A joint translation with @speranzom, who was generous enough to provide the Takken Taro part from the summary https://jbbs.shitaraba.net/bbs/read.cgi/music/29852/1553736787 for 11/27 (Wednesday).

Note: I try to repeat the Japanese thread as closely as possible here. Where I do make some editorial additions I’ll put them in [ ], though I do occasionally soften the posters’ tone.

Source 628: LillyRush :2019/11/27(水) 22:24:43 ★11月27日(水) ・山口真帆ストーリー&ツイート  https://i.imgur.com/n4vccRD.jpg  https://i.imgur.com/iMrAc3G.png ・長谷川玲奈インスタ&ストーリー  https://i.imgur.com/EfeAJMf.jpg  https://i.imgur.com/W4x97Hx.jpg ・菅原りこツイート  https://i.imgur.com/zPGc2Z3.jpg  https://i.imgur.com/QNgM71g.jpg  https://i.imgur.com/yEjJ2kB.jpg  https://i.imgur.com/CpowJNn.jpg ・胎内の甘酒、やはり売れていた。新潟地酒専門店「急いで追加注文したんですけど既に残り僅かに。。」  https://i.imgur.com/WvpgiqT.png ・弁護士 師子角允彬のブログ:揺れ動く暴行の態様・山口氏の供述からの後退(NGT裁判)  https://sskdlawyer.hatenablog.com/entry/2019/11/27/020542 ・なぜかAKB新聞の瀬津真也がAKB新聞の紙面から存在を消す。署名記事は1本、編集後記は書かない。  https://i.imgur.com/a7VBiyF.png ・ここ最近ずっと、AKBカフェが「AKB48カフェ」部分のネオンを消して営業しているもよう  https://i.imgur.com/afMLXaa.jpg  以前のネオン  https://i.imgur.com/g5gQzWT.jpg ・宅建動画:NGT48 犯人が自白!【山口さんは、間違いなく犯罪に巻き込まれてました】  https://www.you◯tube.com/watch?v=euZsk3a3h40  ▽被告2(北川)の陳述書。問題になるのは次です   「(山口氏は)私の身を共用廊下の方に押し出そうと、胸あたりを突いてきた」  ▽この文章、みなさんもお気付きになったでしょうか?   被告2はこう言っていますね、「私の身を共用廊下の方に押し出そうと」  ▽「押し出そうとした」ということは、この時の被告2の立ち位置としては「共用廊下にいない」わけですよね  ▽じゃあ共用廊下に押し出そうとしたのは「どこから」押し出そうとしたのかと言えば、当然「303号室の中」しか考えられないですね  ▽303号室の中に入って来ていたからこそ、山口さんは押し出そうとしたわけです  ▽共用廊下にもともといるなら、押し出す必要ないわけじゃないですか  ▽ということは、この犯人は勝手に山口さんの部屋に入ろうとして来ていて、実際入っていたと陳述書で自白しているわけですね  ▽この被告2に関しては、自分で自白して、私は不法侵入という犯罪を犯しましたよと告白してるわけですよ。陳述書で  ▽弁護士さんもよくこんな陳述書を出してくるなと、もしかしてチェックしてないのかなと疑いますけど  ▽被告2は明らかに勝手に入った、押し入ったと言ってもいいんじゃないすかね   何しろ嫌がってるのを無理矢理入って、押し出そうとしてるわけですから  ▽これは犯罪ですよね、明らかなる    ▽今回、送検されて不起訴になっていますけども、不起訴になってるのって現住住居不法侵入、この犯罪について不起訴になっているのか ちょっと争点に、論点になりますね  ▽不法侵入まで入って不起訴になっているんであれば、一度終わった事件ということになりますけども  ▽もし不起訴になっているのが暴行事件に関してだけならば、住居不法侵入については不起訴になってないわけですから、「再逮捕」が可能ということになってきますね  ▽しかもこの住居不法侵入に関して言えば、これは「親告罪ではない」ので被害届とか告訴がなくても逮捕の要件になりますし、第三者が告発できる  ▽この事件を調べて頂いて、もし不法侵入が入ってないんだったら告発してもいいんじゃないですかね、裁かれていないわけですから    ▽被告2、これは犯罪者なわけですよ  ▽被告1のほうは犯罪者を連れてきたということ。   「僕は暴行する気はなかったんですよ」とか「暴行していません」と主張していますけど、   前の動画でも触れましたが「602号室の家賃が高いから引っ越してきた」と言ってますが、それは嘘だと私はハッキリ言ってますからね  ▽犯人はそういう大ウソを言うような人ですから、暴行事件はあったんじゃないの?と疑いますけどね  ▽被告2は住居不法侵入について自白して認めてるわけですから、犯罪者を連れて行った被告1も犯罪者と同じなんじゃないですかね  ▽一緒にやってるわけですから。共犯とか疑われてしまっても仕方ないんじゃないかという気はしますね  ▽責任があるんじゃないですか?何しろ連れて行った相手が犯罪を犯してるんですから。   刑法犯なんですよ。そのキッカケを作ってるのは被告1ですからね  ▽吉成社長もね、「不起訴になったから これは事件じゃない」とかね。自白してるじゃん、犯人が。刑事犯なんですよ  https://i.imgur.com/whr5EIF.jpg 629: LillyRush :2019/11/27(水) 23:32:06 ★11月27日(水)【追加】 ・菅原りこがグノシーQに出演  https://i.imgur.com/yiGxQUO.jpg  https://i.imgur.com/HXZAcJO.jpg  https://i.imgur.com/mNYYpir.jpg  https://i.imgur.com/32KYL1e.jpg  https://i.imgur.com/vxTy4zm.jpg  https://i.imgur.com/lXEPBKb.jpg ・宅建太郎ツイート:不法侵入について  https://i.imgur.com/jYYgH3e.png ・今から8ヶ月前 GoogleマップのNGT48劇場へのクチコミに、稲岡が「(NGTに)影響力を行使できなくなった」とコメントをしていた  https://i.imgur.com/OrjRzJY.png
  • Maho’s Instastory and tweet
  • Rena’s Instagram and Instastory
  • Riko’s tweets
  • The Tainai amazake is still selling well. A local Niigata alcohol shop, “quickly put in additional orders, but they already only have a few left”
  • “Attorney Shishikado Nobuaki’s Blog: Wavering on the terms of the assault — Retreating from Yamaguchi’s statements (NGT trial)”
  • For some reason AKB Newspaper’s Setsu Shinya’s presence is removed from the paper. He has one credited article but is not listed in the editorial section.
  • Seems recently the AKB Cafe has been operating with the “AKB Cafe” part of it’s neon sign turned off.
  • Takken Taro: “NGT48 – The perpetrators admit it! “Yamaguchi-san was without any doubt caught in what is a crime””
    • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euZsk3a3h40
    • In the statement paper of defendant #2 (Kitagawa), the following represents a problematic passage
      • “(Miss Yamaguchi) thrusted into my the chest area to push me out in the direction of the common hallway”
    • Everyone, did you notice something about this text?
      • Defendant #2 says the following, “to push me out in the direction of the common hallway”
    • By saying “she tried to push me out”, it means that at the time the position of defendant #2 was *not in the common hallway*
