A joint translation with @speranzom, who generously provided the Takken Taro part from the summary https://jbbs.shitaraba.net/bbs/read.cgi/music/29852/1553736787 for 12/6 (Friday).
Note: I try to repeat the Japanese thread as closely as possible here. Where I do make some editorial additions I’ll put them in [ ], though I do occasionally soften the posters’ tone.
645: LillyRush :2019/12/06(金) 21:11:57 ★12月6日(金)① ・山口真帆がストーリーでQ&A https://i.imgur.com/hvoopwv.jpg https://i.imgur.com/g8hAyOF.jpg https://i.imgur.com/jMNI0L6.jpg ・渡邉歩咲のインタビュー記事 ▽渡邉歩咲 - SHOWROOM『新宿ロフトプラスワン』イメージモデルオーディショングランプリ! https://rooftop.cc/interview/191206113000.php ・長谷川玲奈ツイート https://i.imgur.com/oOPZns3.png https://i.imgur.com/8Xzm85k.jpg https://i.imgur.com/FDNK9kz.jpg https://i.imgur.com/IChzciL.png https://i.imgur.com/vnGurIa.png https://i.imgur.com/qUZ9XHS.jpg ・2019ニコニコ大百科総決算「山口さんの暴行被害でAKSが許せない人も」 https://i.imgur.com/vMXdaaq.jpg ・NGTが恋愛シュミレーションゲーム「NGT48物語」を出してしまう https://i.imgur.com/ClfiJND.jpg ▽シナリオとシステム https://i.imgur.com/AVM0FV5.jpg ▽公式サイトとツイッター https://ngt48story.jp/ https://twi◯tter.com/ngt48story ・5ちゃんねる乃木坂板では「AKBっぽい」が「ヲタクと繋がりそう」という意味で使われている https://imgur.com/a/B8gSnIR 646: LillyRush :2019/12/06(金) 22:14:56 ★12月6日(金)② ・宅建動画:NGT 「314号室」定期借家説明書は、入居申込書の記載事項 https://www.you◯tube.com/watch?v=LEYC3LLO3fk ▽サブリース会社から入居申込書を送ってもらった ▽ちょっと思い出してもらいたい 被告側、犯人側は裁判で証拠書類として、612号室については「賃貸借契約書の写真」、なぜか写真を出してきた ▽314号室については賃貸借契約書を出さず、「定期借家の説明書」を出してきた ▽その説明書とは何なのか、どのタイミングで出されるものなのか、疑問を感じている人も多かったんじゃないでしょうか ▽電話での説明では、契約は電話で受けれますよという話だったんですけど、 話を進めていくと「pdfで入居申込書を送るので、それに署名押印をして出して欲しい」という話になりました ▽で、入居申込書が来たんですけど、よく見ると「定期借家の説明書」というのが記載されているんですね ▽入居申込書には署名押印するのが必要で、正式に決定したらキャンセルできないと書いてありますんで、 実際は電話だけじゃなくて、書類を書いて、審査が通れば予約できたという形になる。電話だけではない ▽結構手続きが面倒でした。「本人の身分証明書」「電話番号」あと「緊急連絡先」が必ず必要と言われてた ▽「緊急連絡先」も「一人だったら固定電話のある人」。 「固定電話がない携帯なら2人以上必要」であるとか「その人の身分証明書」とか 「住所のわかるもの」を送らなければいけませんよと ▽一ヶ月くらいのサブリースのマンションでも、こんなに手続きが大変なんだと驚きました。 お金を払えば簡単にパッと使わせてもらえるのかと思ったら意外に大変 ▽犯人たちも緊急連絡先、これ3親等以内の親族とも言われました。友達や上司では駄目、必ず自分の親族 ▽犯人たちも自分の家族を記載して部屋を借りたんじゃないか だから警察でもそういう情報が出てきて、部屋を借りたとわかったんじゃないか だからマンションの共用廊下にいたとしても、「そこにいる理由だたんですよ」と言えたんじゃないかと推測 ▽入居申込書というのは、契約を前提に動いているだけで、契約が決まってないんです。 何しろここから審査だとか言っていますからね。初歩の初歩の段階。まだ申し込みさえ受け付けてもらってない状態 ▽この頂いたものに、犯人が裁判で出してきたであろう「定期借家の説明書」が載っていたんです ▽裁判の証拠資料を実際には見ていないので、裁判資料として出てきているものと完全に一致するかは確約できないです。 ▽内容的にはこれじゃないかと見ています ▽(画像3枚目)「<<必ずお読み頂き、ご理解頂いた上でご返信下さい>> 定期借家契約について~」 この部分が「定期借家契約についての説明書」という事になるわけです ▽おそらく、この物件情報の部分と定期借家契約書の部分が載っていたんじゃないか、写真に撮られたんじゃないかと思います ▽全体像が写真に写っているとなると、「これはまだ契約してないよね?」とツッコまれてしまうので、その部分は写してないんじゃないですかね ▽逆に言えば、全体像を写してしまうと契約に至っていないということがバレてしまいますから、 部分的に写すことによって、これが契約書類ではないと判らないように、あえて写真を使ったんじゃないか ▽裁判長から「これ契約してないんだから、契約書をちゃんと出して」と 追加の証拠を出して下さいという指示が出る可能性もあるんで、それで写真を使っているのかな?