My translation of the summary from for 11/24 (Tuesday).
- Maho’s tweet
- Riko’s tweets
- Rena’s tweets and Instagram
- (Rumors) Articles from last year about the NGT incident and its aftermath have been trending
- From Entertainment Dot Com: “Akimoto Yasushi quiet about failures to dispel the NGT scandal — Rumored theory that “NGT48 = Akimoto Yasushi’s personal pleasure club””
- From Entertainment Dot Com: “The shocking “drama over the ousting” of Yamaguchi Maho… During our interview, Yamaguchi herself reveals the truth of the situation live over the phone!”
- From Entertainment Dot Com: “KenOn: Risking a chestnut from the fire — What is the story behind the scouting of Yamaguchi Maho?”
Note: I try to repeat the Japanese thread as closely as possible here. Where I do make some editorial additions I’ll put them in [ ], though I do occasionally soften the posters’ tone.
Why is this here? My original announcement