My translation of the summary from for 6/23 (Sunday).

Source252: LillyRush :2019/06/23(日) 21:58:40





・研究生 藤崎未夢のモバメ「2人が悩んでいる所を見てきた。何となく分かっていたけど急な発表で整理がつかない」

・研究生 小見山沙空と藤崎未夢のフォトログ


 ▽当時高校生なので いきなり東京に行くのは無理だった


 ▽スポニチ:NGT48 高沢朋花と渡邉歩咲の活動辞退を発表 山口真帆ら卒業公演参加メンバー(コメント2500超え)
 ▽東スポ:山口真帆卒業公演参加の研究生2人が活動辞退 早川支配人「大切な存在でした」

253: LillyRush :2019/06/23(日) 23:12:49


・NGT研究生 安藤千伽奈のモバメ「何度も話したが2人の気持ちは揺るがなかった」

254: LillyRush :2019/06/24(月) 00:08:15



  • A story heard from the parent of a member: “As there’s still no explanation as to the truth of the incident, if they’re going to remain in the group and continue being idols, I was pressing for the bad members to be forgiven”
  • Story from a person who went to hear a lecture from Nakamori Akio and Ashahi Shinbun reporter Komatsu
  • Kado Yuria’s mobame: “I knew for a long time that those two had made the decision to resign, but I didn’t know when”
  • Kusakabe Aina’s Photolog
  • Kenkyuusei Fujisaki Miyu’s mobame: “I saw that those two were worried. Somehow I understood, but with this sudden announcement I can’t sort it all out”
  • Kenkyuusei Komiyama Sara and Fujisaki Miyu’s Photologs
  • (Unverified) “All of the 安心安全7 members will graduate”, “Two will stay in show business”, “Murakumo will retire”
    [安心安全7 (Safe and Secure 7) are the seven other NGT members that appeared at the graduation performance]
  • Homma Hinata appears on radio
    • She’s had more chances to talk with the members about wanting to stand on stage again. They are talking about wanting to do this soon
    • When we discussed with the staff about doing a street performance, we were told that it was a problem of security
    • They want to go and reevaluate their community-based origins
    • She wants to do something like volunteer at a shopping mall
    • In the end she wants to become an actress. She’s wanted to get acting jobs since she entered NGT
    • Since she was a high schooler at the time, it was impossible to just suddenly go to Tokyo
    • It is because of NGT that there is drama concerning the 48 Groups
    • from 36:25
  • NGT-related articles
  • Summary from a person who went to the NGT case lecture at Hosei University
  • NGT kenkyuusei Ando Chikana mobame: “I have talked with those two many times, and their feelings did not waver”
  • Homma Hinata mobame: “For me, I think the choice to say you will graduate, no matter the moment, is always a positive thing…!”
  • Member A from the [3rd party] report: Otsuka Nanami’s Photolog is crazy
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