Today’s block wouldn’t have been possible without the massive contribution of the Takken Taro part (including adding the questions) from @speranzom in the summary from for 2/1 (Saturday).
Note: I try to repeat the Japanese thread as closely as possible here. Where I do make some editorial additions I’ll put them in [ ], though I do occasionally soften the posters’ tone.
767: LillyRush :2020/02/01(土) 22:38:00 ★2月1日(土)① ・山口真帆ストーリー ・昨日の菅原りこツイート ・長谷川玲奈がストーリーでQ&A ・宅建動画:NGT 被告らの証人尋問(本人尋問)で宅建太郎が聞きたいこと○ ▽被告本人たち、被告1と被告2が陳述書を出しているんで、おそらく本人尋問をやるのではないか ▽証人を他所から読んでくるのではなく、原告や被告本人たちが証言台に立って証言する。これが本人尋問 【1】 ▽山口真帆さん暴行事件の原因になっている、直接はっ刑事事件に関与していないと私も思っていますけど、楽しく遊んだり食事したりした方たちとの付き合いが、巡り巡って暴行事件に繋がってしまったんじゃないかと想像しておりますんで、ぜひその名前を教えて頂きたい 【2】 ▽このへん、全然解明されていないですからね。繋がりがあったメンバーとか風紀を乱したメンバーとか、結局全然調べてないですから ▽AKSも第三者委員会も、誰だったのか名前を公表するような所まで全然行ってない ▽AKSに至っては、「繋がり」ってのは遊んでたとかじゃないんだと。刑事事件に直接関与して、教唆、共犯をして逮捕起訴されたりとか、そういうのが「繋がり」であって、逮捕起訴されてないんだから繋がってなかったんだと ▽山口さんの疑念に過ぎないんだという論理になっていますけど、全然そういう話じゃないです ▽刑事事件に直接関与していなくても、厄介どもとズブズブの関係があったんじゃないかと疑われている ▽違うなら違うと明らかに言っていただかないと、暴行事件の全容が見えてこないので、私はぜひ聞きたい 【3】 ▽いるんだったら、ぜひズブズブの関係だった方の名前を教えて頂きたい 【4】 ▽かいせーは出禁をやめてくれれば協力しますよと言ったみたいですけど、それ断られたんで結局協力していない ▽あとの2人は全然連絡がつかなかったということで全然協力してない ▽第三者委員会も一方的なメンバー側からの事情聴取だけで判断して、犯人側から事情聴取できてないのにも関わらず、報告書を見てAKSは一方的な調査しか終わっていない片手落ちのものであったとしても「不問」であると ▽協力してないのにLIVE放送でペラペラ喋ってるみたいですけど、一体それってどうなの? ▽今話すんだったら、事件の真相とか、何があったのか、誰と繋がっていたのか、そういった事を話して頂きたいと思いますよね 768: LillyRush :2020/02/01(土) 23:10:35 ★2月1日(土)② 【5】 ▽相手からかかってきた電話番号がスマホで表示される時に、他の人の名前で登録しておけば他の女子が見たってばれないので、かけたって全然どうってことないはず ▽ツイッターDMでやり取りできるのなら、ショートメールでもよかったんじゃないですかね ▽なんでそういうことをしないんですか?やましい事でもあるんですか? ▽実はそのとき知らなかったとか。知っていたけど本人から聞いたんじゃなくて誰かから聞いたとかね。お金を出して買ったとか ▽だから電話をかけると不審がられるんで、かけなかったとか。そういう理由でもあるんですかね 【6】 ▽親しいんであるならば、一言携帯やDMで今から会いに行くと言えばこんな事件は起こらなかったんじゃないでしょうかね 【7】 ▽エレベーターの前で待っていてもよかったんじゃないですかね。もともと廊下で声をかけるつもりだったと言っているわけですから ▽逆に疑いたくなりますよね、ドアを書けるタイミングを狙っていたんじゃないかって 【8】 ▽山口さんとの繋がりを立証できたとしても、暴行事件を否定できない。他のメンバーと繋がっていないってならない ▽原告からの主張の反論になっていない。山口さんとの繋がりを証明できれば吉成社長が喜ぶってのはあると思いますけど、反論になってない ▽なぜずーっと主張し続けるのか。不思議でしょうがない 【9】 ▽事件後に顔を掴んだと言われても否定しなかった犯人たちが、なぜかこの裁判では顔を掴んでなかったと、ドアを引っ張っただけだとかね、言ってることと話してる内容が違うんですよね。この違いをぜひ説明して頂きたい 【10】 ▽最初から署名欄が切られていたと言ってるみたいなんですけど、普通に考えて契約書の署名押印欄は切らないですよね ▽切ったことを告げずに証拠として出しているなら、裁判所を誤解させるんじゃないですか? ▽314号室が被告の名前で借りてたのかなと勘違いしてしまうかもしれない ▽裁判所が誤解してくれるのを期待して出しているのかなと疑いたくなりますよね 【11】 ▽証拠が全然出てこないのはなぜですか? ▽裁判でいくら主張しても証拠がないってことになると、それは単なる「言ってるだけ」 ▽無いんですか?捨てたんですか?それとも出すとヤバいんですか? 【12】 ▽あれ見て誰もが「はぁ?」「これで」繋がってるって言えないだろと呆れてしまう ▽周囲を呆れさせて面白がってるってことなんですかね ▽これで本当に繋がりを証明できると思って出してんのかと。内心を聞いてみたい ▽ちょっと感覚おかしいんじゃね、ぐらいに思ってるんですがね 【13】 ▽他の私の動画で考察しましたけれど、314号室はリブマックスさんがサブリース(又借り)で借りていて、さらに貸し出しているために非常に高いんですよ ▽キャンペーンとかを利用しないと毎月15万とか16万とかかかったりする ▽キャンペーンを利用すると安いときで7万とかまで下がったりするんですけど ▽でも、もともとの602号室がもっと安くて月5万5千円くらいですからね。どう考えても上がるんですよ ▽にも関わらず、裁判で被告らは家賃が高いんで引っ越してきましたと言っていますけど、ウソですよね明らかに ▽これがウソじゃないなら、どうしてウソじゃないのか説明してほしい 【14】 ▽(被告は)「ビッチなんていないと」とか言ってないですよね。心当たりがあるんだと思うんですよね。頭に浮かんだのは誰なのか、それは聞いてみたい 【15】 ▽誰ですかね、パニックにならなかった方は。