I was shuffling through my J-pop playlist recently and this song popped up. Although according to iTunes I had listened to it a couple times, it hadn’t made that much of an impression. I wonder what changed, but this time one line really jumped out at me and had me looping the song over and over.
耳に落ちる涙 (mimi ni ochiru namida / Tears Running Down My Ear) is from Hinata’s first single, キュン (Kyun), sung by the all 1st gen members (minus Kageyama Yuuka who was, and still is, on hiatus for school).
Its one of those “up-tempo but sad” songs, and a nice contrast to the catchy but very saccharine A-side. Interestingly Katoshi, rather than the vocal powerhouse Kyoko, noticeably has the lead vocal here, and I think does a good job with it.
Only the two generation songs (this one and the 2nd gen’s in the Regular edition) didn’t get music videos, so I’m back at trying lyric subs. This time I decided to sit down and learn enough of After Effects to make something happen. Not exactly what I was going for with graphical frequency analyzer, but getting closer, and with a much more reasonable workflow (though AE loves gobbling up memory, huh).
Oh, and it’s this line from the chorus,
mimi ni ochiru namida no shizuku yo
The drip of tears running down my ear
that caught my attention. For some reason I particularly like both the sound in Japanese and the meaning. 😢 Also I’m feeling better about this translation than the last couple, which probably means it’s extra wrong!
日向坂46 (Hinatazaka46) 耳に落ちる涙 (mimi ni ochiru namida / Tears Running Down My Ear) Translation by SaitoWinterStar ふと一週間を振り返り futo isshuukan wo furikaeri Unexpectedly, looking back at the week 楽しいことは何もなかったと tanoshii koto wa nani mo nakatta to When I started to think about it 思い始めたら omoi hajimetara There was nothing enjoyable 悲しくなって来たんだ kanashiku natte kita nda And it made me sad 君と僕とのあやふやな関係 kimi to boku to no ayafuya na kankei The uncertain relationship between you and me はっきりさせたいわけじゃないけど hakkiri sasetai wakejanai kedo It's not that I want to force us to clear things up なぜか気になって naze ka ki ni natte But for some reason I'm worrying about it 何度 寝返り打つのだろう nando negaeri utsu no darou How long will I toss and turn? 部屋の電気消せず ずっと明るいままで heya no denki kesezu zutto akarui mama de I didn't turn off the lights And so in my bright room 天井を眺めてた tenjou wo nagamete ta I was staring at the ceiling シングルベッドで… SHINGURU BEDDO de... On my single bed... 耳に落ちる涙の雫よ mimi ni ochiru namida no shizuku yo The drip of tears running down my ear その熱さを僕は忘れない sono atsusa wo boku wa wasurenai I won't forget that warmth 目尻 溢れ 流れて行くんだ mejiri afure nagarete yuku nda Overflowing from the corner of my eye and streaming down 自分の弱さ 誰にも見せないように… jibun no yowasa dare ni mo misenai you ni... I hope I don't show my weakness to anyone... 泣こう 泣こう 泣こう nakou nakou nakou I'll cry cry cry こんな夏の夜 kon'na natsu no yoru This summer night 考え込むタイプじゃないって kangaekomu TAIPU janai tte I'm just the worrying type 自分のことを思っていたのに jibun no koto wo omotte ita no ni That's what I thought of myself ずっと抜け出せない zutto nukedasenai But I can't snap out of it 青春は迷路だった seishun wa meiro datta My youth was a maze ある日 連絡ピタリなくなって aru hi renraku PITARI naku natte One day I suddenly stopped hearing from you 何かムカついて寂しくなって nanka MUKAtsuite sabishiku natte Upset about something, you became distant だけど僕からは dakedo boku kara wa However when I reach out 絶対 会いに行ったりしない zettai ai ni ittari shinai You'll never come see me コーヒー飲んだせいか やけに目が冴えていて KOUHII nonda seika yake ni me ga saete ite Maybe it's the coffee I drank But my eyes are incredibly clear さっきから動かない sakki kara ugokanai And haven't moved in forever デジタル時計よ DEJITARU dokei yo From the digital clock 耳に落ちて涙に気づいた mimi ni ochite namida ni kidzuita I noticed the tears running down my ear 知らぬうちに悔いを残してたのか? shiranu uchi ni kui wo nokoshite ta no ka? Did you leave me with these regrets without realizing it? 今は何も拭わずにいよう ima wa nani mo nuguwazu ni iyou Now I'll lie here and not wipe them away 想い すべて いつか枯れてしまうまで omoi subete itsuka karete shimau made Until someday when all these feelings wither away ずっと ずっと ずっと zutto zutto zutto Forever forever forever 僕はこのままだ boku wa kono mama da Will I be like this 変な泣き方だ hen na naki kata da It's a curious way to cry 耳に落ちる涙の雫よ mimi ni ochiru namida no shizuku yo The drip of tears running down my ear その熱さを僕は忘れない sono atsusa wo boku wa wasurenai I won't forget that warmth 目尻 溢れ 流れて行くんだ mejiri afure nagarete yuku nda Overflowing from the corner of my eye and streaming down 自分の弱さ 誰にも見せないように… jibun no yowasa dare ni mo misenai you ni... I hope I don't show my weakness to anyone... 泣こう 泣こう 泣こう nakou nakou nakou I'll cry cry cry こんな夏の夜 kon'na natsu no yoru This summer night
1 Comment
My Top Songs of 2019, Part 1 – SaitoWinterStar · December 16, 2019 at 12:53 am
[…] 日向坂46 — 耳に落ちる涙 (mimi ni ochiru namida / Tears Running Down My Ear) Sub […]