My translation of the summary from for 12/30 (Monday).

Thanks to @speranzom for his translations of the case information and papers for reference, as well as the Takken Taro summary.

Note: I try to repeat the Japanese thread as closely as possible here. Where I do make some editorial additions I’ll put them in [ ], though I do occasionally soften the posters’ tone.

Source 704: LillyRush :2019/12/30(月) 20:56:19 ★12月30日(月)① ・山口真帆ツイート&ストーリー ・長谷川玲奈ストーリー ・BEST TIMES:吉本、ドラッグ、タピオカ恫喝、二世迷走~2019芸能総括【スキャンダル編】  ▽第4位:NGT事件 ・宅建動画:NGT 悲報 宅建太郎に、脅しDMが来た。Σ゚д゚lllガーン◯ 705: LillyRush :2019/12/30(月) 21:37:10 ★12月30日(月)② ・宅建動画:NGT 吉成さん悲報(3) AKS弁護士が、「被告2を横によけて」に反論!◯  【被告は「私が山口真帆に向かって行くために被告2を「横によける」などという動作は不要だし、位置関係が合いません」】  ▽「位置関係が合わない」ってことなんですけども、私ね、例のマンションの内部に入らせて頂いて、303号室と314号室の位置関係について大体把握しました  ▽303号室は山口真帆さんが借りていた部屋   314号室は元太野さんの部屋で、被告1が借りた部屋  ▽被告1がね、私が借りましたと署名押印欄の無い定期賃貸借の説明書を裁判所に証拠として提出している物件となります  ▽このマンションは構造が面白いんですよね  ▽普通のマンションのドアってのは右利きが多いんですよ。ドアのノブも右側にある方が開けやすいんですよね    (※画像1枚目:メゾン・ド・リッシュ3階の見取り図 )  ▽エレベーターを降りて、前はいきなり壁になっていてですね、そのまま廊下があるというわけではなく、踊り場みたいなのがあって、そこを左に折れて、そうすると左側右側に廊下が長く繋がっている  ▽303号室はエレベーターを降りて、ちょっと左側に行って、突き当りをすぐ左に歩いて行ったすぐそばに303号室があるわけです  ▽「斜め前」と言いますけど、ほぼほぼ、真正面とは言いませんけど、正面に近いくらいの、ちょっとした斜めと言ってもいいんじゃないですかね。そこに314号室があるわけです  ▽で、言いましたようにですね、左にノブがあったほうがですね、右利きが多いんで開けやすいんですけど  ▽エレベーターを降りて、ぐるーっと回って突き当たってる壁ですね、その前に廊下が広がってるわけですけども、その303号室がある方の壁にあるマンションのドアノブは「右手」にあるんですよ。右ノブなんですね  ▽ところが反対側ですね、斜め前にある314号室側のドアは「右」じゃなく「左側」に付いているんですよ  ▽エレベーターから降りて廊下の方に向かって行くと、ドアノブが全部エレベーターに近い方にあるという状態なんです  ▽303号室の反対側、314号室のドアノブは右利き用じゃなくて左利き用で、左手で開けて入るという形になっているわけなんですね  ▽そのため、山口さんが303号室の部屋を開けて入ろうとすると、非常に近い位置で314号室の部屋が開くってことになるわけですね  ▽303号室に向かってドアが開いて来るという状態なんで、そんなに遠くないんですよ。ドアを開いたところから314号室と303号室の間、1m40cmぐらいの距離しかない  ▽だからドアを開けて入ろうとしたら、バッと行ったら1秒も経たないうちに303号室のドアノブの一まで辿り着けるような一に314号室のドアがあるわけです  ▽被告側の主張としては、まず被告2(北川)が山口真帆さんが部屋に入ろうとするのを阻止して、押し問答やドアの引っ張り合いになったという話なんですけど  ▽そこから行こうとすると当然被告2がいるわけですから、被告1(笠井)としては横によけるという動作は必要なんじゃないかなと思うんですけど  ▽なぜか被告1は「横によける動作なんか必要なく」と主張しているわけなんですね。不要だし位置関係が合わないと  【③に続く】 706: LillyRush :2019/12/30(月) 21:38:19 ★12月30日(月)③ ・【続き】宅建動画  【被告らは、被告1が顔面を掴んだ行為を否認する】  ▽掴んでいないと主張するために、山口さん側の主張ってのが理屈に合わないんだと、、そういった横によける動作なんて行為も必要じゃないんだから、その先にある顔を掴むなんて行為もする必要がない、といった理屈立てにしたいんじゃないでしょうかね  ▽横によける動作がなかったとしても、顔を掴む動作は必要だと思うんですけどね。そういった印象を裁判官に持って欲しいということなのかもしれません  ▽しかしAKS、原告側はこのように反論しています・・・「被告1の供述には信用性がない」  【被告2は、山口氏と極めて近い位置において、ドアの内側、すなわち山口氏側と同じ側に立っていた】  ▽この見方は私と同じです。何しろ山口さんは部屋に入ってドアを閉めようとしていたわけですから、当然 体は部屋の中に入っていた  ▽被告2が山口さんの顔を押さえる、顔に当たるようにするためには、体が半分入るような形で押し合いをする必要があるわけですね  ▽山口さんが部屋の中にいて、被告2が廊下の外にいたら顔を掴んだりとか事実上不可能なわけですから、実際入ってきていたんじゃないかと思いますけどね  ▽無理矢理入ってこようとしているところを山口さんが押し出そうとしていたんじゃないかと思います  ▽そうするとですね、314号室にいたという被告1が気配を感じて、何事だと慌てて出てきたら押し合いへし合いをしていたという事だと思いますから、それは引き離す必要性があったんではないかと  ▽とするならば、その間に割って入るような形で被告1が入ってきたんじゃないか。ならば、左から右にガーっと横に寄せる行為でなかったとしても、割って入るという行為が「横に寄せる」と言えなくもないんじゃないかということですね  ▽事実関係はあったんじゃないかと私は推測しますけども、AKS側の弁護士も同じようなことを述べています  【被告2は山口側のスペースに身を乗り出していたはずであるから、被告1は山口氏と被告2の間に割って入るため】    ▽AKS弁護士の主張を読み取ってみましたけれども、やっぱり言ってることは「暴行事件はあった」「刑事事件はあった」  ▽弁護士が行っていることを普通に考えるならば、「不起訴にはなっているけれども『嫌疑なし』とか『嫌疑不十分』とかではなくて、起訴猶予によって不起訴になったよ」ということが、考えられる一番合理的な結論なんじゃないでしょうか  ▽吉成さんは今だにね、事件なんか無かったということについて一言の撤回も謝罪もしていませんけれど、弁護士の意見をもう一度よく聞いてみて、本当にそんな見解でいいのか?暴行事件はあったんじゃないですか?と私は強く思います