これっていうのは一番最初の質問にあるような、一緒に遊んでいる子・食事をしている子、場合によってはデートしている子、そういった話に繋がってるんじゃないですかね 【16】 ▽太野さんの部屋だと多分知ってたんじゃないか ▽引越情報も耳に入って来て契約したんじゃないかなという推測も成り立つんdね、これも聞いてみたい 【17】 ▽着手金として普通1割がかかるんですよ ▽3千万円請求されているんで、1割の3百万円くらいは用意して弁護士に払ってると思うんですけど、どこからお金が出てきてるのかなってね ▽親が裕福って話もあるんですけど、そのへんも聞いてみたい 【18】 ▽原告AKSがもし3千万円買ったとしても無いところからは取れないって話になりますんで、裁判ムダじゃんって話になる 【19】 ▽本当の嘘つきって誰なんでしょう ▽山口さんにしたいってのがありありと、この裁判から伝わってきますけど、本当の嘘つきって誰なんですか?原告さん被告さん 769: LillyRush :2020/02/02(日) 00:35:45 ★2月1日(土)【追加】 ・菅原りこツイート ・長谷川玲奈の料理企画動画(前半部分のみ) ▽【前半】長谷川玲奈のチャレンジ企画第二弾!本格中華料理に挑戦します。~中華料理人:山口シェフ~○
- Maho’s Instastory
- Riko’s tweets from yesterday
- Rena’s Instastory Q&A
- Takkentaro’s video: “NGT — What Takkentaro would like to ask at the testimony interrogation session of the defendants (or rather, their own interrogation session)”
- [note: the following are a list of the question themselves]
- Since it’s the defendants themselves, that is Defendant #1 and Defendant #2 who put forward their finalized statement papers, it begs the question if they are going to possibly perform a interrogation session of their litigating party
- When, instead of a testimony being summoned in from outside, it’s the plaintiff and the defendant themselves who have to stand up on the witness stand and make a verbal testimony. That is called an interrogation of the parties.
- 【Question 1: Is there any member which you hung out together with, and ate out with? In case there is, can you give us their names?】
- That one represents the root cause at the basis of the assault incident on Yamaguchi Maho-san. Even I [Takkentaro] do no think they are implicated in a criminal case kind of way, directly, but I can picture how this way of seeing each other with people that they would merrily hang out and eat out together has led, in a roundabout way, to the assault incident itself. As such, please do tell us what their names are.
- 【Question 2: Is there any member with with you interacted via smartphone or any apps? In case there is, can you give us their names, too?】
- Regarding that part, nothing at all has been clarified, after all. Members who they consorted with, members who are responsible for the decay of good manners, none of this has been examined in the least.
- Both AKS and the third-party committee, they didn’t bring themselves to the point of making public the names and showing who that was.
- And when it comes to AKS, they are speaking as though “consorting” isn’t to mean hanging out having fun. They say that it’s being directly implicated in a criminal case sort of way, committing incitement to crime, or criminal conspiracy, being arrested and then prosecuted — that’s what they say “consorting” means to them. And so they argue that since [members] weren’t arrested and prosecuted, they consequently didn’t engage in consorting either…
- They are taking the argument that this means that it was all nothing more than Yamaguchi-san’s misgivings, but this is not the point at all.
