Big thanks to @speranzom for the quick and massive translation of the video transcript today as part of the summary from for 1/30 (Thursday).
Note: I try to repeat the Japanese thread as closely as possible here. Where I do make some editorial additions I’ll put them in [ ], though I do occasionally soften the posters’ tone.
764: LillyRush :2020/01/30(木) 21:41:04 ★1月30日(木)① ・山口真帆ストーリー ・くりーむしちゅーのハナタカ!優越館に山口真帆の写真が登場 ・長谷川玲奈ツイート https://twi○ ・菅原りこツイート ・宅建動画:NGT 1月29日「弁論準備」逃げ回る遠藤弁護士○ ▽口頭弁論は法廷で、公開の場で行われるわけですけど、弁論準備は書記官室の小部屋で裁判官と原告と被告、両弁護士で行う ▽普通だったら弁護士が来るはずなんですけど、被告側の弁護士はまた来てないんでしょうね ▽遠藤弁護士、AKS弁護士ですね、また逃げたらしいんですよ ▽その前までは裁判が思い通りに行ってるなくらいな感触が会ったのかもしれないですが、その時にはちゃんと裁判が終わったら正門のところに出てきて、たyんとマスコミの取材に答えていた ▽遠藤弁護士もだんだんやつれていくに従って逃げ惑うようになってた ▽裁判所の横に出口があるんですよね。そこの横の出口からマスコミを避けるように弁論準備が終わった後、ダーッと行ってしまうと ▽入り口のところで待っていたマスコミは「あっ逃げた」って感じでそれを追いかけるという展開が、前回と今回2回連続して起こったということなんですね ▽何かやましい事でもあるんですかね?逃げ惑ってるんですよ 【動画22分~】 ▽囲み取材の動画が代打ち浦部さんのほうで上がっていましたんで、ぜひ見て頂きたい ▽AKS弁護士が言うには、因果関係についてまだ足りてないんじゃないかと、ちゃんと証明しろみたいなことを言ってきたとと言っていましたけど、それは最もだと思います。全然足りてないと思います ▽普通に考えて、因果関係あるの?って思いますよね どう考えたってAKSの打つ手打つ手が悪手だったからこんなことになってるんじゃないですか? ▽犯人側から事情も聞いてない内から全員不問にするとかね、山口さんにも他のメンバーを全員不問にするんだと伝えるとかね ▽約束しながら、処分すると言っていながら、しなかったりね ▽挙句の果てには、被害者である山口さんに謝罪させたり、最初から隠蔽しようとしたりとかね、そういうのが見え見えなわけですよ ▽第三者委員会に何千万もかけてやっても、それを大切にせず、保護者会では山口さんが繋がっていたと言ってみたり、山口さん本人に加害者はあなただと言ってみたり、もう碌なもんじゃないわけです ▽そういった事が1億何千万の損害に繋がってるんであって、AKSが悪いんですよ ▽一番悪いのは犯人たちかも知れないですけど、AKSも相当悪いですよ ▽やってはいけない事をたくさん積み重ねてきている。その結果が今のAKSの負け戦です。敗退して遁走ですよ ▽被害者側が言った因果関係、本当に暴行や他のメンバーの名前を出したことが1億円を超える損害に繋がっている、因果関係があると証明しろっていうのは正しい主張だと思います ▽あと被告側は相変わらず大した証拠は出してきてないようですね。まあ無いんでしょうね。これだけ時間をかけてやってきても証拠が出てきてないってのはね ▽訳解んないですよね、署名押印欄のない契約書とかね、あんなに主張しているDMでのやり取り、ゆうパックでプレゼントを贈ったとか、そういったものの証拠が全然出てこないわけですから ▽普通に考えれば、そんな事なかった、全然立証できてないよねって思うわけですよ 765: LillyRush :2020/01/30(木) 21:42:43 ★1月30日(木)② ・宅建動画:NGT 1月29日「弁論準備」逃げ回る遠藤弁護士【続き】 ▽この後なんですけど、本当だったら回数的にも、去年7月から半年経ってるわけですよ。そろそろ証人尋問に移っていくはずなのに、証人尋問の話が出てきてないということは、まだ裁判所としてはジャッジ出来ていないということなんですね ▽なのでもっと主張を出してきなさいよ、というレベルの話なのかもしれないです ▽山口さんが出てくるのかどうかみたいな話も出てきてるようですけど、未確認情報ですし、AKS弁護士が言ってるだけなので、どこまで本当のことかわからないです ▽山口さんにとって裁判に出てくるメリットは無いと思います ▽山口さんが正しいってことは誰が見ても明らかじゃないですか。AKSが捏造しようとしたような事実がないってみんな分かってるんですよ ▽被告側が繋がってる繋がってると言ったって誰も信用しないですよ ▽もう勝負あった話なんで、山口さんがリスク犯して出てくるメリットは特に無い ▽あともう一点。検察側へ犯人側の供述調書に関してですけど、個人的には供述調書なんて出てきても、別になんともならねえやって話ですよね ▽供述調書が出てきても、主張が変わらないのであれば、犯人は暴行してないと否認していたということが出てるのかなという気はします ▽AKSの狙いとしては、調書を取り寄せれば、他のメンバーに犯罪事実が無かったと書いてあると、もうシロですよと、補強証拠になると、そういう狙いで取ろうとしているんじゃないかと思うんですよね ▽山口さんの疑念に過ぎないんですよと ▽そうは言ってもね、「繋がり」に関して、暴行事件に直接関与していたとか、教唆とか共犯だったのかに何とか絞って、そこを関与してなかったら全員シロだと、そういう理屈建てにしてるんでしょうけど、もうみんな信用しない ▽私達の言ってることはそんなことじゃないんだと。刑事事件に関与してなかったとしても、厄介どもと遊んだり食事したりがあったんじゃないのかと ▽それが山口真帆さんの暴行事件に繋がってしまったんじゃないかと、遠因となってしまったんじゃないか ▽それについて風紀の乱れを理由として処分すべきだったんじゃないのかと、そういう話をしているんであって、刑事事件に関与してないからシロですとか、すでにそういう話じゃなくなっている ▽宅建太郎は直接教唆とか共犯関係にあったとは思ってない。でも責任はあるんじゃないの ▽疑念が解明されていないままAKSは撤退し、名前も変わる。そして独立採算制でやり直す ▽イメージ商売ですからね。イメージが悪いままで、どうやって独立採算制でやっていくのか。大丈夫なのかなあと思ってしまう
- Maho’s Instastory
- Maho’s photo appears on くりぃむしちゅーのハナタカ!優越館 [Comedy duo Cream Stew’s TV Asahi show]
