Here’s a quick one; a nice simple sweet song in 瀬戸内の妹 (setouchi no imouto / Little Sister of Setouchi), from STU48’s just-released single 無謀な夢は覚めることがない (mubou na yume wa sameru koto ga nai / A Reckless Dream You Won’t Wake From) [Type-C]. A parent-y sort of song, actually, but I suppose got it at just the right time.
I’ve been laid-up sick and so a new slow, soothing melody with some fairly straightforward lyrics hit the spot. A classic “seeing your newly-married daughter off” story makes a good fit for the STU nautical theme, along with just a little hometown nostalgia.

The first few times through I could swear I heard Okada Nana’s voice in there, but it’s actually an interesting mix of top 1st gen members. Seems to be based on some sort of tie-up with a bridal salon, though I guess I’ve missed the advertisements.
Feeling a little better about these lyric subs for the moment; hopefully this format will work going forward.
STU48 瀬戸内の妹 (setouchi no imouto / Little Sister of Setouchi) Translation by SaitoWinterStar 岬への坂道を misaki e no sakamichi wo Along the road to the cape どれだけ一緒に歩いたか? dore dake issho ni aruita ka? How long did we walk together? まだ幼い手を引いて mada osanai te wo hiite Still childishly pulling my hand 遠ざかる船を見た toozakaru fune wo mita We watched a ship sailing into the distance 大人になんかなりたくはないと otona ni nanka naritaku wa nai to It's not that I really want you to become an adult 化粧とかしなかったのに keshyou toka shinakatta no ni And though you didn't use makeup and such 久しぶりにちゃんと話した時 hisashiburi ni chanto hanashita toki When after so long we finally had a chance to talk 綺麗になっていた kirei ni natte ita You had grown beautiful 瀬戸内の妹よ setouchi no imouto yo Little sister of Setouchi しあわせになるんだよ shiawase ni naru nda yo Know that you make me happy そう声を掛けただけで sou koe wo kaketa dake de Just the way you called out to me 涙 滲んで来る namida nijinde kuru The tears come running down 瀬戸内の妹よ setouchi no imouto yo Little sister of Setouchi 故郷はここにある furusato wa koko ni aru This is the place of your birth 今日の日の夕焼けを kyou no hi no yuuyake wo The sunset here today ずっと忘れるな zutto wasureru na I will never forget it 港まで続く道 minato made tsudzuku michi The road leads to the harbor こんなに星が見えるなんて kon'na ni hoshi ga mieru nante And along the way we can see the stars 新しいその門出 atarashii sono kadode Starting your new life 祝ってくれるのか iwatte kureru no ka Are they coming to congratulate you? いつでも俺が繋いでいたのに itsudemo ore ga tsunaide ita no ni Even though I've always been tied to you 今はもうあいつが手を取る ima wa mou aitsu ga te wo toru Now that he's taken your hand どこに連れてってくれるのだろう doko ni tsurete tte kureru no darou I'm left to wonder where he'll lead you 桟橋で見送った sanbashi de miokutta I saw you off at the pier 瀬戸内の花嫁よ setouchi no hanayome yo Bride of Setouchi いい人に出会えたな ii hito ni deaieta na So you were able to meet someone good 今日からは二人きり kyou kara wa futarikiri And after today it will be just the two of you 力 合わせるんだ chikara awaseru nda Your strengths will join together 瀬戸内の花嫁よ setouchi no hanayome yo Bride of Setouchi 笑顔を忘れないで egao wo wasurenaide Please don't forget your smile 穏やかなこの海は odayakana kono umi wa These calm seas ずっと 見守ってる zutto mimamotte ru Shall always watch over you 瀬戸内の妹よ setouchi no imouto yo Little sister of Setouchi しあわせになるんだよ shiawase ni naru nda yo Know that you make me happy そう声を掛けただけで sou koe wo kaketa dake de Just the way you called out to me 涙 滲んで来る namida nijinde kuru The tears come running down 瀬戸内の妹よ setouchi no imouto yo Little sister of Setouchi 故郷はここにある furusato wa koko ni aru This is the place of your birth 今日の日の夕焼けを kyou no hi no yuuyake wo The sunset here today ずっと忘れるな zutto wasureru na I will never forget it 瀬戸内の花嫁よ setouchi no hanayome yo Bride of Setouchi しあわせになるんだよ shiawase ni naru nda yo Know that you make me happy もし家族 増えたなら moshi kazoku fueta nara And suppose our family grows 顔を見せに来い kao wo mise ni koi You must come to let us see きっといつの日か kitto itsu no hi ka Surely here someday