というのが1つの推測です ▽(画像3枚目の)下を見ると「ご住所」「ご契約者署名」「印」というのがあって、 こちらに署名と押印をして送って、審査してもらって、それでいいようであれば契約しましょうという手はずになっているのではないか ▽なので、この段階で部屋の情報が載っていたり、定期借家契約についての説明がなされていたとしても、 この部分をとったんであれば、その後に契約がなされているのかどうかも定かではない、という話になるわけです ▽この段階でキャンセルしてもキャンセル料はかからない この申込書を手に入れるのにお金はかかってない ▽なので、もしこれを証拠として出しているならば、 314号室を被告1(笠井)の名前で借りていたという証拠には全くならないということだと思います ▽仮に署名押印されていたとしても、この後キャンセルが可能です 契約した証拠にならないということになります ▽入居申込書の段階で出て来ているものを、もし証拠として提出しているんだったら 一体何なのと、何か隠したいことがあるんですか?と逆に疑いたくなりますけどね 647: LillyRush :2019/12/06(金) 22:15:52 ★12月6日(金)③ ・宅建動画の画像 https://i.imgur.com/aIT6k9U.jpg https://i.imgur.com/DQasRSD.jpg https://i.imgur.com/TBu7iKq.jpg ・宅建太郎ツイート https://i.imgur.com/TgBAjhR.jpg https://i.imgur.com/hO14gwa.jpg ・誰も何も言っていないのに、一般人のインスタ画像を晒して罵倒したことを必死に言い訳するツイ垢が見つかる https://i.imgur.com/aRwfQtv.png なぜか弁護士ドットコムにも質問 https://i.imgur.com/IAt34v9.jpg
- Maho’s Instastory Q&A
- Watanabe Ayusa interview article
- From Rooftop: “Watanabe Ayusa — SHOWROOM and “Shinjuku Loft Plus One” Image Model Audition Grand Prix”
- Rena’s tweets
- 2019 NicoNicoPedia report: “Some people can’t forgive AKS for the assault of Yamaguchi”
- NGT will release a dating simulation game “NGT48物語” [NGT Story]
- https://i.imgur.com/ClfiJND.jpg
- The scenario and systems
- Official site and Twitter
- In the Nogizaka board on 5ch, “AKB-like” is being used to mean “probably connected to otakus”
- Takken Taro’s video: “NGT, Explanatory pamphlet for the set-time rental of “room #314″, all fields details on the application form”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEYC3LLO3fk
- So, I have received the application form from the sub-leasing company itself
- First, I’d like to refresh your memory a little:
The defendant, that is the culprit side, presented as an evidence document at the trial that is a “photo of the rental contract certificate for room #612” — a photo, for some reason - As for room #314, it’s not even a rental contract certificate that they produced, but an “explanatory pamphlet for a set-time rental”
- What is this explanatory pamphlet all about? At around what stage is it issued? There must have been lots of people with these questions in mind, right?
- In the explanation received over the phone, the gist was that the they would be taking contracts simply via phone conversations,
but as the discussion proceeded, the talk then went on to explain “We’ll send an application form in .pdf format, we’d like you sign and put your seal on it and then submit it to us”. - As such, the application form then arrived, and upon careful inspection, a so-called “explanatory pamphlet for a set-time rental” also came in issued with it.
