A joint translation with @speranzom, who was generous enough to provide the Takken Taro part from the summary https://jbbs.shitaraba.net/bbs/read.cgi/music/29852/1553736787 for 11/9 (Saturday).

Note: I try to repeat the Japanese thread as closely as possible here. Where I do make some editorial additions I’ll put them in [ ], though I do occasionally soften the posters’ tone.

589: LillyRush :2019/11/09(土) 21:23:08


・宅建太郎:NGT48 記憶を頼りに準備書面を復元「矛盾だらけ被告主張」N0 7

  個人的な意見を言いますと、捏造だと思います ハッキリ言って。
 ▽この準備書面、前半部分に関しては かなり鋭く原告の主張を否定したりして ちゃんと真っ当な弁護活動をしているが
  途中から 被告の主張からは支離滅裂で何を言っているのかよく分からない。


590: LillyRush :2019/11/10(日) 01:49:55


  • Rena’s Instastory
  • Takken Taro: “NGT48 Reconstructing the defendant’s preparatory papers with the help of memory, “The inconsistency-ridden assertions of the defendant” No. 7″
    • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2hXrm-eNbI
    • Inside here, “Man #1” refers to Kaisei
    • So, this Man #1 has many NGT members who know him by face
    • Anyway, I don’t quite understand the whole procedure of verifying and relaying to his yakkai pals about what time she would be back home, what with the fact that the culprit was already living in the room diagonally in front of hers.
    • About point 5 of the list, it really has a title (*) to it that is meant to give the impression that “He had no intention of assaulting her. He simply and only intended to have a talk in the hallway”
      • (* “On the discussion between Defendant #1, Defendant #2 and Miss Yamaguchi in the hallway before room #303 in the building in question)
    • For one thing, if they meant to avoid frightening Yamaguchi-san, wouldn’t it have been preferable for them to wait in front of the entrance all along?
      • If so, wouldn’t it have been wiser if they had been waiting before the entrance, without giving off any suspicions that they hid in the room on the other side so as to break in together into Yamaguchi-san’s room?
    • (In the document: Miss Yamaguchi then closed the door of the apartment, and the man was nervous that he missed his chance to speak up to her)
      • This one makes no sense
      • Even if Yamaguchi-san had already closed the door, you could just ring her bell and say “Excuse me, I wanna have a talk”, considering you are on the apartment on the other side as her door.
    • (In the document: By promptly pulling the door with his hand, he then prevented miss Yamaguchi from closing the door)
      • That’s a frightening scene. I can only imagine how she felt in danger for herself. Depending on the circumstances, it may as well have been a rape, or a murder attempt.
    • (In the document: Being concerned that Miss Yamaguchi had fallen into panic from the sense of fear)
      • This way of saying “I have committed something scary and now I am going to analyze it with a cool-head” is irksome to an exceptional degree
    • (In the document: This turned into each other pulling the door their own way)
      • As it turns out, they aren’t admitting to the fact they grabbed Yamaguchi-san’s head
      • Even if the culprit side says “We haven’t done that”, without showing any evidences, their believability is low
    • (In the document: When he said “It’s me! I’m …!”, this act of pulling open and closed then stopped)
      • It may have stopped, but it still ended in fear, don’t you think?
      • Defendant #2 (Kitagawa) may have been stopped at Kasai’s call, but isn’t it that Yamaguchi-san did not stop it on her own accord?
    • (In the document: Realizing that it was a fan of her own coming to visit her, she calmed down a little)
      • I find this claim to be absolutely false
      • And the reason is, you have a guy trying to pry open your door, and then the one who shows up exclaiming “It’s me!” happens to be the criminal who had been committing stalking acts until then.
      • With such people showing up, the fighting strength on the other opposite side doubles up, you certainly don’t calm down like that.
    • (In the document: Miss Yamaguchi’s anger didn’t wane, and confronting Defendant #1 [Kasai], she said, “Why is Defendant #2, whose oshimen is D, is there? I see, he’s consorting with D, right? Who are you consorting with. Say it all”)
      • If I may express my own personal opinion, I consider this part to be a forgery. To say it clearly.
    • But if we are to believe this at face value, then it means that the reason for Yamauguchi-san being angry would be like this:
      • “Why did Defendant #2, whose oshimen is D, come all the way to my place? If you have to go somewhere, shouldn’t you go to D?”
      • “Speaking of which, Defendant #1, you too like D? Even though you said it was me.”
      • Would someone really believe that Yamaguchi-san is claiming to be angry out of jealousy, out of envy?
    • Of course the reason for being angry isn’t out of envy, she is angry due to her life being in danger as a result of being assaulted
      • Why making it out to be as if it’s something against other members? Don’t you find that such a situation is improbable?
    • (In the document: Here, he thought about how he needed to dispel miss Yamaguchi’s misunderstanding)
      • The misunderstanding being that Yamaguchi-san apparently mistakenly thought that Defendant #1 had a liking for other members.
      • And so he allegedly thought he needed to dispel that. What the heck he’s saying?
    • If he really thought about dispelling Yamaguchi-san’s misunderstanding,
      • even considering that the misunderstanding apparently was “She was suspecting he was consorting with other members”
      • then he would have avoided saying they were associating with other members, like it unfolded later
  • Riko’s tweet

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