One of the cruel, and initially bewildering, things about Japanese pop music is the proliferation of slightly different versions of the same release. Regular and Limited, Type-A through Type-F, Anime Edition, Theater Edition, first-press pack-ins with various items….
The tragic thing for overseas fans is that the “Theater Edition” of 48 Group releases are only officially sold for handshake tickets, meaning they can’t be easily ordered to overseas addresses and normally don’t show up on the retail sites like CDJapan or Amazon. And since the theater edition song doesn’t get a music video, often you’ll never hear it, outside of a special TV performance. But in Japan these CDs are practically available for free, since people order dozens or hundreds for the tickets and then immediately throw them away.
Well, here’s another theater edition gem, off of STU48’s newest single 大好きな人 (dasuki na hito / The Person I Love). This wonderful song, 青い檸檬 (aoi remon / Green Lemons), is sung by the STU Vocal Senbatsu of Okada Nana, Kadowaki Miyuna, and Yano Honoka. I admit I’m mostly here for Naachan’s beautiful voice, but the whole song is really nice. STU’s home region of Setouchi is known for its lemons, so as an idol song the lyrics hit a lot of nice points.
Okada Nana Kadowaki Miyuna Yano Honoka
I made this as I really like having the lyrics to follow along with as I listen, plus I hope this helps the song reach more people. Without a video, I went with a maybe boring “spectrum analyzer” graphic treatment, but I like those slideshow videos even less.
As a first attempt at a lyric video, I ended up doing exactly what I wanted to avoid, which was assembly by brute force. I screen captured the media player graphical equalizer, then encoded that along with the static graphics and the sound file, having to re-align them as I went. Then did the actual timing, then re-encode again, pulling in the original sound file again to prevent too much weirdness. Hopefully for the next one I can figure out a better workflow….
STU48 青い檸檬 (aoi remon / Green Lemons) Translation by SaitoWinterStar 「熟していない青い檸檬が僕は好きだ "juku shite inai aoi remon ga boku wa suki da "I like those unripe green lemons 生まれてから僕はもう何個 齧っただろう?」 umarete kara boku wa mou nan ko kajitta darou?" Just how many have I chewed on since I was born?" 青い檸檬 水道の水で aoi remon suidou no mizu de Green lemons In the aqueduct water じゃぶじゃぶと洗って そっと齧った jabujabu to aratte sotto kajitta Splashing as I washed it And quietly chewed ああ 酸っぱくて aa suppakute Ah So sour 苦くて 顔をしかめた nigakute kao wo shikameta So bitter I grimaced 突然 走り出したくなった totsuzen hashiridashitaku natta All of the sudden I wanted to take off running 青春とは 理由のない行動 seishun to wa riyuu no nai koudou Youth It's about action without reason まだまだ 答えは見つからないけど mada mada koetae wa mitsukaranai kedo And yet Though the answer can't be found 僕はあの空 問いかけ続けるだろう boku wa ano sora toikake tsudzukeru darou I guess I'll keep on asking the sky 自分はどうして生まれて来たのか? jibun wa dou shite umarete kita no ka? Why is it I was born? 何のために生きていると言うのか? nan no tame ni ikite iru to iu no ka? What would you say I'm living for? 「思い切り青い檸檬にかぶりついた時の迸る果汁が若さだ "omoikiri aoi remon ni kaburi tsuita toki no hotobashiru kajuu ga wakasa da "Youth is that time I bit into a green lemon with all my strength and the juice came gushing out 少しくらい制服や辺りを汚したって構うものか!」 sukoshi kurai seifuku ya atari wo yogoshitatte kamau mono ka!" What do I care if a little gets on the ground and stains my uniform!" 君が僕に投げて寄越したね kimi ga boku ni nagete yokoshita ne You threw it at me, right? もぎたての香りの青い檸檬を… mogitate no kaori no aoi remon wo... The smell of a freshly-picked green lemon... ああ 友情は aa yuujou wa Ah Friendship いつしか 実ってるもの itsushika minotte ru mono Before you know It's ripening 夜明け 来るまで語り合った yoake kuru made katariatta We talked until the dawn came 卒業まで時間がある気がした sotsugyou made jikan ga aru ki ga shita It felt like there was time before we graduated まだまだ 未来を考えられずに mada mada mirai wo kangaerarezu ni And yet Unable to think about the future 僕は理想ばかり追い求めてた boku wa risou bakari oimotomete ta I was just chasing a dream 近くの現実 目を背けながら chikaku no genjistsu me wo somukenagara While looking away from the reality that was right there 誰のために夢を見ると言うのか? dare no tame ni yume wo miru to iu no ka? Who would you say I dream for? そこに 檸檬の木があったんだ soko ni remon no ki ga atta nda Right there There was a lemon tree 白い花を今でも覚えてるよ shiroi hana wo ima made mo oboete ru yo Even now I remember its white flowers まだまだ 答えは見つからないけど mada mada koetae wa mitsukaranai kedo And yet The answer can't be found, 僕はあの空 問いかけ続けるだろう boku wa ano sora toikake tsudzukeru darou But I guess I'll keep on asking that sky 自分はどうして生まれて来たのか? jibun wa dou shite umarete kita no ka? Why is it I was born? 何のために生きていると言うのか? nan no tame ni ikite iru to iu no ka? What would you say I'm living for? 「青い檸檬を丸ごと一個 食べ終えて "aoi remon wo marugoto ikko tabeoete "I finish eating a whole green lemon 僕は幸福感に満たされる boku wa koufukukan ni mitasareru And I'm filled with happiness 酸っぱさも苦さも人生なんだ」 suppasa mo nigasa mo jinsei nanda" Life is both the bitter and the sour"
SysopGrace · January 8, 2020 at 6:26 am
Hey! Thank you for posting this. I’m a big fan of naachan as well.
You said these are very cheap or free in Japan? Where are you getting them? I live out in Yokohama.
SaitoWinterStar · January 8, 2020 at 10:53 am
Yeah, even in my short time in Japan I threw away boxes and boxes of theater editions…
Recently I’ve been getting them from Yahoo auctions; I’m ordering from the US so I use Buyee to handle everything (proxy order, repackaging, international shipping). Depending on the group you can probably find people selling three or more different CDs together for a few hundred yen.
My Top Songs of 2019, Part 1 – SaitoWinterStar · December 16, 2019 at 12:52 am
[…] has a fair number of good singers, I’d take anything headlined by Naachan. It was my first lyric sub, so please excuse the weird […]