My translation of the summary from for 1/18 (Saturday).
Note: I try to repeat the Japanese thread as closely as possible here. Where I do make some editorial additions I’ll put them in [ ], though I do occasionally soften the posters’ tone.
- Riko’s tweet
- Rena’s tweet
- NGT solo concert. There’s a flood of over 1000 critical comments on the article.
- From Oricon News: “OgiYuka moved to tears by NGT48’s first solo concert in a year and 9 months — At the start is an unusual 15-minute video”
- Nakai Rika: “I happened to make a really good friend, in the true sense of the word (during the competition at the training camp)”
- NTT and Sony put “for AKB Group”, not “for NGT”, on their flowers.
- Training camp [images from the show]
- From Oricon News: “OgiYuka moved to tears by NGT48’s first solo concert in a year and 9 months — At the start is an unusual 15-minute video”
- Riko’s tweets
- 3-shot with Maho and Rena
- Lotti’s Nakaoka also went to her theater
- Rena’s tweet