With Nogi’s long-time ace Shiraishi Mai having recently announced her graduation, I felt inspired to bump this duet up to the top of my subbing to-do list.
Peak Manatsu
まあいいか? (maa ii ka? / So I Guess It’s Fine?) is from Nogizaka46’s 2017 single いつかできるから今日できる (itsuka dekiru kara kyou dekiru / You Can Do It Anytime, So Do It Today). This one left a good impression with me not least of which because it features Maiyan and my Nogizaka oshimen (and Nogi’s new captain), Akimoto Manatsu, in a silly song with an even sillier video.
The whole concept seems so something Manatsu would have come up with, I almost feel sorry for Maiyan, but they both seem to be quite enjoying themselves here. Also I guess Maiyan has a couple of these silly duets now including her tit-for-tat battle MV with Nishino Nanase, 心のモノローグ (kokoro no MONOROUGU / Monologue of the Heart).
Nice colors, the games, and outfit-swapping makes for fun visuals, and Maiyan looks especially good throughout. I’ve always liked its bouncy, catchy tune, and props to the audio engineers who wrangled Manatsu’s singing into submission.
This translation (other than the goldfish poop idiom…) really flowed for me. Even with the crazy typesetting this was probably my fastest translation and sub to date. Enjoy, and good luck to Maiyan; I’m looking forward to her graduation single.
乃木坂46 まあいいか? (maa ii ka? / So I Guess It's Fine?) Translation by SaitoWinterStar (Maiyan) あなたはいつも言ってたよね? anata wa itsu mo itte ta ne? You were always saying that, right? 世界で一番 親友だって sekai de ichiban shin'yuu datte That I was your very best friend in the world 今の今まで信じてたけど ima no ima made shinjite ta kedo And here I believed that right up to now 私の元彼と浮気した? watashi no motokare to uwaki shita? But you fooled around with my ex? (Manatsu) うちらは家が近かったし uchira wa ie ga chikakattashi Well our homes were close by 幼稚園の時から一緒だから youchien no toki kara issho da kara And since we've been together since kindergarten 好きなケーキも好きな動物も suki na KEIKI mo suki na doubutsu mo We like the same cakes and animals 好きな彼氏も似てるよね? suki na kareshi mo niteru yo ne? I guess we like the same guys, too? (Both) しょうがないかも shou ga nai ka mo Maybe there's nothing to be done 気が合う二人 ki ga au futari Two people get close 好きになるのも suki ni naru no mo And fall in love 同じタイミング onaji TAIMINGU At the same time 付き合い始めたのは tsukiai hajimeta no wa When we started dating (Maiyan) 私が先でしょ? watashi ga saki desho? I guess I was first? (Both) 初めてキスしたのは hajimete KISU shita no wa Our first kiss (Manatsu) 私が先でしょ? watashi ga saki desho? I guess I was first? (Both) まあいいか? maa ii ka? So I guess it's fine? まあいいか? maa ii ka? So I guess it's fine? (Manatsu) 私に嘘はつかないって watashi ni uso wa tsukanai tte You said you wouldn't lie to me 喧嘩をした後 指切りしたね? kenka wo shita ato yubikiri shita ne? We pinky-swore after that fight, right? 仕事忙しいって言ってたけど shigoto isogashii tte itte ta kedo You said you were busy with work 昨日 合コンしたんだって? kinou gouKON shita ndatte? But you went to a mixer yesterday? (Maiyan) もちろん誘いたかったけど mochiron sasoitakatta kedo Of course I wanted to invite you 誰かの紹介 嫌いだったよね? dare ka no shoukai kirai datta yo ne? But don't you hate getting set up with somebody? ある日突然 巡り会うような aru hi totsuzen meguriau youna You're trying to just meet someone by chance one day 運命でなきゃ 恋じゃない unmei de nakya koi janai It's gotta be fated for it to be love (Both) どっちにしても dotchi ni shite mo Although either way 縁遠いよね endoui yo ne Not like we're getting married 占いなんて uranai nante That kinda fortune-telling 外れてばかり hazurete bakari Is always off the mark 彼氏がいないことに kareshi ga inai koto ni Not having a boyfriend (Manatsu) なんだかなれちゃった nan da ka nakarchatta Somehow I've gotten used to it (Both) 彼氏がいなくたって kareshi ga inaku tatte But not having a boyfriend (Maiyan) それなりに楽しい sorenari ni tanoshii Is fun in and of itself (Both) まあいいか? maa ii ka? So I guess it's fine? まあいいか? maa ii ka? So I guess it's fine? いつもあなたといれば itsu mo anata to ireba If I'm always with you 寂しくなんかないから samishiku nanka nai kara Since I'm never getting lonely ずっと後を追いかけて zutto ato wo oikakete I'll always follow right behind 金魚のふんでいようね kingyo no fun de iyou ne Like your shadow もし彼氏ができても moshi kareshi ga dekite mo Suppose I get another boyfriend (Maiyan) 拗ねたりはしない sunetari wa shinai I won't sulk about it (Both) もし彼氏ができても moshi kareshi ga dekite mo Suppose I get another boyfriend (Manatsu) 仲良くできるわ nakayouku dekiru wa We can be friends (Both) 本当はどうかしら? hontou wa dou kashira? Is that really true? (Maiyan) 絶対 許さない zettai yurusanai Absolutely not allowed (Both) 本当はどうかしら? hontou wa dou kashira? Is that really true? (Manatsu) 早く別れさせたい hayaku wakaresasetai I'd want to break it up quickly (Both) まあいいか? maa ii ka? So I guess it's fine? まあいいか? maa ii ka? So I guess it's fine? まあいいか? maa ii ka? So I guess it's fine? まあいいか? maa ii ka? So I guess it's fine? まあ…良くないって! maa... yoku nai tte! Well... I'm saying it's not!