My translation of the summary from for 12/22 (Sunday).
Note: I try to repeat the Japanese thread as closely as possible here. Where I do make some editorial additions I’ll put them in [ ], though I do occasionally soften the posters’ tone.
- Maho in Ken-On’s calendar
- Riko’s tweet
- The NGT senbatsu members, who were supposed to have been selected based on the training camp, were in the end chosen based on their stature and aura.
- Takken Taro video: “NGT48 — The plaintiff and defendants, it’s mutual love♪ LoveyDovey💛”
- Riko’s tweet
- Rena’s Instastory
- Kasai TwitCasts again. He doesn’t give any significant answers at all. He stopped it after getting agitated from 5ch provocation.