- Signatures and seal stamps are necessary in the application form. It’s also written inside that once it’s officially approved you cannot cancel anymore.
In reality, then, it’s not just via telephone but the way it’s to be done has you writing down on document papers, and if it passes the screening test, then you can have it reserved. It’s not only via phone. - The process was quite a bothersome one. I was told that _one’s own personal ID certificates_, _phone number_ and _emergency contacts_ are absolutely necessary
- Also, as for the “contacts in case of emergency”: “if just a person, then a person owning a house phone”
“If it’s not a house phone, but a cellphone then two people or more are necessary”, and also “those persons’ ID certificates” are needed too
Also you must send in a “certificate of them knowing your own residence” - I was shocked at these procedures being so demanding even for being a building with a sub-leasing about one month long in term
I assumed that they could let you easily use the apartment straight away if you just paid the money necessary, only to find out it was unexpectedly hard - The culprits too must have been said to write in their relatives within three degrees of kinship for their emergency contacts. Friends or bosses are invalid, it has to be your own relatives
- Did the culprits also write in their own family members, before going on to borrow the room?
Then, such information would come up to the police, and with it they would have understood that they did rent the apartment, right?
Therefore, one can assume that even if they found themselves in the common hallway of the building, they could have just said: “That’s the reason we are here”, right?
— - The application form is something you proceed with the premise of getting a contract later one, it doesn’t mean that the contract is settled just yet.
Since, as things stand, it’s said that there’s a screening afterwards. This is the very, very first step in the process. It’s still in a state where the application hasn’t even been accepted yet. - Yet recorded among what they have received for the trial files is just an “explanatory pamphlet for a set-time rental” that the perpetrator presented
- I couldn’t personally get to view the trial evidence material, myself, but I’d really like to see if [the form Takken Taro was sent] matches completely with what was actually submitted as trial material.
- In terms of content details too, if it’s actually like I think it is.
— - (Picture of page 3) “<<Send back once you have read and understood what’s inside>> About set-time rental contracts”
From this part, it then gets to the “explanatory pamphlet for a set-time rental contracts” - I’ll have to wonder if possibly the passages about info on the building property and the ones about the set-time contract certificate are reported inside, and if they actually got caught in the photo.
- Even if it turns out the whole picture was captured inside the photo, there’d still be holes poked at the fact that, “That still doesn’t mean it’s rented yet?”, so maybe those parts didn’t get caught in the photo actually, did they?
- To say it the other way, if they did actually take a photo of the whole picture it would mean that people will find out they didn’t get to the point of having a contract.
So, one must wonder, maybe they went on and took rather a photo so as to avoid that it would be recognized as not being actually a contract documentation, by partially taking a picture of it. - It can’t be discounted that the judge would say “This doesn’t mean you actually stipulated a contract, so bring out the contract certificates as it’s supposed to be”. and so have a request issued on them to present additional evidences. But one of the speculations would be: “Will they be using yet another photo even then?”
- (Picture of page 3) Looking at the bottom we see fields for “Address”, “Contract signatory”, and “Seal”
In here, one is to put one’s signature and stamp and send it back, wait to have it examined, and if it gets okay’ed, they would get to the stage where they negotiate a contract, right? - Therefore, at this current stage, even if info about the desired apartment are filled in, and you are getting explained to about set-time rental contracts,
even if you took a photo of these parts, it still is not certain if you had the actual contract stipulated or not, that’s the question of it. - Also, at this stage, if you file a cancellation request, it wouldn’t cost anything in cancellation fees
Getting in possession of this application form too is free - On the basis of this, if they actually did present a thing like this as evidence,
it’s my opinion that this would be absolutely invalid as a proof that room #314 was rented to the name of defendant #1 (Kasai) - Even if, hypothetically, they put in his signature and stamp, you can still cancel it afterwards.
So that’s to say it doesn’t count as proof that the contract was signed - Presenting as proof what is just something that was sent to you while still at the application request stage
only would have the opposite effect of making people suspect: “What the heck is that? Is there anything they want to hide?”
- Images from Takken’s video
- Takken Taro’s tweets
- Found a Twitter account vehemently defending an ordinary person’s Instagram image being covered in insults [for complimenting Maho; yesterday’s summary], even though no one said anything bad about it.
- https://i.imgur.com/aRwfQtv.png
- For some reason this question was also asked on an attorney dot com site.