- Rena’s tweet
- Riko’s tweet
- Takkentaro’s video: “NGT, January 29 “Preparatory proceedings” and Attorney Endo [note: AKS’s lawyer] weaseling away”
- First off, oral proceedings are supposed to be performed in a courtroom, in a public venue, but on the other hand preparatory proceedings are done in a small room of the secretary’s offices in the presence of the judge, the plaintiff, and the defendant — just between the attorneys of the two sides.
- In normal circumstances the attorneys would show up, but the attorney from the defendant side has yet to present himself, actually.
— - So yes, attorney Endo, that is to say the lawyer from AKS, once again scurried away from the place, it appears
- Up until the previous point, he had the feeling that the court trial was going as imagined: in those times, he would make sure to come out from the main gate of the building once the trial session was over, and he would give a proper answers to the interviews from the mass media
- But even attorney Endo is looking physically worn out and has taken to weaseling away, as a consequence.
- You know how there is an exit door on the side of the courthouse building? In order to evade the media, once the preparatory proceedings are finished, he now hastily walks away from that certain exit door on the side.
- The media reporters, who were waiting for him at entrance door, were reacting like “Aaah! He escaped away!” and then tried to chase along with him — this turn of events happened two times in a row already, both last time and today, that is to say.
- Is there anything to have a guilty conscience about? Whatcha scurrying away from?
— - 【From the video; at about minutes 22】
The video of the on-the-spot interview was uploaded at Daiuchi-Urabe-san [note: Twitter user following and reporting on the trial case]’s place, so be sure to give it a watch.
[note: the video in question is this] - Going by what the AKS attorney says, he feels there is still insufficient material regarding the cause-effect correlations [leading to AKS’s claimed monetary damages], which is why he’s telling them to verify that exhaustively. Well, that’s what I [Takkentaro] find compelling enough. It absolutely is insufficient, I think.
- But to consider things normally, one has to wonder if there has to be a cause-effect correlation after all?
However you think about it, isn’t it more like that things turned out this way due to AKS playing one bad move after another, instead? - And I mean, giving all members a pardon while still not having heard information from the perpetrators’ side; not only that, but having informed Yamaguchi-san as well that they were intending to give a pass to all the other members.
- They made a promise, they said they would hand out punitive measures, but all the while they still didn’t, I mean…
- And at the end of it all, there’s also them forcing the victim herself, Yamaguchi-san, into apologizing, while attempting to suppress information right from the beginning. You know, all that stuff is glaringly obvious.
