My translation of the summary from for 4/9 (Thursday).
- Video of Takahashi Nanami from ナマトク
- Today’s Niigata Nippo
- Sponichi has only a small treatment regarding yesterday’s settlement
- Even Cyzo, which has been colluding in the trial, is shocked at the settlement
- From Nikkan Cyzo: “With a settlement in the assault case of former NGT48 member Yamaguchi Maho concluded on April 8th, there a shocked reaction ‘like it’s a cliche pro wrestling event'”
- AKS attorney Endo is nettled by a reporter concerning the announcement that in the settlement the suspects are banned from attending [events]: “Weren’t they already banned from attending?”
- If it’s claimed that “the assault was them pulling back-and-forth on the door”, then only Kitagawa Jo should have been arrested
- Since according to the prefectural police’s investigation report, “two persons were arrested normally as assault suspects”, it means that the “pulling back-and-forth on the door was assessed to have crossed over into an act of assault”
- Transcript of the video covering the press event from Takken Taro
- The company Flora is suspected of existing only on paper. There is no office at the building address given in their registration
- Takken Taro: “As the civil trial was not a way to reveal the truth of the matter, but is a solution to the interests of all parties involved, the trial ended with a settlement”
Note: I try to repeat the Japanese thread as closely as possible here. Where I do make some editorial additions I’ll put them in [ ], though I do occasionally soften the posters’ tone.
Why is this here? My original announcement