My translation of the summary from for 9/5 (Thursday).

Note: I try to repeat the Japanese thread as closely as possible here. Where I do make some editorial additions I’ll put them in [ ], though I do occasionally soften the posters’ tone.

Source 425: LillyRush :2019/09/05(木) 22:12:35 ★9月5日(木) ・8月21日の公演のお見送りで、公演に来ていた厄介に太野彩香が「(加藤)美南によろしく~」などと言っている場面が目撃されていた ・【真偽不明】4年前、今村が若い連中と住むという条件で、劇場周辺で一軒家を探していた  目についた一軒家を契約してる人を追い出してまで借りようとしていた ・【真偽不明】AKSの言う通りに記事を書いたら他所より報酬は2倍で日払い ・宅建太郎  ▽NGT48 記憶から訴状を復元「犯人の予見可能性」NO.4◯  ▽NGT48 記憶から訴状を復元「AKS黒バラ(腹)軍団」NO.5ラスト  ◯宅建No4  ▽「その後も山口氏の本件疑念は払拭されず」   これが本当に何回も何回も何回も出てくるんですよ   AKSの裁判で本当に主張したいのはこれなんじゃないの?   山口さんに何回も説明したのに疑念が払拭されず、理解が得られなかった   それが原因でAKSが損害を受けたんだと本当は言いたいんじゃないの?ってくらい一杯出てきます(宅建)  ▽AKS「山口さんが卒業したのは、疑念が払拭できなかったから」   違うと思うんですけどね。追い出したくせに、解決もせずに(宅建)  ▽「本件加害行為」には注意が必要   山口さんの顔を掴んだり暴行事件を起こしたことが「加害行為」だと思われているが、AKSの訴状では違う   訴状では暴行行為に加えて「一連の言動」が加害行為になる   一連の言動は「他のメンバーの名前を挙げたこと」   犯人が他のメンバーの名前を挙げたことで山口さんの疑念が払拭されず、それが原因でAKSが損害を受けたという論理  ▽AKS「犯人たちはあらかじめ、捕まった時にはメンバーの名前を出してやろうと計画してた」   普通は追い詰められて白状させられたと考える   AKSは名前を出すことも計画していたと言っている(宅建)  ▽「捕まって白状させられて、他のメンバーと遊んでいました、メンバーは他の子と一緒に~」   それが山口さんに疑念を抱かせて、他のメンバーが関与したかのような誤解を与えて   山口さんとメンバーとAKSの信頼関係が壊れて、運営が困難になることを犯人が予見していから不法行為が成立してる、とAKSは主張  ▽万が一捕まったら、その時にはメンバーの名前を挙げてやろうと   それによって山口さんに精神的ショックを与えてやろう、メンバー間の信頼関係にヒビを入れてやろう、と考えていたという主張  ▽弁護士は訴状を一人で書かない。吉成などに聞き取りしながら書いてる   吉成は酔っ払ってたか、幸せになる薬を飲んでたんじゃないか 426: LillyRush :2019/09/05(木) 22:16:48 ★9月5日(木)【追加】 ・菅原りこツイート
  • During the farewell after the 8/21 performance, someone witnessed Tano Ayaka saying something like, “take care of (Kato) Minami” to a yakkai who had come to the show
  • (Rumor) Four years ago Imamura was looking for a house near the theater, on the condition there were young people living there with him.
  • (Rumor) If you write an article as AKS instructs, they will pay double your daily income from your other employer
  • From Takken Taro
    • “Reconstructing the NGT48 complaint from memory “The possibility the offenders had planned ahead” No.4″
    • “Reconstructing the NGT48 complaint from memory “AKS, gang of the black rose (black heart)” Last part, No.5″
    • Takken’s video No.4
      • “Even after that, Yamaguchi’s doubts about the case were not dispelled”
        • This phrase actually appears over and over and over again.
        • Isn’t this really the thing they want to emphasize at the AKS trial?
        • Despite explaining it to Yamaguchi many times, her doubts weren’t dispelled, and they weren’t able to gain her understanding
        • Takken repeatedly says essentially: Isn’t that what AKS wants to say was the true reason they incurred these damages?
      • AKS: “Yamaguchi graduated because her suspicions could not be dispelled”
        • Takken: But I think it’s something different. Really they wanted to drive her out without resolving it.
      • Paying attention to the “matter of the act of assault” is essential
        • It seems to me things such as the seizing of Yamaguchi’s face made this violent incident an “act of assault”, but the AKS complaint differs
        • In the complaint, in addition to the act of violence, it’s a “series of actions” that makes it an assault
        • That series of actions included, “Other members’ names being brought up”
        • With the offenders bringing up other members’ names, Yamaguchi’s suspicions couldn’t be dispelled, and by their logic this was the reason AKS incurred damages
      • AKS: “The offenders planned ahead of time that, in the event they were caught, they would give out members’ names”
        • They consider it normal, when cornered, to be made to confess
        • Takken: AKS is saying it was also planning to reveal the names
      • “When they were caught and made to confess that they had been messing around with other members, those members were with other girls~”
        • That inspired Yamaguchi’s suspicions, and gave rise to her misunderstanding as to whether other members were involved
        • AKS claims that the relationship between Yamaguchi, the members, and AKS broke down, and that the difficulties the management faced were brought about by this pre-planned illegal activity
      • If by chance they were caught, then at that time they would bring up the members’ names
        • [AKS] claims that with that, [the offenders] thought that they would emotionally shock Yamaguchi, and would drive cracks into the relationships between the members
      • Attorneys do not write complaints alone. They wrote while listening to Yoshinari, etc.
        • I wonder was Yoshinari drunk, or just taking happy pills?
  • Riko’s tweet

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