- Then, even though they spent something on the order of tens of millions of yen on the third-party committee, they ended up not giving their due respects to it, and then you have [president Yoshinari] going on to say at that parents’ briefing meeting that Yamaguchi-san was the one consorting, or how before she told Yamaguchi-san herself that she was an offender. Things went beyond the limits of decency.
- Aren’t such things what led to 100 million and some thousands of yen in damages? That AKS is to blame for it?
- While presumably those most at fault are the perpetrators themselves, AKS is quite heavily to blame as well.
- They kept committing, one after another, actions they have absolutely should not have done. And the result of it is the lost battle that AKS is having right now. So now, for them, it’s running away with their tail between their legs.
- I feel that the defendants are making the right statement in saying [to the other side] that they should demonstrate that there is such a cause-effect correlation, about how the aggression and the fact that the names of other members were brought up was what has led to economic damages in excess of 100 million yen.
— - Also, as usual, looks like the defendants’ side isn’t presenting any evidence worth noting. Well, let’s just say it’s really nothing at all. That they would take so much time and still not put forward any evidence, is well…
- It doesn’t make any sense, either. There you have a contract document [for the apartment rental] without the field for the signatures and seal stamps. And as for all that you have claimed so loudly, about the texting via direct messages, giving presents via YouPack deliveries, etc… — any [evidence] attesting to any such things hasn’t been put forward in the least.
- To think about it normally, one would conclude that then such things aren’t real, and so they can’t build a case at all around that…
- Takkentaro’s video: “NGT, January 29 “Preparatory proceedings” and Attorney Endo weaseling away”【follow-up】
- After that point, if they are really honest about their intentions, even considering that half a year has passed since it began back in July, they would go over that multiple times, but… it should be about the time for them to move on to testimony questioning, yet the fact that there’s still no talks coming up about any such testimony questioning, which would mean the judge, on their part, is still in no condition to hand out a judgement.
- So presumably the debate is still at the level of, “please give forward more statements first”
- There’s also the question coming up of whether Yamaguchi-san would appear on not, but this is information yet to be verified. Being this only something that the AKS attorney is claiming, it’s hard to tell how much of that is true.
- Plus, I find that there is no merit on Yamaguchi-san’s part to appear at the court trial.
- And I mean, wouldn’t it be obvious to anyone who’s seeing it, that Yamaguchi-san is in the right? Everyone can tell that the facts AKS is trying to forge aren’t real.
- No matter how much the defendant keeps repeating, “we are consorting with her”, they aren’t worth trusting.
- Fact is that the game is already over. There isn’t any particular merit for Yamaguchi-san to show up and face any risk in doing that.
— - Also, there’s another point of issue. About the request [from AKS] to the Prosecutors Office for the culprits’ statement records. Fact is that even if they were to present any statement records, individually speaking, they wouldn’t mean anything in particular.
- Even if the the statement records were to presented, as long as the assertions aren’t anything different, what I feel would come out is just that the culprits were denying that they meant to assault her.
- It makes me wonder about what AKS is aiming for… if they ever manage to have the report documents delivered to them, is it to claim that it’s written inside how there’s no criminal details about the members, that they are thus white as snow, that this represents some reinforcing evidence, etc… — isn’t this what their intentions are in trying to gain them?
- That is, to claim that it [the other members’ involvement] was nothing more than Yamaguchi-san’s misgivings.
- Even if they would say that, for what still concerns the question of “consorting”… In other words, they are claiming that they [other members] were not directly implicated in the assault incident, restricting it to a question of whether there was any criminal conspiracy and instigation to a crime, and then claiming everyone is guiltless since they weren’t implicated in it… This is the reasoning they are making a case for, but no one trusts them on that.
- This isn’t what we’ve all been saying. Even if they weren’t implicated in a criminal case kind of way, isn’t there always the case of how they used to hang out having fun and eating out together with these yakkai wotas?
- Isn’t it what led to the assault incident on Yamaguchi Maho-san? Doesn’t it represent an underlying factor in that, I can’t help wondering?
- Should they have dealt punitive measures based on that, on account of it being a case of morality decay? This is the argument we are making. “There’s no implications in the way of a criminal case, so they are guiltless”; it’s no longer the question anymore.
- Takkentaro doesn’t believe there was a correlation in terms of criminal conspiracy, as in direct instigation to a crime. But wouldn’t there still be responsibility for it?
— - But while all these doubts haven’t yet been dispelled yet, AKS has withdrawn from the business, and even their name was changed. What’s more, they are starting over again with an autonomous accounting system [among the sister groups].
- This is a business revolving on image. If you keep going on with a bad image of yourself, how do you intend to run on an autonomous accounting system? Are you sure everything is alright, that’s what I’m thinking.
Why is this here? Original announcement