Here by popular (i.e. my wife’s) request, Zukky’s dark double-center モニカ、夜明けだ (MONIKA, yoake da / Monica, It’s The Dawn). A good song from the single with the best cover, too.
Aside from Zukky getting a non-cute song, I was happy to see Ayaka make this “48 Group NEXT12” senbatsu with a lot of other members I don’t recognize. However, I was really excited to see STU48’s Imamura Mitsuki get in as well.
I feel like the dancing-on-water aesthetic is pretty popular in J-pop this year, and Monica does it well. The dream-like set design and costumes on the water contrasts nicely with the sharp movements in the choreography and music.
Despite it being a double-center with Cocona (I would have preferred Ayaka, but maybe she got enough glaring done in ジュゴンはジュゴン), I feel like Zukky is the real draw here and has some good expressions in her lingering shots.
AKB48 48グループNEXT12 モニカ、夜明けだ (MONIKA, yoake da / Monica, It's The Dawn) Translation by SaitoWinterStar 君だけが落ち込んでもしょうがない kimi dake ga ochikonde mo shou ga nai You can't help it when you're alone and depressed 光が当たらない時もある hikari ga ataranai toki mo aru Those times when the light doesn't shine on you 頑張って 頑張って 焦ったら ganbatte ganbatte asettara Keep at it Keep at it When you're losing patience 何をしても空回りするだろう nani wo shite mo karamawari suru darou Seems no matter what you do you're spinning your wheels 僕は知ってるよ 君の涙を… boku wa shitte ru yo kimi no namida wo... Your tears, I know them... そっと拭って隠していたこと sotto nugutte kakushite ita koto Quietly wiped them away to keep them hidden 神様だって そんな想いを kamisama datte son'na omoi wo Know that God 見捨てたりしない misutetari shinai Won't forsake such feelings モニカ モニカ もうこれ以上 MONIKA MONIKA mou kore ijou Monica Monica No more of this 自分だけを責めてどうする? jibun dake wo semete dou suru? Why do you just blame yourself? モニカ モニカ 強くなるんだ MONIKA MONIKA tsuyoku naru nda Monica Monica You'll get stronger 誰も 誰も 悪くないのさ dare mo dare mo warukunai no sa No one No one is a failure 絶望はチャンスじゃないか zetsubou wa CHANSU janai ka Isn't despair just an opportunity? ここで立ち上がれ! koko de tachiagare! Make your new start here! 夜が明ける yo ga akeru The day dawns Oh!何ができるかって聞かれても Oh! nani ga dekiru ka tte kikarete mo Oh! Even when you're asked, "What can you do?" 何て答えればいいのだろう nante kotaereba ii no darou And wonder how you should reply やらなくちゃ やらなくちゃ 全力で yaranakucha yaranakucha zenryoku de You have to do it You have to do it With all your might 君はやるべきことをやってるよ kimi wa yarubeki koto wo yatte ru yo You're doing what you need to ずっと開かない 運命のドア zutto hirakanai unmei no DOA The door of fate That never opens 押しても引いても今は動かない oshite mo hiite mo ima wa ungokanai Won't move even now as you push and pull 待っているのは苦しいけれど matte iru no wa kurushi keredo Though the waiting is painful いつか道になる itsuka michi ni naru One day that path will be there モニカ モニカ 諦めないで MONIKA MONIKA akiramenaide Monica Monica Please don't give up 仲間たちが味方するだろう nakamatachi ga mikata suru darou Surely your friends will support you モニカ モニカ 聴こえているか? MONIKA MONIKA kikoete iru ka? Monica Monica Are you hearing this? 届け 届け 熱い雄叫び todoke todoke atsui otakebi Pay attention Pay attention to this passionate cry 希望とは前向くこと kibou to wa mae muku koto Hope is a positive thing 明日を信じろよ asu wo shinjiro yo You have to believe in tomorrow 白む空 shiramu sora The sky grows light ようやく機は熟したか youyaku ki wa juku shita ka Is your chance finally here? そろそろ始めるか sorosoro hajimeru ka Will you take it before too long? 今まで耐えていたこと ima made taete ita koto What you've endured up till now 今でも夢見ること ima demo yumemiru koto It's still a dream 戦いはこれから tatakai wa kore kara The battle comes next 合図を待っているよ aizu wo matte iru yo You're waiting for a sign モニカ モニカ 走り出すんだ MONIKA MONIKA hashiridasu nda Monica Monica You start to run みんな みんな ついて行くだろう min'na min'na tsuite yuku darou Everyone Everyone I hope they'll follow モニカ モニカ 時代を変えろ MONIKA MONIKA jidai wo kaero Monica Monica You have to change the times 君が 君が 救世主なんだ kimi ga kimi ga kyuuseishun nanda You You are surely our savior モニカ モニカ もうこれ以上 MONIKA MONIKA mou kore ijou Monica Monica No more of this 自分だけを責めてどうする? jibun dake wo semete dou suru? Why do you just blame yourself? モニカ モニカ 強くなるんだ MONIKA MONIKA tsuyoku naru nda Monica Monica You'll get stronger 誰も 誰も 悪くないのさ dare mo dare mo warukunai no sa No one No one is a failure 絶望はチャンスじゃないか zetsubou wa CHANSU janai ka Isn't despair just a opportunity? ここで立ち上がれ! koko de tachiagare! Make your new start here! 夜が明ける yo ga akeru The day dawns 太陽が地平線の彼方から… taiyou ga chiheisen no kanata kara... For the sun is beyond the horizon...