at the time of the Showroom competition events, I was thinking that even if I would take part in them there were no longer people to support me fervently.”
- “Is there anyone who’s supporting me with a passion? — I had to wonder…”
- “What with the results being something that I could see with my own eyes, having to end up being depressed about it, having it feel even more painful — I found those thoughts unpleasant, quite a bit. Since it had the risk of making me feel even more down, I felt conflicted about that… the Showroom competition events, all those things.”
- “But even so, it was from there, right, that I regained [my old feelings] again. Since all of you had worked really hard. Although when it comes to gift-based stuff, that’s a little bit hard to say, actually.”
- “With that, everyone allowed me to stand on stage at the TDC concert. So I am still here — it had me feeling very intensely…”
- “When I stop to think right now about how that changed me so greatly, I can feel that very intensely now.”
- “I could feel it… I could really feel it… That thing, again.”
- “I could still perceive strongly that there are people around who are supporting me, like that”
- “With that, I got confidence back in myself. There at that point I picked myself up. Just a little bit at at time.”
- “Whatever was happening, at any time, JUNON, and only JUNON, has alwaaays been there standing close to me” (at 1:07:50)
- “荻野由佳(YUKA OGINO) 2020/12/30 19:29”
161: LillyRush :2020/12/31(木) 21:23:10
・移転するという理由で昨年秋葉原から撤退したAKBカフェが中国 福建省でグランドオープン
▽だからSHOWROOMのイベントとかも、私やっても もう熱く応援してくれる人いないかなとか思っちゃってたんですよ
▽自分が目に見える結果で落ち込むのも、また辛くなるの嫌だなあってちょっと よりヘコみそうだったから、それも悩んだんですよ、SRのイベントとか
荻野由佳(YUKA OGINO) 2020/12/30 19:29○
Note: I try to repeat the Japanese thread as closely as possible here. Where I do make some editorial additions I’ll put them in [ ], though I do occasionally soften the posters’ tone.
Why is this here? My original announcement