My translation of the summary from for 9/27 (Sunday).

59: LillyRush :2020/09/27(日) 21:22:35



・走れメロス千穐楽 カーテンコールでのエピソード




 ▽ネットって多分 由佳のことに限らず色んなことを、ある事ない事言われちゃうじゃないですか


  • Riko’s tweet
  • Rena’s tweets
  • An episode from the curtain call at the final performance of “Run, Melos!”
  • Takazawa Tomoka opens a Twitter account
  • The subject of Maho’s real-time rebuttals [from the press conference] comes up in an interview with EXIT
  • Appearing on Ogino Yuka’s YouTube channel, while Ogino steps away Yamane Chika talks about how they became good friends (52:00)
    • We became friends at a time when a lot of different things were being said about Yuka online
    • On the internet, well this is not really limited to Yuka, but there are a lot of things that get said aren’t there, both true and false?
    • Well actually being there with Yuka, being able to see her feelings and everything about her, I truly felt from the bottom of my heart that I had to support this kid
    • I thought things like, why does she have to bear all of this herself, why does she have to be told all these things?
    • Back then it didn’t seem like Yuka had anyone around her to support her, like there probably wasn’t anyone she could rely on
    • I felt like among the NGT members, Yuka was the core member
    • As someone’s who’s like the face of NGT, and as a member, I thought maybe there’s things that I couldn’t say to her, but starting from there I listened to tons of her stories and as we became good friends I could start to understand

Note: I try to repeat the Japanese thread as closely as possible here. Where I do make some editorial additions I’ll put them in [ ], though I do occasionally soften the posters’ tone.

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