- Even supposing there is not direct involvement in the criminal case itself, the suspicions they have on themselves is if there isn’t a buddy-buddy relationship with such yakkai wotas.
- If things aren’t like that, either they say it clearly that things stand differently, or there’s no way to look at the whole details of the assault incident, hence why I’d like to ask that.
- 【Question 3: Is there any member with with you went out on dates with, that you had romantic affairs with, in other words that had any deep male-female relationship? In case there is, can you give us their names as well?】
- Because, I’d want them to tell us the name of who are those who had a buddy-buddy kind of interpersonal relationship.
- 【Question 4: What is the reason you snubbed the third-party committee and refused to collaborate in the analysis of the incident】
- It seems likely that Kaisei was willing to cooperate as long as they lifted his entrance ban at events, but since the request was declined in the end he did not cooperate. [note: this is written in the research report itself, in fact]
- As for the remaining two people, since they couldn’t get in contact with them, they did not offer their collaboration in the least
- Even speaking of the third-party committee, they made their judgement based only on one-sided information coming from the members, and regardless of the fact they could not carry out an information hearing with the perpetrators side, AKS still took a look at the report and decided to hand out “pardon”, even though it was only a partial product, which accomplished only unilateral research.
- They refused to cooperate, yet on live-streams they would blab on and on ; what about that?
- If you are starting to speak only now, I’d rather that you speak about the true facts of the incident, what happened, who you are consorting with, and all that related stuff.
- 【Question 5: You claim, as the reason why you happen to know Yamaguchi-san’s cellphone number but you never tried calling her, that it was out of consideration so as to avoid exposing your consorting to the other members. Haven’t you ever thought there are numerous ways to conceal information about someone you have an intimate relation with? Moreover, what’s the reason you never tried contacting her via SMS messages instead?】
- When the telephone number of someone who’s calling you is displayed on the smartphone screen, as long as you would register it under the name of someone else, the other girls won’t find out even if they were to see it, so even just giving a call wouldn’t supposedly be an issue.
- If it’s true that you could have interactions on Twitter direct messages, then even using SMS messages would have been good enough, now wouldn’t they?
- So why is it that you have never done such a thing? Is there anything that you feel guilty about it?
- Isn’t it, in reality, that you didn’t know at the time? Or alternatively, it’s that you knew of it, but it’s not that you learned about it personally from her, but rather from someone else? Did you pay money to acquire it, or any such thing?
- Because of this, she would have only acted creeped-out at you if you were ever to give a phone call, so you never tried to call before, correct? That’s also one of the reasons, isn’t it?
- 【Question 6: If it’s true that you already knew her telephone number and her Twitter direct message address by the day of the incident, then how come you didn’t contact her in advance to say “I’m coming”?】
- If it’s true that you were actually intimate with each other, then such an incident would have never occurred if only you used the cellphone or direct messages to tell her in short that you were just about to go meet with her, right?
- 【Question 7: Why is it that you waited for Yamaguchi-san inside of apartment #314, instead of just waiting in front of the elevator or in the hallway?】
- Wouldn’t waiting in front of the elevator have been fine enough? Even considering that you were saying how at the beginning you apparently intended to speak up to her right in the hallway.
- If nothing else, it’s as if you want people to put suspicions on you. As in, weren’t you aiming for the right occasion when she would open the door to act out?
- 【Question 8: How come you constantly keep making assertions about consorting with Yamaguchi-san, which has nothing to do with the point at issue in the litigation?】
- Even if you were to make a case about having consorted with Yamaguchi-san, this doesn’t mean you can deny the assault incident this way. Nor does it imply that you weren’t consorting with other members, either.
- This doesn’t serve as a counterargument to the claims by the plaintiff. I can imagine that president Yoshinari would be more than happy if you ever managed to demonstrate there was any consorting between you and Yamaguchi-san, but point is that this is no counterargument.
- So why is it that you continue making such assertions all the time? It inevitably feels weird.
- 【Question 9: In the audio recordings data you didn’t deny that you grasped her face, so why is it that you are now doing it at the trial?】
- Right after the incident, when they were accused of clutching her face, they didn’t deny it, yet those same culprits for some obscure reason are claiming they didn’t do it now at this trial, as in: we just yanked the door back and forth… The details of what you are telling now is different from what you spoke at the time. Please explain to us why there is such a difference.
