My translation of the summary from for 10/26 (Monday).

  • Riko’s tweets
  • Rena’s tweets
  • TakkenTaro video: “Tano Ayaka graduates! I’ll summarize what’s happened with the case over the last year and a half”
  • Nishigata seems to be concerned about the small number of likes and quote tweets she’s getting on Twitter (from 23:30 in the video).
    • “西潟 茉莉奈(NGT48) 2020年10月21日22時18分31秒”
      • I wonder if this is ok, just I don’t know if I should say this, but I guess I will.
      • Well for me personally when it comes to Twitter, well you just can’t help but look at the number of likes and quote tweets right?
      • So there’s some part of me that cares about those. Yeah, I guess there is. (lol)
      • This is really embarrassing isn’t it. But I’ve thought about it a lot, and it’s something that’s been worrying me, so I’ve been wondering what I can do to get more likes and such. (lol) I guess it’s a nice problem to have.
      • Of course I know I shouldn’t get caught up in the numbers, and I know that’s not the point, but it is something you end up seeing after all. It’s right there in your face. I’d really like for those to be hidden. (lol)
      • Of course I try not to worry about it, but, well, if you don’t mind, each time, well this is might be really selfish, but if you do like it then please press ‘like’!
      • I’m definitely not trying to force you, and I’m not going to be saying stuff like, if you liked this I want you to press ‘like’!
      • I’m definitely not telling you to please go re-tweet me either! But it really does bother me you know.
      • I know that it’s not the point, but when you’re using SNS you know you worry about it.
      • And so it’s not the point, the truth is it’s not, right. But you see it there don’t you?
      • So I send a tweet, right. Then right away I’m watching the ‘likes’ and such. I’ll watch it immediately after tweeting.
      • On places like Twitter of course you can see all of it. I guess that’s the real reason I’ve been so worried about it.
      • That’s why, rather than posting every day, when after it’s been a while and my tweet appears I want you to feel like, “Whoa! It’s Marichan!” and then press ‘like’.
      • I’m just wondering if it would be better if I had some sort of really unusual character.
      • Soooory — I’m just worrying about this.
      • I think everyone cares about it, honestly. I feel like there probably are a lot of members that care about this.
      • When I put up that photo of my chest, everybody had a good reaction to it, right? It was like gravure, right? Like the photo was a bit racy and such. Everyone was amazingly forthcoming in pressing like on that for me.
      • I’m worrying about this, right. I’m just thinking about this for a bit — thank you everyone.
    • The tweet of Nishigata pushing up her chest (1,261 ‘likes’ as of 10/26/20)
89: LillyRush :2020/10/26(月) 21:16:36



・宅建動画:NGT 太野彩香、卒業! 1年半に及んで追った事件を総括する○


 ▽もちろん気にしないようにしてるんだけど、でも もし良かったら毎回、本当にワガママかもしれないんですけど、いいなって思ったらイイねを押して下さい!
 ▽すいませ~ん 気にしてるんですよ
 ▽胸の写真を載せたときは みんな結構反応して下さるんですよね。グラビアとかね。ちょっと際どい写真とかさ。みんなすごい正直にイイね押してくれるんだよね
 ▽悩みますね。ちょっと考えますね ありがとうございます

 ▽西潟が載せた胸ツイート(1261イイね ※20年10月26日時点)

Note: I try to repeat the Japanese thread as closely as possible here. Where I do make some editorial additions I’ll put them in [ ], though I do occasionally soften the posters’ tone.

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