My translation, with the generous contribution of Takken Taro’s video by @speranzom, of the summary from for 12/12 (Thursday).
Note: I try to repeat the Japanese thread as closely as possible here. Where I do make some editorial additions I’ll put them in [ ], though I do occasionally soften the posters’ tone.
657: LillyRush :2019/12/12(木) 21:17:37 ★12月12日(木) ・オリコン 2019年ネットニュースランキング 第2位「山口真帆」 「2位の山口は、今年1月の暴行事件発覚後、本人のツイッターでの発信や各方面からのエール、卒業発表時の手紙や卒業公演でのあいさつ、芸能事務所の研音への移籍、写真集の発売などネガティブからポジティブまで、さまざまな話題を集めた。」 ▽【ネットニュースランキング】宮迫博之が1位 山口真帆、田中圭、山里亮太もランクイン ・CanCamで菅原りこインタビュー記事 ▽アイドルから女優に転身♡ 儚げな雰囲気が魅力の「菅原りこ」を大解剖 ・菅原りこツイート ・明日の夜8時からSRで 長谷川玲奈のレギュラー新番組がスタート ・長谷川玲奈インスタ&ツイート ・新潟のテレビでは「NGT」がNGワードで禁句。 「最後にアナウンサーが『ときメッセでコンサートをしたアイドルグループも入っています』と早口で言っていた」 ▽NST新潟総合テレビ:Google検索ランキング 新潟県の検索ワード1位は?! 658: LillyRush :2019/12/13(金) 00:24:56 ★12月12日(木)【追加】 ・菅原りこツイート&りこぽん会話 https://i.imgur.coうったえようとおもいますm/k9FVNgT.png ・山口さんへの誹謗中傷ツイートばかりに いいね する元産経の三枝が、ユーチューバーを訴えるとイキるも 宅建太郎に「本名と住所を特定できないのにどうやって訴えるの?」と笑われる ▽宅建動画:なにっ!! シークレットナイトさん、コロナさんが、三枝氏に訴えられる?◯ ▽まず一つに、「訴えたければ訴えればいいんじゃにあですかね」。裁判をやる権利は誰にでもあるんで ▽日本人は裁判を一大事、重大な事件にでも巻き込まれているかのようなイメージが湧いてくる人もいると思いますが、全然そんなことないですからね ▽ユーチューバー同士の問題でよく裁判の話とか出てくるんですけど、裁判をチラつかせて脅しとして使う人がいるんですよ ▽訴えられたくなかったら謝れ、とかね。スラップ訴訟をチラつかせながら、圧力行動として裁判をチラつかせるとかね ▽それはチンピラのやることで、三枝さんはちゃんとしたジャーナリストなんで、そんな圧力として裁判やるぞ!とチラつかせたりはしないと思うんでね。きっと訴えるんだろうと思いますけどね ▽そもそも、そんなの脅しにならないですよ。裁判やるぞ!とか。やれば?って感じですね ▽まず訴訟に持ち込むのは難しいんじゃないの?相当ハードル高いんじゃないの? ▽何回も(裁判)やってる人はご存知だと思うんですけど、裁判は「名前」と「住所」が必要なんですよ。訴状が届く必要がありますんでね ▽シークレットナイトさんも私も本名でやってない。名前と住所を特定しなければいけない ▽ユーチューバーの個人情報はなかなか取得できない N国の立花さんも弁護士使ってアメリカに開示請求を出したみたいですけど、開示されていないと言われています ▽相手の名前を住所もわからないということだと、そもそも裁判が成り立たない ▽もう一つ思うことがあってね、裁判をやるんだったらスッと訴状を出せばいいじゃん ▽ツイッターで「訴えようと思います」とか言わない
- Oricon 2019 Net News Rankings #2 “Yamaguchi Maho”
- “Yamaguchi, ranking at #2, brought together various topics after in January revealing an assault incident, was bolstered by her own tweets and support from all sides, by a letter when she announced her graduation as well as speeches at her graduation performance, in transferring agencies to Ken-On, releasing a photobook, and turning various negatives into positives.”
- From Oricon: “(Net News Rankings) Miyasako Hiroyuki in 1st place — Yamaguchi Maho, Tanaka Kei, and Yamasato Ryota also rank-in”
- An interview article with Riko in CanCam
- From CanCam: “Turning over from idol to actress ♡ An ephemeral-feeling atmosphere in our in-depth analysis of the charming “Sugahara Riko”
- Riko’s tweet
- Tomorrow night at 8 Rena will start her new regular program on Showroom
- Rena’s Instagram and tweet
- On Niigata TV, “NGT” is avoided as a taboo word
- “At the end the announcer quickly said, “An idol group that performed concerts at Toki Messe is also included””
- NST Niigata General TV: “Google search rankings — And the #1 looked-up word in Niigata is?!”
- Riko’s tweets and a Riko-Pon conversation
- Former Sankei reporter Saegusa, who liked a tweet slandering Maho, is being conceited and suing Youtubers, and is ridiculed by Takken Taro with, “How can he sue when he can’t even get their real names and addresses?”.
- Takken Taro’s video: “Whaaa–!! Secret Night and Corona [note: two Youtube channels covering the case] are being sued by Saigusa [note: former Sankei reporter now defensive of AKS and black members]”
- One thing, first of all: “If you feel so inclined to sue, you can just do it, can’t you?”. The right of starting a lawsuit is reserved to anyone.
- Among Japanese people, I imagine there are also people that tend to have a mental image of court trial floating in their minds as somewhat of a grave matter, or as if you have been caught into a serious incident, but in actuality it’s really none of that, I mean.
- When it comes to issues between Youtubers, news of court trials tend to pop up rather often, but there are people who just make a display of court litigation to use them as an intimidation
- “If you don’t wanna get sued, apologize!”, in this sense. Making a threatening display of a SLAPP lawsuit, while in the meantime you brandish a court trial as a means of exercising pressure
- This one is something a thug is expected to do. Saigusa-san is an established journalist and I don’t want to believe he’s just making a threatening ostentation, as if to mean “I’m starting a court trial as a way of suppression”. Though I’m convinced he’s going to sue in any case…
- At the end of the day, it’s not like it makes for such a big threat anyway. Saying “I’ll get you in court!”. “Yeah, what if you do?”, I mean.
— - First off, is lodging a lawsuit all that hard? Is the bar set sufficiently high?
- People who have gone through that (court trials) time and time again would know, but for a lawsuit it’s necessary to have the _name_ and the _address_ [of who you want to sue]. Since the lawsuit complaint needs to be delivered.
- Neither Secret Night, nor I for that matter, are doing things with our real names, so there’s no way but to first guess their real names and the addresses.
- And the personal information of Youtubers are already hard to obtain
- Tachibana-san of N-Koku [note: short for “Protecting our country’s people from NHK Party”] hired a lawyer to file a demand for information disclosure in America, but he got told back that it cannot be publicly disclosed.
- Without knowing the real name and the address of the opposite side of the suit, you can’t get a court trial running after all.
- There’s also one more thing that I recalled. If you have to start a court trial, you’d better present your lawsuit complaint swiftly
- You shouldn’t be declaring on Twitter “I’m thinking of suing”