@speranzom was generous enough to provide a translation of the summary from https://jbbs.shitaraba.net/bbs/read.cgi/music/29852/1553736787 for 11/2 (Saturday).

Unfortunately I’ve gotten quite busy just when lots of NGT news is happening, so hopefully this will help get things caught back up. I’ve made some light edits and reformatting of the translation that hopefully doesn’t confuse things.

Note: I try to repeat the Japanese thread as closely as possible here. Where I do make some editorial additions I’ll put them in [ ], though I do occasionally soften the posters’ tone.

574: LillyRush :2019/11/02(土) 21:09:48

・宅建動画:NGT48 記憶を頼りに準備書面を復元





575: LillyRush :2019/11/02(土) 21:24:48

 ▽モデルプレス:山口真帆、美バストチラリ 「スピリッツ」初表紙


・AKB新聞 瀬津「2日前に文春のスズキ記者から『2,3聞きたいことが』と留守電が入ってた」





  • Takken Taro’s video: “Reconstructing the preparatory trial papers with the help of memory, “Defendant’s fantasies galore! (lol)” No. 4″
    • The reason for requesting 30 million yen in compensation is: “Due to the assault and the fact you brought up the names of those members, you could predict that AKS would have ended up receiving several billion yen in damages, which in turn makes it an illegal act, so pay!”
    • As a matter of course, it should have opened with a claim of the defendant side denying that, but mysteriously enough the defendant’s preparatory trial papers begins with the talk on Yamaguchi-san, making it a mind-boggling preparatory document where the talk about Yamaguchi-san accounts for a significant part of it.
    • You’d think that, in a normal situation, it would start with an account of the incident itself, but instead it does with the story on Yamaguchi-san
    • From that point onward, there’s writing that one may very well suspect to be fantasies
    • Here, the defendant sets out to explain about the AKS rules. Why would the defendant even make such statements? One would understand, if it were the plaintiff saying that.
    • Couldn’t it possibly be that they wrote such because their aim is to lead it to a criticism on Yamaguchi-san, as in “Do you have any idea of what a bad thing, completely out of the rules, Yamaguchi-san herself did?”
    • “AKS keeps an eye out on consorting with fans in a severe way”
      • “It was a company that dealt punishments in an uncompromising way”
      • “Their control system is tight”
      • Those are the ostentatious things said by the defendants’ side. The defendants wouldn’t possibly know since they aren’t AKS, and yet all of a sudden they start with this explanation
    • Even though in the lawsuit document (shown in the picture in blue) AKS is stating “Even if there would be any consorting, no punishment would be dealt”,
      • The defendants still say that “They maintained a tight control system”
      • What is the merit for the defendant side to claim such a thing?
    • In case the claim was that the control system wasn’t well-done, the court case would have proceeded in their favor, but the defendant side is instead setting out with a claim that is praising AKS.
    • (In the document: The defendant asked Miss Yamaguchi to associate with him, and Miss Yamaguchi complied,)
      • (In the document: The defendant did that at the handshake event in February or March 2017)
      • At a later point they say how the story about the 800,000 yen spent on handshake tickets was around October or November (2018), the defendant doesn’t even clearly know or remember specific dates.
    • Is it to avoid that someone who actually went to the handshake event would come to identify him and testify “I have never seen any person doing such a thing”?
    • He keeps talking based on quite fuzzy recollections, indeed
    • Since there’s no declaration being made about him having ever met Yamaguchi-san or getting in touch with her before, by reading only that alone it would imply “When I met her for the first time”, or “When I got to talk and speak with her for the fist time”
    • (In the document: When at the handshake event, defendant #1 then requested of Miss Yamaguchi “I wish to meet with you privately”, and then Miss Yamaguchi agreed to defendant #1’s appeal)
      • Are you for real? lol (says Takkentaro)
    • At a handshake event, in a situation where the staff and other people are listening to you, it’s quite improbable to be asked “I want you to personally deliver presents, so I’d wish to meet with you privately”, and answer “Okay” to that
    • With idols having been attacked at handshake events, one can’t tell what may happen
      • So to it’s quite hard to believe that one person you don’t know well suddenly asks you to meet privately, and you would comply to their demand here in that place saying “I see”, the first time you meet them
    • Isn’t it lies? If it isn’t lies, then it’s pure delusions
    • So is it even realistic that to a person you met for the first time, at the handshake event where you met him for the first time, to a fan that you talked with for the first time, you would disclose to him the name of the building you live in and your room number?
    • Just as it’s unrealistic to tell him your telephone number during the first talk, at the first handshake event you ever met him
    • One or two months after said handshake event, he then moved over to the building where Yamaguchi-san was living. Isn’t it disturbing?
    • He says he moved there, yet according to the preparatory document he could only get in touch via Twitter’s direct messages
    • If you actually know the telephone number, wouldn’t you at least give a call?
    • If you claim you had met her in the hallway and donated to her clothes and accessories, then he should present evidence for it
    • So a person that you met for the first time at an handshake event merely one month back then moves in one month later, and he would gift you with clothes and accessories when he meets with you in the hallway. At this point, I’m shivering with terror.
    • It may happen that in order to appease a stalker, to avoid rubbing him the wrong way, you’d accept the items, but that’s the same as intimidation
    • (In the document: The association between defendant #1 and Miss Yamaguchi continued until Autumn 2017, defendant #1 was content enough with this situation)
      • I can only think it’s only normal that Yamaguchi-san would feel terrorized.
    • This incident is classified as an assault incident, but it makes one wonder if it isn’t rather a stalking incident.
    • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nh7MrMXNsq4
    • https://i.imgur.com/tWldd8n.jpg
    • https://i.imgur.com/3HSujyw.jpg
    • https://i.imgur.com/Sx5s8iU.jpg
    • https://i.imgur.com/gnd0Ju0.jpg
  • Yamaguchi Maho’s tweet
  • Sugahara Riko’s tweet
  • Setsu from AKB Shinbun: “Two days back, I received a voicemail from reporter Suzuki from Bunshun saying: There are two or three things I want to ask”
  • Takken Taro’s tweet: “I don’t get the point of a class action. The names (of the members) weren’t even mentioned expressly, so building a case against her would be hard. And why are the parents doing it? Would it be the staff suing?”
  • Talk on how the consorting episode written by Kasai on the preparatory documents is a “plagiarism of Sashihara’s episode”
  • One more Sashihara episode
  • EntaMEGA: Yamaguchi Maho “furious”, bafflement at the beyond far-fetched “intimate shot”
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