My translation of the summary from for 5/4 (Monday).
- Maho’s tweet
- Riko’s tweet
- Rena’s tweets and Instastory. She has a Showroom broadcast tomorrow at 8pm. Seems she will have a call with ‘that woman’.
- Kitahara Rie talked about playing Animal Crossing with Murakumo.
- Official document regarding the withdrawal of the petition requesting clarification of the NGT incident.
- Is it settled that Homma Hinata will be first place in the regular model contest event for fashion magazine “bis”? Somehow Homma’s enthusiasm spawned an article.
- From WWS channel: “NGT48’s Homma Hinata’s enthusiasm in going after the “bis” regular model contest — “Since I love the magazine I’m definitely aiming for #1″”
- Results half-way through the NGT48 Story event to have [their posters] put up in the area around Niigata Station: #2 Nishigata, #5 Ogino
- UX Niigata does a feature on NGT.
- A [Twitter] account appears spreading rumors that Kato Minami is infected with the coronavirus.
- Takken Taro video: “NGT — At last, in summary”, Part 10 of the consideration of Professor Hirayama’s dissertation”
Note: I try to repeat the Japanese thread as closely as possible here. Where I do make some editorial additions I’ll put them in [ ], though I do occasionally soften the posters’ tone.
Why is this here? My original announcement