My translation of the summary from for 3/31 (Tuesday).
- Maho’s Instastory
- Rena’s tweets and Instagram
- Maho, Rena, and Riko on beautician AidaMAN’s Instagram
- Maho on sweet’s Line News
- From sweet: “Yamaguchi Maho (Mahohon) takes on a fishnet stocking look for the first time! What appears is a punkish girl showing off quite a lot”
- アシタノワダイ protests the removal of their video with another video. (*Now the protest video has also been removed)
- Niigata radio station fm port has stopped carrying it’s NGT broadcast program.
- Takken Taro video
- “NGT — Wonder if their new plan for selling themselves is with an “appeal of poverty”? ^ ^;”
Note: I try to repeat the Japanese thread as closely as possible here. Where I do make some editorial additions I’ll put them in [ ], though I do occasionally soften the posters’ tone.
Why is this here? My original announcement