    • In this case, if one wonders *from where* she was trying to push him out, in talking about pushing out into the hallway, it is obvious one can’t think of anything else but *inside of room #303 [Maho’s room]”
    • It’s precisely because he was at the moment entering inside of room #303, that Yamaguchi-san was trying to push him out
    • If he were actually standing in the common hallway since the beginning, there wouldn’t have be no need for him to push him away then.
    • That is to say, this assailant is pretty much admitting in his own statement paper that he actually attempted to break into Yamaguchi-san’s apartment without consent and did indeed enter it.
    • In other words, for what regards defendant #2, he does on his own volition come clean and admit: “I did commit the crime of unlawful trespassing”. In his own statement paper.
    • That raises the doubt of whether their lawyer warned him against submitting that statement papers, or maybe if he didn’t check it at all beforehand.
    • Defendant #2 clearly entered inside without permission, one can say he indeed barged inside.
      • He tried to entered inside at any cost where someone didn’t want to no matter what, and she tried to push him out for it, after all.
    • This is a criminal act. Very clearly one.
    • This time they got sent to the prosecutor and ended up in a non-prosecution, but the point of contention, or rather the point of issue is if what they got a non-prosecution for is the crime of unlawful trespassing in someone’s residence; if it’s for this crime that they were ruled without prosecution.
    • If it meant that the act of unlawful trespassing was considered in it, and then received a non-prosecution, it would make it an incident that is dead and done.
    • If what they received a non-prosecution for was relative to the assault incident, that means that they didn’t get a non-prosecution for the unlawful residence trespassing, which is to say it’s possible they may be *re-arrested* for it
    • Anyway, speaking of the crime of unlawful residence trespassing, this *isn’t an offense that necessitates a voluntary complaint*, so even without a criminal complaint filed or a legal complaint, this is grounds enough for arrest anyway, even a third party can make a declaration on it.
    • If anyone would look into this incident and it turns out that unlawful trespassing wasn’t filed it, they then can make a declaration on it. It’s not like they will go on trial themselves.
    • So, defendant #2, it means you are a criminal
    • That is to say defendant #1 did bring along with himself a criminal.
      • He may claim “I had no intention to commit an assault act”, or “I committed no assault”
        but as I have also given a mention in the previous video, despite him claiming that he “moved in there because the rental fees for room #602 were expensive”, that was a lie, as I clearly explained
    • Being the culprit is the kind of person to say such huge lies, I can’t help suspecting if an assault incident actually happened anyway, for what he says.
    • Since defendant #2 admitted all by himself about the unlawful trespassing, defendant #1, who brought with himself someone who turned out to be a criminal, is a criminal too in the same way.
    • That’s because this is something they committed in partnership. So, the feeling is that, you can’t fault someone for suspecting them of conspiracy, this way.
    • Isn’t there also responsibility involved? Since the partner you brought along with yourself did end up committing what is a crime,
      that’s a criminal offense too. And the one who gave the chance for this to happen is none else but defendant #1.
    • President Yoshinari, you too, didn’t you say “Since it ended without prosecution, it means it’s not a criminal incident”. Well, he just admitted to it, the culprit himself. And that’s a criminal offense, mind you.
    • https://i.imgur.com/whr5EIF.jpg
  • Riko’s appearance on GunosyQ
  • Takken Taro’s tweet: Regarding trespassing
  • Eight months ago in a review of the NGT theater on Google Maps, Inaoka commented, “I’m not able to exert influence (over NGT) anymore”

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