My exploration though older AKB releases at some point brought me to this Team 4 song, なんか、ちょっと、急に… (nanka, chotto, kyuu ni… / Somehow, Just a Bit, Suddenly…) off of 唇に Be My Baby from the end of 2015.
I don’t know a lot about the history of the AKB teams, but it’s certainly an interesting mix of members compared to the recent Team 4, and includes this Naachan:

Wow. To be fair, the MV is a purposeful mix of flashy dress-up juxtaposed against the astonished “normal” members. Or something like that. I’m actually not sure what the MV is getting at, though there are a few nods to the actual song.
Speaking of, it’s one of those tunes I find myself subconsciously starting to hum occasionally. It has a nice sing-song quality to it and builds up to a strong finish. Sadly the raw quality here is pretty low for now.
AKB48 なんか、ちょっと、急に… (nanka, chotto, kyuu ni... / Somehow, Just a Bit, Suddenly...) Translation by SaitoWinterStar なんか 君のこと ちょっと 好きかもって nanka kimi no koto chotto suki ka mo tte Somehow, just a bit, maybe it's that I like you 急に 思っちゃったりして変だな kyuu ni omotchattari shite hen da na It's strange that I'm suddenly thinking this way だって 昔から ずっと 知っているのに datte mukashi kara zutto shitte iru no ni Even though I've always known this, since forever ago 絶対 僕らしくないよ zettai bokurashiku nai yo I'm definitely not that kind of person たぶん 昨日観た シャレた恋愛映画 tabun kinou mita SHAREta ren'ai eiga Well, perhaps it's that trendy romance movie I saw yesterday 軽く 影響 受けちゃったのかもね karuku eikyou ukechatta no ka mo ne Maybe it's having a slight effect on me, ok? 君を異性として意識したことなんかない kimi wo isei toshite ishiki shita koto nanka nai I somehow never thought of you as the opposite sex ただの友達だもんね tada no tomodachi da mon ne Just as a friend uh~! もちろん僕は告白しないよ mochiron boku wa kokuhaku shinai yo Of course I'm not going to confess 恥ずかしいし ただの錯覚 hazukashiishi tada no sakkaku It would be embarrassing, this is just a delusion 今の気持ちなんか 正直に言っても ima no kimochi nanka shoujiki ni itte mo These feelings right now, even if I expressed them honestly 君に大笑いされるだけさ kimi ni oowarai sareru dake sa Would just make you burst out laughing 気づかれないようにしよう kidzukarenai you ni shiyou I'll make sure this doesn't get noticed いつもの僕たちのまま itsumo no bokutachi no mama We'll just be the same as we ever were わざと君をけなしたりして… wazato kimi wo kenashitari shite... Like me trying to put you down... 気づかれないようにしよう kidzukarenai you ni shiyou I'll make sure this doesn't get noticed そうこれは恋じゃないんだ sou kore wa koi janai nda Since this isn't love 迷いごとはすっきり胸の中 mayoi goto wa sukkiri mune no naka Every doubt in my chest is clear to me まさか この僕が こんな ことになるって masaka kono boku ga kon'na koto ni naru tte I said there's no way I'm going to be that kind of guy 全然 想像できなかったよ 不思議 zenzen souzou dekinakatta yo fushigi I could never have imagined this — it's a mystery まるで 小学生 いつも ちょっかい出して marude shougakusei itsumo chokkai dashite Like some elementary schoolers — always making passes いろいろ 君の気を惹いた iroiro kimi no ki wo hiita Various things attracted your attention 僕も知らぬ間に こんな好きだなんて boku mo shiranu ma ni kon'na suki da nante All the while I had no idea about this fondness そうさ 誰もが想定外の展開 sou sa dare mo ga souteigai no tenkai That's right, a development beyond anyone's expectations もしも この想いを君が知ってしまったら moshimo kono omoi wo kimi ga shitte shimattara If only you knew about these feelings どんな顔されちゃうだろう? don'na kao sarechau darou? I wonder what your reaction would be? uh~! ホントは僕もわかっているんだ HONTO wa boku mo wakatte iru nda The truth is that I do know 戸惑っているふりしているけど tomadotte iru furi shite iru kedo I'm pretending to be confused 気持ち 押し殺して すぐそばにいたこと kimochi oshikoroshite sugu soba ni ita koto But crushing the feelings when I'm right there with you 突然 芽生えたわけじゃないこと totsuzen mebaeta wakejanai koto Doesn't mean they sprouted out of nowhere シリアスになっちゃいけない SHIRIASU ni natcha ikenai I have to be serious 私情を持ち込まないで shijou wo mochikomanai de Not bring my personal feelings into it 昨日までの関係がいい kinou made no kankei ga ii Our relationship was fine until yesterday シリアスになっちゃいけない SHIRIASU ni natcha ikenai I have to be serious ほら僕の勘違いだよ hora boku no kanchigaida yo Look this is just my misunderstanding 一番近い異性が君なだけ ichiban chikai isei ga kimi na dake You're just the closest person to me of the opposite sex 「どうしたの?」なんて顔を覗かれて "dou shita no?" nante kao wo nozokarete You glance at me with an expression like, "What's the matter?" 焦ってしまったよ asette shimatta yo I was completely flustered もちろん僕は告白しないよ mochiron boku wa kokuhaku shinai yo Of course I'm not going to confess 恥ずかしいし ただの錯覚 hazukashiishi tada no sakkaku It would be embarrassing, this is just a delusion 今の気持ちなんか 正直に言っても ima no kimochi nanka shoujiki ni itte mo These feelings right now, even if I expressed them honestly 君に大笑いされるだけさ kimi ni oowarai sareru dake sa Would just make you burst out laughing 好きってどういうことだろう? suki tte dou iu koto darou? I wonder what it means to say, "I like you" あんまり経験ないんだ anmari keiken nai nda Since I don't have much experience もっと君を知りたくなった motto kimi wo shiritaku natta I wanted to know more about you 好きってどういうことだろう? suki tte dou iu koto darou? I wonder what it means to say, "I like you"? 僕にはあまりわからない boku ni wa amari wakaranai It doesn't make much sense to me 明日からも一緒にいたいだけ ashita kara mo isshou ni itai dake I just want to be there with you from tomorrow on 気づかれないようにしよう kidzukarenai you ni shiyou I'll make sure this doesn't get noticed いつもの僕たちのまま itsumo no bokutachi no mama We'll just be the same as we ever were 気づかれないようにしよう kidzukarenai you ni shiyou I'll make sure this doesn't get noticed そうこれは恋じゃないんだ sou kore wa koi janai nda Since this isn't love