My translation of the summary from for 2/3 (Monday).
Note: I try to repeat the Japanese thread as closely as possible here. Where I do make some editorial additions I’ll put them in [ ], though I do occasionally soften the posters’ tone.
- Maho’s Instastory
- Riko’s tweets
- Rena’s tweet
- Watanabe Ayusa on Saganokan’s Instagram
- 2nd video with Takazawa Tomoka and Otaki Yuria
- “With her becoming my agency junior, I tried charging in on her!! 2”
- Nakai Rika reveals her displeasure at not having been informed in advance of Takahashi Nanami’s withdrawal from activities (since deleted)
- It seems former Sankei reporter Saegusa had discussed with weekly papers and TV stations that, “There is something strange about Tano’s room. Let me run something on it.”, and emailed them about it, but it seemed they haven’t done anything. Then the magazine he emailed wrote a trashy article about NGT two months later.
- Story from someone that inquired about the circumstances around NGT’s appearance at the Niigata university festival.
- Rena’s tweet
- Takazawa Tomoka’s Instagram
- Bunshun now writes an article emphasizing Kasai’s creepy delusions.
- (Kasai)
- “Yamaguchi was confident that the defendants weren’t going to mention the truth, that she told us the room number herself”
- “When Yamaguchi asked, “Why did you know my room number?” in the park in front of the staff, “that was an appeal to everyone to say that she hadn’t told us the room number herself””
- “That’s the truth of the conversation from the park”
- From Bunshun Online: “The foundation of the defendants’ claims remains, “Yamaguchi Maho told me the address” <NGT Trial Update>”
- *Incidentally, Kasai previously tweeted that he had contacted a weekly magazine
- (Kasai)
- Riko’s tweet
- Before the NGT incident occurred, there was a video of Takahashi Nanami noting, “There’s somebody making strange voices outside the building and in the halls”, “I wonder if I should move somewhere else”, “There are also loud footsteps from the apartment above”. [Similar to complaints Maho had made]
- Kasai wrote a poetic tweet after the AKS announcement of the independent accounting system [for the sister groups].
Why is this here? My original announcement