- 【Question 10: How come the fields for the signatures and the seal stamps are being omitted in the set-time rental contract for room #602 and in the explanatory pamphlet for a set-time rental contract for room #314? Also, did you inform the judge that you left out the fields for the signatures and the seal stamps?】
- Seems like they said that the signatures field was cut out from the document originally, but considering things normally, the field for the signatures and the seal stamps isn’t something to be cut out from the document…
- In case you were to present it as evidence without first informing that it was left out, wouldn’t this cause to mislead the judge?
- It would make him, maybe, wrongly assume that room #314 was borrowed under the name of the defendant.
- It’s like they want to be suspected; he’s exactly hoping that the judge would end up being misled this way.
- 【Question 11: About the alleged interactions on Twitter’s direct message with Yamaguchi-san: any records of you having given her presents, and any other evidences about the rest, you have showed pretty much nothing of that, why?】
- How come there’s no evidences coming forward at all about it?
- In a court trial, no matter how many claims you make, if it turns out that there’s nothing to attest to it, then this is simply “just something I said”.
- There’s none? Did you throw them away? Or alternatively, it would be serious business if it were to be put forward?
- 【Question 12: You did submit as evidence that shot from the photo-shooting event in order to assert you are consorting with Yamaguchi-san, but are you honestly thinking you can demonstrate there’s consorting, with that one photo?】
- Anyone, seeing that, would go “What?”, with “that thing” you surely can’t go on saying you are consorting, and be appalled at it.
- Is it something you did just for the fun of making people around you feel appalled?
- I really want to hear about your inner feelings: did you submit it, while being seriously convinced that with that thing you could have proven that you were consorting?
- Your perception of reality is a little weird, huh? — I am to the point of wondering that.
- 【Question 13: As for the reason why you decided to move over from room #602 to room #314, you are asserting that the rental price would have been more affordable, but isn’t that a lie after all?】
- I gave my thoughts on it in my other videos, but room #314 is up for rent with Livemax as a sub-leaser, and it is more expensive to rent out.
- Unless you take advantage of some promotional campaign, it would cost 150,000 or 160,000 yen a month.
- If you are to take advantage of a campaign, though, you can make it cheaper and lower the price down to as much as 70,000 yen
- Still, room #602 was already much cheaper since the beginning already, with it costing around 55,000 yen a month. So no matter how you look at it, the costs would only end up rising.
- Yet in spite of it, at the court trial the defendants said that they moved over because the rental price was less expensive. And that’s a lie, a blatant one at that.
- If this isn’t a lie, I’d wish them to explain to us how this cannot be a lie.
- 【Question 14: When you were replied to by Yamaguchi-san with, “How about not lumping me together with the bitches you people are associating with?”, you appeared not to make any particular effort to deny it; who do you think the term “bitches”, as said in that context, was referring to?】
- Since, you know, (the defendant) didn’t react with a “they aren’t bitches or anything”. I sense he was aware about that. Who is it that came up to his mind? I’d like to ask him, about that.
- 【Question 15: “When I would meet with other girls, myself, this was the normal way, so I didn’t expect it would have resulted into (Yamaguchi) getting in, well, such a panic, I mean.”. In this conversation, said to Yamaguchi-san, who are those “other girls” appearing in it, who didn’t get into a panic at it [the defendant’s visits]?】
- Who could that be, those people who didn’t get into a panic about it? Would that link back to, as is found in the very first question, the argument about the girls they hang out with, that they eat out with, that they might be going out on dates with too depending on the circumstances?
- 【Question 16: When did you first learn that room #314 was the room Tano-san was using?】
- Didn’t you presumably already known that this was Tano-san’s room?
- This also allows for speculations, wondering if you didn’t go on to get in there and sign up the contract after you caught wind that she had moved out. That too, I’d like to ask.
- 【Question 17: Who pays for the attorney’s fee?】
- The upfront retainer fee is usually 10% of the whole cost.
- Since you are being demanded for 30 million yen, I can imagine that you must have 10% of it, that is 3 million yen, ready with you and you are paying it to the attorney, but the question is where does that money come from?
- There’s also some stories about the parents being wealthy, but I want to ask even about that point.
- 【Question 18: Are you in any condition to pay 30 million yen, should you lose the court trial?】
- Even in the hypothetical situation the plaintiff, AKS, were to win and be awarded 30 million yen, what it means is that there wouldn’t be anywhere they can take that from, and so the point would be that all this court trial was useless.
- 【Question 19: Who do you think is the actual liar in this?】
- So, yes, who would the actual liar be in this?
- It’s very clear they want to paint Yamaguchi-san as such, this is what can be sensed from this court trial, but who is the actual liar, actually? The plaintiff, or the defendant?
- Riko’s tweet
- Video of Rena’s cooking project (just the first half)
- “(First half) 2nd part of Hasegawa Rena’s challenge project! Taking on traditional Chinese cooking. ~Chinese food cook: Chef Yamaguchi~”
Why is this here? My original announcement