My translation of the summary from for 9/6 (Friday).
Note: I try to repeat the Japanese thread as closely as possible here. Where I do make some editorial additions I’ll put them in [ ], though I do occasionally soften the posters’ tone.
429: LillyRush :2019/09/06(金) 21:25:24
- Bunshun publishes another article on Yoshinari’s reckless remarks
- There’s a huge firestorm over the constantly shifting details completely contradicting the report and what has been established
- The story has zero credibility as it doesn’t even take on how AKS’s complaint is full of resentment towards Maho
- Immediately after the parents meeting staff were commenting loudly that, “as expected, that was awkward”
- It is obviously seen as a problem that details related to the trial have been publicly disclosed
- The new order of AKS has been fortified with Yoshinari yes-men and people without practical experience, so concerns that are voiced do not reach the top
- President Yoshinari has no interest in holding interviews
- This is because of the trauma of that press conference that was showered by ire from the public due to Maho’s critical tweets during the interview portion
- About requesting confirmation of the facts concerning “connections with the group of offenders”
- Maho replied via her new agency: “There is no truth to that”
- We asked AKS about this, but there was no answer as of press time
- Yoshinari explains why the incident occurred “after persistently rejecting the “claims of the offenders””
- “Yamaguchi was in a relationship with the male offender before the incident, and that was the origin of this, breaking up with the guy, then wanting to ignore him”
- “This guy, finding himself not able to get in touch with her, causes the incident by suddenly arriving at her room intending to have a face-to-face discussion”
- Many members, nodding their heads with Yoshinari’s words, appeared to be in agreement
- We again requested confirmation from AKS as to the truth of these new revelations, but were unable to get a response as of press time
- The decision to make this “new information” public will be an essential clue to understanding the truth of what occurred between Yamaguchi and the offenders
- From Bunshun Online: “AKS president Yoshinari once again reveals in a speech that, “The origin of the incident was that NGT’s Yamaguchi Maho broke up with a guy, then ignored him””
- The complaint reveals that AKS was negotiating a reduction in the arranged compensation to the third party committee
- Maho’s tweet: “An exciting blurred off-shot”
- Riko’s tweet
- Rena’s first attempt at narration (video)
- Only videos from Maho’s Team G have been removed from DMM’s video catalog
- Ogino will appear on Downtown DX
- Did the perpetrators do some maneuvering on 5ch in June?