  • Maho’s tweet and Instastory
  • Rena’s Instastory
  • From BEST T!MES: “Yoshimoto, Drugs, Tapioca Coercion, 2nd Gen Gone Astray ~ Recap of Entertainment in 2019 (Scandal Edition)”
  • Takken Taro video: “NGT — Sad news — Takken Taro gets threatening DMs”
  • Takken Taro video: “NGT — Bad news for Yoshinari (3) AKS attorneys refute “Defendant 2 was pulled aside”!”
    • (From the plaintiff’s preparatory papers – The defendants state: “The action of “pulling aside” Defendant 2 was unnecessary in order to have gone over and faced Yamaguchi Maho, this doesn’t match the relative position we were in”)They argue on about “this doesn’t match the relative position we were in”, but since I [Takkentaro] did personally visit inside the building in question, I could get a rough idea of the distance between rooms #303 and #314
      • Now, room #303 is the apartment Yamaguchi Maho-san rented
      • Room #314 is formerly Tano-san’s room, and which defendant #1 booked
      • This one is the property about which Defendant #1, claiming he did personally rent it, put forward as an evidence to the courthouse the explanatory pamphlet of a set-time rental contract without any signatures or stamps
      • And the set up of that building complex is a quite interesting one, to boot
      • In ordinary buildings, it’s frequent for the doors to be meant to the opened with the right hand. If the door knob is on the right side then they are easier to open.
    • (*First picture: an overview sketch of the 3rd floor of Maison des Riches)Once you walk out of the elevator, you immediately find in front of yourself a wall. It’s not like there’s a hallway going straight from there, there’s instead a stepped platforms, from there you turn left, and once there you have connected to it the hallway, stretching for a long distance both to the left and right sides.
      • For room #303, you should walk out of the elevator, go a little bit to the left, and proceeding immediately to the left after the dead end you’ll have straight away room #303 next to you.
      • ”It’s diagonally in front”, I’d rather say, but it pretty surely not really straight in front of it. Maybe it’s more appropriate saying it’s a little diagonally, but close to being right in front of it? Well, over there is room #314 instead.
      • Well, as I have said, it’s the sort with the doorknob on the left. Never mind that the right-handed kind is more commonplace and make it easier to open.
