My translation of the summary from for 3/22 (Sunday).
- Riko’s tweet
- Rena’s tweet
- A year has passed since the huge flare up directed at AKS due to the 3rd party committee press conference.
- “AKS conference explaining the 3rd party committee report into the NGT48 Yamaguchi Maho assault incident (March 22, 2019)”
- The Wide na Show from that time (one part)
- AbemaTV from that time
- “《NGT Assaults》 『3rd party committee report, AKS press conference ①』”
- “《NGT Assaults》 『3rd party committee report, AKS press conference ②』”
- “《NGT Assaults》 『3rd party committee report, AKS press conference ③』”
- In Kato Minami’s Showroom she took a psychology test and twice she was diagnosed as a liar/traitor/scammer type.
- “加藤 美南 KATO MINAMI 2020年03月22日130125” (The psychology test starts at 2:45, and there’s a gap in the audio)
- Last December the NHK Kanto Koshinetsu local broadcast commission raised the topic of NHK Niigata’s program “The Idols That Were Too Close ~NGT48 Stands at the Crossroads~”
- Takken Taro video: “Follow up on journalist Saegusa, Twitter lord and winning a settlement”
Note: I try to repeat the Japanese thread as closely as possible here. Where I do make some editorial additions I’ll put them in [ ], though I do occasionally soften the posters’ tone.
Why is this here? My original announcement