My translation of the summary from for 9/6 (Friday).

Note: I try to repeat the Japanese thread as closely as possible here. Where I do make some editorial additions I’ll put them in [ ], though I do occasionally soften the posters’ tone.

Source 429: LillyRush :2019/09/06(金) 21:25:24 ★9月6日(金) ・文春が吉成の暴言記事をまた発表  これまでの設定や報告書を全否定するブレブレの内容で大炎上  AKSが山口真帆への恨み満載の訴状にすら載せなかったほど信憑性ゼロの話    ▽保護者会の直後から『さすがにマズイ』と関係者はザワついていました  ▽裁判に関わる内容を公然と開示したのだから、問題視されるのも当たり前  ▽AKSの新体制は、吉成のイエスマンや現場経験のない人間たちで固められていて、心配の声が上に届かない  ▽吉成社長は会見をやる気などさらさらない  ▽山口による会見中の批判ツイートで世間から集中砲火を浴びた記者会見がトラウマだから  ▽“犯人グループとの繋がり”について事実確認を求めたところ   山口は新事務所を通じて「そのような事実はございません」と回答   AKSにも聞いたが、期日内に回答はなかった    ▽吉成が「あくまで『犯人側の主張』だと断った上で」なぜ事件が起きてしまったかについて説明  ▽「事件前から犯人の男性と繋がっていた山口が、あることが原因で男性と不仲になり、無視するようになった」  ▽「連絡をとれなくなった男性が、直接話そうと山口の部屋を突然訪れ事件になった」  ▽多くのメンバーは吉成の言葉にうなずき、納得している様子だった  ▽新たな暴露発言についてAKSにあらためて事実確認を求めたが、期日までに回答は得られなかった  ▽山口と犯人の間でいったい何が起きたのか、真相を知る重要な手掛かりとなる、“新証拠”の公開を予定  ▽「事件の原因はNGT山口真帆が男と不仲になり無視したため」AKS吉成社長またも暴露発言【コメント約4千】 ・AKSが第三者委員会に約束した報酬の減額を交渉していたことが訴状で判明 ・山口真帆ツイート「ワクワクしてブレたオフショット」 ・菅原りこツイート ・長谷川玲奈がナレーション初挑戦【動画】 ・DMMの動画一覧から、山口さんたちが所属していたチームGの動画だけ削除される ・荻野由佳がダウンタウンDXに出演予定 ・6月に実行犯が5chに工作に来ていた?
  • Bunshun publishes another article on Yoshinari’s reckless remarks
    • There’s a huge firestorm over the constantly shifting details completely contradicting the report and what has been established
    • The story has zero credibility as it doesn’t even take on how AKS’s complaint is full of resentment towards Maho
    • Immediately after the parents meeting staff were commenting loudly that, “as expected, that was awkward”
      • It is obviously seen as a problem that details related to the trial have been publicly disclosed
      • The new order of AKS has been fortified with Yoshinari yes-men and people without practical experience, so concerns that are voiced do not reach the top
      • President Yoshinari has no interest in holding interviews
      • This is because of the trauma of that press conference that was showered by ire from the public due to Maho’s critical tweets during the interview portion
      • About requesting confirmation of the facts concerning “connections with the group of offenders”
        • Maho replied via her new agency: “There is no truth to that”
        • We asked AKS about this, but there was no answer as of press time
    • Yoshinari explains why the incident occurred “after persistently rejecting the “claims of the offenders””
      • “Yamaguchi was in a relationship with the male offender before the incident, and that was the origin of this, breaking up with the guy, then wanting to ignore him”
      • “This guy, finding himself not able to get in touch with her, causes the incident by suddenly arriving at her room intending to have a face-to-face discussion”
      • Many members, nodding their heads with Yoshinari’s words, appeared to be in agreement
      • We again requested confirmation from AKS as to the truth of these new revelations, but were unable to get a response as of press time
      • The decision to make this “new information” public will be an essential clue to understanding the truth of what occurred between Yamaguchi and the offenders
    • From Bunshun Online: “AKS president Yoshinari once again reveals in a speech that, “The origin of the incident was that NGT’s Yamaguchi Maho broke up with a guy, then ignored him””
  • The complaint reveals that AKS was negotiating a reduction in the arranged compensation to the third party committee
  • Maho’s tweet: “An exciting blurred off-shot”
  • Riko’s tweet
  • Rena’s first attempt at narration (video)
  • Only videos from Maho’s Team G have been removed from DMM’s video catalog
  • Ogino will appear on Downtown DX
  • Did the perpetrators do some maneuvering on 5ch in June?

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