      • So, first you would walk out of the elevator, then turn all around yourself, and you’ll bump yourself against a wall. There’s a hallway then stretching right in front of you, anyway on the side of the wall where room #303 is, the doorknobs are “right-handed”. It means the doorknob is on the right side.
      • Meanwhile, on the opposite side, on the door of room #314 diagonally in front of it isn’t on the right side to you facing that way, but on the left side.
      • So the condition is such that when you get off the elevator and walk toward the hallway, the doorknobs are then all close to the direction of the elevator.
      • The doorknob of room #314 standing on the opposite side as #303 are not designed for the right-handed but for the left-handed, they are made therefor in a way you should open them with your left hand.
      • As such, when Yamaguchi-san would open the door of room #303 and be about to get inside, suppose that the door of room #314, extremely close to it, would open too.
      • In the case of heading to the room #303, and coming inside with the door open, it’s not such a long distance. Rooms #314 and #303 are about 1m and 40cm apart from the place where the respective doors open.
      • Therefore, if the other were to open the door and be in the process of entering inside, the door of room #314 is such that reaching the place where the doorknob of room #303  is would take less than one second if you storm out fast.
      • Regarding the claims of the defendant side, Defendant #2 (Kitagawa) first talked about stopping Yamaguchi Maho-san from entering inside of the apartment, with it turning into a push-and-shove and each other yanking the door each their side.
      • If you then try walking on from that point on, there’ll be obviously Defendant #2 standing in the way. Although Defendant #1 (Kasai) is convinced that pulling him to the side is an unnecessary action.
      • For some unexplained reason Defendant #1 is claiming that “pulling him to the side is an unnecessary action” indeed. As is, it’s superfluous and doesn’t match with each other’s relative positions.
    • (From the plaintiff’s preparatory papers – The defendants deny that Defendant 1 acted to grab her face)For the purpose of the claiming he didn’t clutch her face, they have to go all  the way to say that the statements on Yamaguchi-san’s side don’t stand to reason. And so this act of shoving him aside wan’t necessary either, therefore even the act of clutching her face happening before it was also not necessary — this is the logic reasoning the probably want to make.
      • Or maybe the impression they want the judge to get is that: even assuming there was no action of shoving him aside, that the act of clutching her face was necessary instead
      • Nevertheless, the plaintiff’s side, AKS, is rebutting to it this way: “The statements of Defendant #1 lack believe-ability”
    • (From the plaintiff’s preparatory paper – Defendant 2 was standing extremely close to Yamaguchi, within the doorway, indeed standing on the same side as Yamaguchi)This view is the same that I hold. Whatever the case, Yamaguchi-san had entered her apartment and was about to close the door, so as it’s natural she was physically inside of the apartment.
      • For Defendant #2 to push against her face, to press her face in any way, it was thus be first necessary for him to wrestle his way in a manner that his body would be half inside already.
      • With Yamaguchi-san inside of the apartment, it would be practically impossible for Defendant #2 to clutch her face still if he were outside in the hallway, therefore I have got to wonder if he actually didn’t step inside already.
      • And so, as he was attempting to forcibly enter inside, Yamaguchi-san then tried to push him outside.
      • Once doing so, one would think Defendant #1, who was still inside room #314, then felt concerned, wonder what was going on then exited in agitation, and joined in the scuffle. Wouldn’t it be necessary to pull the other one away, while at it, methinks?
      • So, with things having gone this way, now Defendant #1 should have stepped inside in the act of intervening between the two sides, right? If so, even conceding that there wasn’t any act of violently shoving the other one for the right from the left, it’s not that this act of intervening in between can’t be said to included “showing the other aside”
      • I have to suppose how the sequence of events [note: from Maho’s testimony] do make sense, but then again even the attorney on AKS’s side is expressing the same notion.
    • (From the plaintiff’s preparatory papers – Defendant #2 must have actually thrusted his body inside the space on miss Yamaguchi’s side, so in order for defendant #1 to intervene between miss Yamaguchi and defendant #2, etc…)I tried to read between the lines of the AKS attorneys’ claims, but as it turns out in the end it does say, “There was an assault incident” and “There was a criminal incident”. 
      • If you take what the attorney is saying and consider it in a normal way, isn’t it “Even though it ended without prosecution, it’s not that it was a matter of ‘non-suspicion’ or ‘insufficient suspicion’, but rather that it ended up so by reason of suspension of indictment”, that is to say the most logical conclusion one can possibly think of?
      • Even to this day Yoshinari-san has never said a word to retract and apologize about what she said, that there was no incident. Listen carefully to the judgement of the attorney — Is such a point of view of yours really okay? Didn’t an incident actually happen?; that’s what I’m firmly thinking.

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