My translation of the summary from for 1/15 (Wednesday).
Note: I try to repeat the Japanese thread as closely as possible here. Where I do make some editorial additions I’ll put them in [ ], though I do occasionally soften the posters’ tone.
- MAQUIA’s ranking for most read article from last week: “#1 Yamaguchi Maho”
- From MAQUIA Online: “What was the most read thing last week? Popular articles ranking (Jan 1-7)”
- Rena’s tweet and Instastory
- Riko’s tweet and Instastory
- Today Mitani Koki came to watch
- Riko’s interview is published in the monthly Lawson Ticket Engeki Sengen
- From Engeki Sengen: “‘Innocent Lies’ Every Day is April Fools~ interview with Sugahara Riko”
- Watanabe Ayusa appears in a Kappa Sushi commercial
- An FBS Fukuoka broadcast uses the Sponichi article to attack Maho, but does not cover her performance in the first episode of ‘White/Black’.
- Cinnamon Lawyer: “Instigation of an assault is subject to a minor offense punishment”
- A process will be selected for dealing with cases where only an insignificant crime has been committed where it is handled by just “the police” and not referred to a “prosecutor”.
- Punishments for minor offenses are in fact not sent to a prosecutor.
- “Minor Offense Punishments | A lawyer explains connection between precedent and criminal record with his personal experience”
- Mitani Koki takes to the stage Riko where is performing. A lot of well-known people are in attendance.
- Full version of the Kappa Sushi commercial with Watanabe Ayusa