I don’t remember how I came across Ayaka’s (絢香) music, but にじいろ (nijiiro / Rainbow-colors) was probably the first song that stuck with me. It was likely part of the promotions for her 2018 album 30 y/o.
The track’s originally from her 2014 single of the same name, and it’s probably her most iconic song. The opening/closing lines are what immediately got into my head; not only are they beautiful in Japanese, but in my poor mental translation it seemed like really nice phrasing, too.
The MV is a bit trippy, like something that wouldn’t be out of place in a 70’s/early-80’s American music video. It’s feels a bit anachronistic for someone younger than me, but still I like the fancifulness and the use of color.
By chance I’m working on translating another rainbow-themed J-Pop song at the moment, and I’ll admit I’m not sure I understand the Japanese take on rainbow symbolism with respect to love. Hopefully the translation is more or less accurate despite that.
絢香 にじいろ (nijiiro / Rainbow-colors) Translation by SaitoWinterStar これからはじまるあなたの物語 kore kara hajimaru anata no monogatari Your story starts here ずっと長く道は続くよ zutto nagaku michi wa tsudzuku yo A long road that continues on and on にじいろの雨降り注げば nijiiro no ame furisosogeba When the rainbow drops come pouring down 空は高鳴る sora wa takanaru The sky rumbles 眩しい笑顔の奥に mabushii egao no oku ni Inside of your dazzling smile 悲しい音がする kanashii oto ga suru There's a sad note 寄りそって 今があって yori sotte ima ga atte Nestled together It's in there now こんなにも愛おしい kon'na ni mo itooshii And I adore this about you 手を繋げば温かいこと te wo tsunageba atatakai koto The warmth when we hold hands 嫌いになれば一人になってくこと kirai ni nareba hitori ni natte ku koto Going to be alone when you get angry ひとつひとつがあなたになる hitotsu hitotsu ga anata ni naru Each of these is a part of you 道は続くよ michi wa tsudzuku yo And the road continues on 風が運ぶ希望の種 kaze ga hakobu kibou no tane The wind that carries the seeds of hope 光が夢の蕾になる hikari ga yume no tsubomi ni naru The light that becomes the bud of a dream なくしたものを数えて nakushita mono wo kazoete Counting the things you've lost 瞳閉ざすよりも hitomi tozasu yori mo And rather than shutting your eyes あるものを数えた方が aru mono wo kazoeta hou ga You counted those things in such a way 瞳輝きだす hitomi kagayaki dasu That makes your eyes shine あなたが笑えば誰かも笑うこと anata ga waraeba dare ka mo warau koto The smile someone gets when you laugh 乗り越えれば強くなること norikoereba tsuyoku naru koto Getting stronger when you overcome ひとつひとつがあなたになる hitotsu hitotsu ga anata ni naru Each of these is a part of you 道は続くよ michi wa tsudzuku yo And the road continues on La la la la la la la la la これからはじまるあなたの物語 kore kara hajimaru anata no monogatari Your story starts here ずっと長く道は続くよ zutto nagaku michi wa tsudzuku yo A long road that continues on and on にじいろの雨降り注げば nijiiro no ame furisosogeba When the rainbow drops come pouring down 空は高鳴る sora wa takanaru The sky rumbles